Yamashita Family Archives

1942 12 12 Letter from Kay to Tom

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1942 12 12 Letter from Kay to Tom


Page 1: Kay is relieved to hear from Tommy "a-unshin shita." Mom Tomi and John picnic at Mt. Topaz. Remembers mom's bday the previous year, 5 days after Pearl Harbor. Gifts: Mrs. Obata bought a cake, Ted sent chocolates and stationary box. Passed the mail inspection. Tomi made a coat and beret out of blue tweed from Chiz. Quakers send gifts for kids through Mrs. Kingman. Mr. Fiske gives sermons and lectures.

Page 2: Kay talks about her barrack layout. Praises Topaz Administration as being understanding and "tops", Mr. Ernst, Art Eaton, Mr. Lorne Bell... In the Social Service Dept workers wrote letter trying to get students in college. (Ki Nomura, Shizu Hikoyeda, Asako Sakai, Fumi Takemoto, June Neida, George Hirose etc). Kay remarks on dust storm weather like Calexico.

Page 3: John tells Kay that she's a sap for writing such a detailed letter. Kay thanks Tom Bodine. Many people want to leave for employment or school. John is depressed and frustrated in waiting for leave permit. His scholarship from Union Theological came after accepting Garret Seminary. His sermon at church "had a tone of real bitterness with I have never heard John to express and too it certainly wasn't up to his usual high standards." Chiz is working in the hospital which is a "hornet's nest" because "a certain Caucasian nurse who has made life miserable for every RN." All the nurse's aides want to quit, but continue working because of Chiz.


Kay Yamashita



Kay Yamashita, “1942 12 12 Letter from Kay to Tom,” Yamashita Family Archives, accessed May 19, 2024, https://yamashitaarchives.ucsc.edu/items/show/1976.


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