Yamashita Family Archives

Browse Items (82 total)

1942 8 18 King to Marnie_Page_1.jpg

1942 7 1 King to Jones_Page_2.jpg

1942 9 11 King Trudy essay _Page_2.jpg

1945 5 22 Duv to Morris_Page_1.jpg

1944 4 21 Duveneck to Jones.jpg
Duveneck writes about her recent trip to Tule Lake. She wants someone from the Philadelphia AFSC to visit there on an ongoing basis, describes the people working there.

1942 9 9 Duveneck to Cary_Page_1.jpg
Duveneck discusses Lincoln Kanai's case and his request for habeus corpus, and his imprisonment for six months for violating the freezing act.  Duveneck also responds to Cary's question about the role of protest, and if cooperating with the…

1944 4 14 Conard to Morris_Page_1.jpg
Letter about a delegation of persons including UC administrators visiting Secreatary Ickes about putting forwards a resolution to make the WRA have a responsibility in resettlment.  They group wants this campaign to be quite private, without any…

1944 5 22 Conard to Cary_Page_1.jpg

Lays out a plan of action to house returning Japanese Americans in hostels, discusses the feelings of black people in the neighborhood about this return.

1942 8 5 Cary to Duveneck.pdf
Letter about the role of protest

1942 2 4 Booth to Pickett_Page_1.jpg
Letter talks about the growing hysteria in Los Angeles and the meetings between top officials. Some law enforcements officials are asking for the removal of all people of Japanese ancestry from the Pacific Coast. Booth considers all of the leaders to…

1942 4 3 Booth to Eisenhower_Page_2.jpg
Personnel search Letter to War Relocation Authority official in SF. Letter to WRA official, Milton S. Eisenhower in San Francisco. Seems to be about filling the position of Consulting Psychologist, since one guy is leaving to go to France.

Godfrey writes about San Jose State College being open to receiving a Japanese American student and asks Kay to write to Heart Mountain to find a student from San Jose who could apply. He also asks if Kay is interested in working on the west coast…

A2_ pg158.07-.08 date2_17_44_Page_1.jpg

1942 5 28 Evacuation Report #4_Page_1.jpg
AFSC Report on the evacuation of Japanese Americans in San Francisco, May 26, 1942, by Betty Baker, 2 pages.

1942 5 Evacuation report #2_Page_2.jpg
AFSC Report on the evacuation of Japanese Americans in San Francisco, 3 pages.

1944 6 1 Morris to Friends_Page_3.jpg

1944 3 5 Report on JA Resettlement_Page_1.jpg
Margaret E. Jones (AFSC) Letter, 2 pages.

1944 4 7 Memo on JA Resettlement.pdf
War Relocation Authority policy on closure of internment camps and resettlement of evacuees.
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