Yamashita Family Archives

Browse Items (123 total)

1942 John’s Individual Record_Page_1.jpg

1942 9 26 Sermon given by John at Topaz_Page_1.jpg

1942 9 22 Letter from John to Mrs. Coxhead (no transcription)_Page_1.jpg

1942 11 28 Letter from John to Methodist Book Concern.jpg

1942 12 11 Letter from John to Garrett.jpg

1942? Notes on Church Activities in Camp_Page_1.jpg

1942 7 26 Young People’s Council_Page_1.jpg

1942 5 31 Tanforan Young People Fellowship Council_Page_1.jpg

1942 6 21 Tanforan Young People Fellowship Council_Page_1.jpg

1942 5 Formation of Tanforan Young People Fellowship Council _Page_1.jpg

1942 7 Tanforan Young People Fellowship Bulletin _Page_1.jpg

1942 8 14 Letter from Frank Herron Smith to John (no transcription)_Page_1.jpg

1936 11 The North American Methodist Advocate Bulletin _Page_1.jpg

1936 8 5 Pacific Japanese (Methodist) Mission Conference Bulletin_Page_1.jpg

1935 9 The Pastor’s Journal_Page_1.jpg
Has article by Frank Herron Smith

1943 11 1 General Letter, possibly written by Frank Herron Smith_Page_1.jpg
Author mentions anti-Japanese sentiment in Chicago,

1943 Christmas for our Japanese Evacuees and Segregees _Page_1.jpg
Also includes information on Baltimore Methodist Conference, not sure if two documents are actually related. 

1943 Letter from Frank Herron Smith to John, need to rescan.jpg

1942 9 21 Letter from John to Frank Herron Smith_Page_1.jpg

1942 9 8, 18 Letter from John to Frank Herron Smith_Page_1.jpg
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