1945 11 29 Letters between from Robertson Fort and Yone Nakazawa, and her brother in law, Karl Nakazawa. She was born in Japan, educated in the U.S., interned and now fears deportation.
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1945 11 29 Letters between from Robertson Fort and Yone Nakazawa, and her brother in law, Karl Nakazawa. She was born in Japan, educated in the U.S., interned and now fears deportation.
Robertson Fort, secretary of Japanese American Relocation of the Philadelphia AFSC writes to Yone and Karl, trying to be of help to them. He mentions a trial happening in D.C. The brother in law served in the army. He asks for assistance from Robertson Fort. After being interned at Heart Mountain, Yone left to work as a typist, secreatry for an African American attorney and then a chemical company in Cincinnati.
Robertson Fort and Yone Nakazawa
Nov 1, 1945 - Dec 31, 1945
American Friends Service Committee Archives in Philadelphia
Robertson Fort and Yone Nakazawa, “1945 11 29 Letters between from Robertson Fort and Yone Nakazawa, and her brother in law, Karl Nakazawa. She was born in Japan, educated in the U.S., interned and now fears deportation.,” Yamashita Family Archives, accessed March 14, 2025, https://yamashitaarchives.ucsc.edu/items/show/1030.