Yamashita Family Archives

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1943 4 2 Kay to Duvenecks_Page_1.jpg
Kay thanks them for Christmas gift of fabric. Tomi will sew a dress but has to wait her turn on the block sewing machine. An elderly man was fatally shot for getting to close to the barbed wire fence. The M.P. was court marshalled.

1943 5 13 Kay to Ms. Duveneck.jpg
Duveneck assures Kay that if she stays at a Chicago hostel, she will certainly find a job there.

1943 5 5 Martha to Kay_Page_1.jpg
Martha writes from Poston, Arizona that she is very cherred up by Kay's letter and care for her wellbeing since her other friends at Topaz haven't been writing her. She worries that she won't be able to find a job if relocated and needs to make money…

1943 5 6 Kay to Ms. Duveneck_Page_1.jpg
Kay writes about leaving camp to attend her brother's graduation from Garrett Seminary in Chicago/ Evanston. She doesn't know what kind of work she can get out there though, and is thinking about doing domestic work if there are no desk or office…

1943 5 8 Kay to Martha_Page_1.jpg
A letter from Kay Yamashita at Topaz to a Martha at Washington University in St. Louis. Kay plans on spending a couple days in St. Louis before she goes to Chicago and asks if she can stay with Martha or if Martha can find her a place to stay. She…

1943 5 8 Kay to Margaret.jpg
Kay asks if she could stay with her in Chicago to look for a job.

1943 2 26 Letter from Kay to Martha at Wash U.pdf
A letter to Kay Yamshita from Martha, a Japanese-American college student whom Kay helped relocate to Washington University in St. Louis. Marhta descrives her journey to St. Louis and life at the university. She also descrives a committee set up by…

Kay describes (pg 4) discussion groups/ workshops, one pertaining to the "Negro Problem" and "how their problem relates to ours." Other workshops were on the history of Japan taught by a kibei. Kay also gives lots of personal updates.

Kay discusses news about student relocation, a new hire/volunteer from the west coast, schools that have confidential naval training on their campuses and thus are not open to JA students. Shows communication between camps. Also a new guide on…

1943 3 27 Notice on action on leave clearance application, Kay.jpg
Kay is notified on March 27, 1943 that she has been cleared for indefinite leave in the Easter Defense Command. This notice does not authorize departure from camp. She must apply again to leave.

1943 5 1 Letter from Kay to Martha.pdf
A letter from Kay Yamashita at Topaz to a Martha at Poston. Kay tells about her life, describing her sister Iyo's marriage, her work with Student Relocaion and her plans to leave camp, going first to her brother Tom's graduation in Lincoln and then…

1943 5 6 Letter from Kay to Mrs. Duveneck.pdf
A letter (probably from Kay Yamashita) to Jospehine Duveneck, thanking her for a card she sent. The letter writer goes on to say that she plans to leave her internment camp for Chicago to visit her brother and look for work. She askss Duveneck for…

1943 10 13 Letter from Kay to Joe Goodman and friends 81-83.pdf
A letter from Kay Yamashita--recently transferred from Tanforan to the Central Utah Relocation Project--to Joe Goodman and other friends. She describes the new relocation center, which does not appear to be very nice. Kay has been working with…

She says that there is a need for the council and disputes the four claims or arguments for closing the council based on lack of need. She also states that people who are not from the camps might have less of an understanding/ attachment. "We who…

1944 10 20 Kay to Helen Paul.pdf

1944 10 24 Helen Paul to Kay.jpg

1944 10 24 Helen Paul to Kay, informal.jpg
Helen Paul writes a personal letter saying that she doesn't think Kay will be satisfied in the job that she's being offered at the WRA compared to her job at the Student Relocation Council, invites her to stay with her to do more job hunting in…

A2_ pg175-176 date 11_16_44.pdf
A letter from Kay Yamshita to Helen Paul expressing thanks for a recent letter she sent her. Kay is trying to decide whether or not to stay with the National Japanese American Student Relocation Council. She likes her job but is having difficulties…

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