Life in camp
Dublin Core
Life in camp
Records, artifacts and ephemera from Camp, also includes photos of camp that are cross-referenced in other collections, such as albums made specifically of one of the seven sansei (3rd generation) Yamashita siblings.
Items in the Life in camp Collection
Kix with dog, in Topaz
Candid photo in the Utah Historical Society. A Japanese American living in Salt Lake City visited friends in Topaz with his dog. Naturally Kix, who grew up with dogs, had to see it. Kix is on the right next to the dog. I recognized the striped…
Community Welfare Department
This is an official WRA photo that was given to Sus--presume that the officers (and the entire staff?) were given copies. It was taken during the period that Kimi and Marty were in Topaz since Kimi is in the photo (5/14 - 8/28/1943).
Collection Tree
- War Years
- Life in camp