Yamashita Family Archives

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Pamphlet defines Assembly Center as "Convenient gathering point within the military area, where evacuees live temporarily while awaiting the opportunity for orderly planned movement to a Relocation Center outside of the military area." Relocation…


Undated, Virginia to Kay_Page_1.jpg
Virginia says that Remo (her husband?) is working a lot as a steel-worker building ships.

Undated, FOR member to Kay, survey.jpg
Sarah Anne Rapp, a Fellowship of Reconciliation affiliate or member, reaches out to Kay with a number of questions, having seen Kay's name in the Topaz Times.

Undated letter from friend to Kay.pdf

Undated, Easter card to Kay_Page_1.jpg
About getting Kay out of camp

Undated, christmas card from Elizabeth Knowlton to Kay_Page_1.jpg

Bio on Maynard Kreuger.jpg
Maynard C. Krueger was part of a group of educational leaders who wanted to help Japanese American students finish their education during evacuation. More details anyone?

Undated, notes on Tanforan curriculum_Page_1.jpg
Notebook A page 97

Undated, Nora Waln, quaker writing on theoretical Nazi invasion of US_Page_1.jpg
Bernard G. Waring forwards Nora Waln's statement to fellow Quakers about her response to Catholic friends on what she would do if the Nazi's were to invade Britain. She says that she would not be afraid and not fight, but try to win them to God's…

A2_ pg191 .jpg
repeat document

Undated, Kay's ally contacts_Page_1.jpg
Includes name from Boston, Buffalo, Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, St. Louis, Washingtion D.C., Hartford.

Ted has already gone to University of Colorado

I think its says, As an American, I can sincerely say that I am worried about a future of a country that disenfranchizes itself. Not sure what the word says though.

From Sylvia and Goth) just signed card, Also a card from Josephin W. [Duveneck] cut off in scan

Special Transfer Application_77-79.pdf
Tomi writes out a paragraph explaining her case to be reunited with her daughter, son in law and grandaughter and asking for them to be transferred to Topaz since the camps are becoming more permanent.

Undated, AFSC Hiddle Villa Project at Los Altos_Page_1.jpg
This announcement and description of the youth programming by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). Handwriting on the top of the first page says "For Ted"


1946 3 5 Letter from Kay ot War Dept.pdf
Kay applies to the War Department be a temporary Civil Service Employee for overseas work in Japan. Kay's work reference in Washington is Miss Helen Paul of the War Relocation Authority. She does not know what kind of jobs are available as a civil…
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