Contract between the War Relocation Authority and John Yamashita about how the hostel should be operated. The WRA will allow this hostel to use government property (cots and mattresses) from May 1, 1945 to Dec 31, 1945. John agrees not to…
Kimi and Bob Ono and their daughter Martha were sent to Jerome Incarceration Camp in Arkansas. The family lived in Fresno at the time before evacuation or forced removal and for some reason decided or were not able to travel to Oakland to be united…
This is an official WRA photo that was given to Sus--presume that the officers (and the entire staff?) were given copies. It was taken during the period that Kimi and Marty were in Topaz since Kimi is in the photo (5/14 - 8/28/1943).
William Inouye, formerly interned at Tule Lake, encourages fellow Tuleans to move to Philadelphia where he now lives. he describes welcoming Hakujin Quakers who have supported issei and niseis there. He finished college and works as a chemist and his…
Describes housing crisis in Los Angeles, eviction of Filipinos and Mexicans and others from Bunker Hill for highway contstruction and urban renewal projects, and the incoming of 1200 Japanese evacuees each week to Los Angeles. Booth recommends…
Describes population increases (white, black and other minorities) in San Francisco during the war years and the intensified housing shortage. The 6,000 Japanese people who were evacuated would face this housing shortage too if they were to return…