Yamashita Family Archives

Browse Items (123 total)

1942 8 26 Letter from John to Frank Herron Smith_Page_1.jpg

1942 7 15 Letter from John to Frank Herron Smith_Page_1.jpg

1942 9 26 Letter from John to Mary _Page_1.jpg

1942 10 6 Letter from John to John Carlisle.jpg

1942 9 21 Letter from Japanese Church Federation of N. Cal to John.jpg

1942 9 21 Letter from John to Rev. Giles_Page_1.jpg

1942 7 31 Letter form Frank Herron Smith to John.pdf

1942 8 20 Letter from John to Frank Herron Smith.jpg

1942 5 29 Letter from John to Frank Herron Smith _Page_1.jpg

1942 9 6 Letter from John to George Greene, 1942 9 1 Letter from John to Mary Coxhead.jpg

1942 Sunday School Class Attendance, taught by John _Page_1.jpg

Undated, Do Something.jpg

Crucifix image.jpg

1937 12 9 Los Angelese Times Clipping_Page_1.jpg

1942 11 13 Letter from Trudy King to John.jpg

1942 6 9 Letter from Charles Pine to Mr Giles.jpg

Sermon Notes.jpg

Notes on Scripture.jpg

1941 10 19 Oakland Methodist Church Service Program_Page_1.jpg

1944 5 1 Recommendation Letter for Sachi Kajiwara from John.jpg
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