Letter from Oakland Methodist Church Hostel (Ichiro Isokawa) to Alameda Methodist Church Hostel (Mr. Akamatsu) about an extension from the WRA on loans of cots and mattresses.
Contract between the War Relocation Authority and John Yamashita about how the hostel should be operated. The WRA will allow this hostel to use government property (cots and mattresses) from May 1, 1945 to Dec 31, 1945. John agrees not to…
Letter sent from the Girl Scouts of America, local Oakland branch to the WRA which was then forwarded to all hostels in the area. Gertrude Hall writes inviting the hostels to send her a list of girls ages 7 to 16 who might be interested in joining…
Robert Feldhammer, District Relocation Officer, writes to the hostel letting them know that Richmond Housing Project has openings of 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments for Japanese Americans without military service to apply.
John Yamashita's notes on people who have stored items in the church. He records the amount they have stores (Small, Medium or Large), if they have paid to have the items shipped to them and if the hostel has sent an acknowledgment to them at their…
John Yamashita and Ish Isokawa who worked at setting up the hostel at the Japanese Methodist Church in Oakland, logged an inventory of the amount that people stored into the category of Large, Medium and Small stored amounts. They would also write…
List of names and addresses that have been crossed off. This may be a list of names that John and Ish Isokawa have contacted about their property stored at the Oakland Methodist Church.
Letter from John Yamashita to Mr. K Komatsu in reference to Frank Morita's letter contesting his status as having a large amount of storage at the Oakland Methodist Church. Having a large amount, increases his fees in getting his property sent to…
Mr. Wasuke Nabeshima (now living in Newell, California) writes to John asking for him to write to let him a receipt for the check that Mr. Nabeshima sent for his property shipment.