Yamashita Family Archives

Browse Items (82 total)


1945 11 21 Resettlement Report_Page_2.jpg

1944 5 31 Conard to Friends_Page_1.jpg

1945 11 11 Conard to Pickett_Page_1.jpg

1945 11 23 Conard to Pickett_Page_1.jpg

1945 11 11 Conard to Waring_Page_2.jpg

1945 Resolution JA League on Resettlemnt _Page_1.jpg
 Resolution made by the Japanese American League.  Letter from Morris to Conrad about the AFSC chapter's reservations in declaring support for this resolution.  


1943 9 7 Sayre to Morris.jpg

1943 6 24 Nason to Sayres.jpg
Nason suggests that Student Relocation Council not pubish a strongly worded article by Foote about relocation.

1945 1 10 Conference on Interracial Coordination_Page_4.jpg
Describes an agenda to pressure municipal, state government jobs to hire Japanese evacuees back and to encourage other fields to hire Japanese on equal terms with white citizens.

Superman Comic_Page_1.jpg

1942 12 1 American companies which used to be in Japan _Page_1.jpg
A list of U.S. companies that had connections to Japan. Not sure what entity produced this list.

1943 6 18 Letter from Kay to President Nason, Hoover Institute.pdf

1943 7 3 Newsletter from Kay to President Nason.pdf

1943 10 19 Letter from Kay to President Nason .pdf

1944 2 17 Letter from Kobayashi to Kay and response_Hoover.pdf

1944 11 4 Letter from Walt Godfrey to Kay.pdf

1968 12 23 Letter from Kay to John Nason.pdf

1969 1 Letters between John Nason and Kay.pdf
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