Sus' Diary 1945 Transcription
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Sus' Diary 1945 Transcription
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Typist's note: Everything has been copied exactly as Dad wrote it. There are days when no entry was made so I have not written those dates.
The first 2 entries in the book are written by Mom on January 1 and 2, 1944. After that there are no further entries until June 11
when Dad started using the book as his diary in 1945.
Saturday, January 1, 1944
Our 9:45 breakfast this morning consisted of grapefruit, ozoni, rice, and otsukemono with tea to drink. Sus
had to leave immediately after for the farm to work, so while he was away I cleaned house, changing sheets,
etc., to start the New Year right. Tish, Leiko, Frank, and Min Nakamura dropped in this afternoon to visit
us. Tonight, Frank came to call for us and we dropped in at Mom's where Tish and Leiko was. Frank and
Sus went to a "party" at Mr. Morita's at Block 35, while I spent the rest of the evening at Tish's. We didn't
get home until 1 a.m.
Listened to Lawrence Tibbitts in "La Traviota" coming from the Opera House, Metroploitan, in N.Y. today.
Mother had a terrible headache today. She is still feeling very despondent and listless.
Sunday, January 2, 1944
Although new snow did not fall today, it was extremely cold, and the snow from yesterday did not melt. I
got up for breakfast and prepared Sus' and Kimiko's at home. Chimney sweeping was Sus' job this morning,
and he cleaned ours thoroughly while I did a big wash and did some ironing. Sus had to work this aft at the
farm. I did not feel well today, having an attack of nausea again. Lost all my breakfast and lunch, and that
terrible saliva bothered me all morning as I washed.
Tonight Mike Kudo came over for dinner, and Mother made chicken sukiyaki for the occasion. We ate at her
house, and upon putting Kimiko to bed, we four played "Tripoley" until 12:30 a.m.
Monday, June 11, 1945
Left Topaz.
On the train-dropped post cards and letters to the following.
Tsuno, Kojimoto, Miyauchis, Hanamura, Shinkai, Nakajima,K.,Yasuda, N., Saneai, Yatabe, Iyeki,
Saito,K. , Asaeda (Toshio), John Y., Bob Asano, Prait, McClusky (Frances) Jenkins (Nellie), Bell,
Lafabrigue, Dickenson, Momma
Wednesday, June 13
Arrived in Chicago at 10:30 AM intead of the scheduled time at 9:30 A.M.
Mother, Neisan, and Isao and Mike met me at the station.
Talked with Tommy, especially as he was leaving for Camp Shelby the same evening.
Went after Chizu and Kay after their work. Chizu treated us to a Chinese dinner.
'Saw Isao off.
Talked till very late.
Thursday, June 14
Spent all day, resting and talking to Mother and Neisan.
Good 01' Mike came to see me at noon and talked till a little before 4:00 p.m. when he had to go to
The linos came to see us - and staid until 9:00 p.m.
Played "Hana" tonight. Kay learned to play. Mother won overwhelmingly.
Talked again with three sisters mostly re Kay's immediate future on her matrimony.
Went to bed at 1 :30 A.M.
Friday, June 15 Rain- heavy rain late at night.
Spent with Mike most of the day.
Entertained at supper by Mike and Buddy.
Went to the Babas- staid till 2:00 A.M.
Saturday, June 16 Sprinkling all day.
Visited the Sekiguchis with Mother and Neisan in P.M.
Sunday, June 17
Left Chicago in early morning.
Everyone saw me off, including Neisan, at the station.
Monday, June 18
Arrived in New Orleans
Thursday, June 21
Left New Orleans at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 23 Very warm
Arrived in Philadelphia about two hours later than schedule. Went to Iyo's on a taxi around noon.
Found Iyo and Pat very well. Spent talking and resting all afternoon.
Wrote to Mother et al in Chicago, The Tamakis in S.F., and Kiyoko.
Sunday, June 24 Fair-warm
Rested in the morning.
Visited the Uchidas with Iyo in the afternoon. Forgot time in talking-staid until dinner-time. Mr.
Uchida and Kay took us to a near-by Chinese restaurant.
Staid a little while more.
Called on the Yabukis who are living just around the corner.
Returned to Iyo's at about 11 :00 p.m.
Wrote to Kiyoko.
Monday, June 25
Left Iyo's 8:45 AM.
Took train for N.Y. at North Phil. Station arrived in N.Y. at 11 :30 A.M.
Had to pay $2.50 taxi fare to get to the Brooklyn Hotel.
Rested all afternoon.
Tuesday, June 26
Rested most of the day.
Did washing and ironing in P.M.
Wednesday, June 27
Saw Senner at Yamaoka's office.
Lunched with them.
Went to W.R.A.-was assigned to Mrs. Hays by Mrs. Asher. Met Steiding and Berryman.
Thursday, June 28
Kenyon gave me a luncheon. Strolled to Rockefeller Center.
Saw Nishimura at W.R.A. office.
Invited to Margaret Saito's in the evening.
Friday, June 29
Tried to see Warners of Frazar in A.M.- out of town.
Interviewed Harold Anderson of G.T. in P.M.
Saturday, June 30
Saw Graves at 11 :00 A.M.
Mrs. Hisa Ishii and Eiko Fujii came to stay at the Hostel. Old Oakland M.E. Church folks had a gettogether
at the Hostel.
Sunday, July 1
Went to a tea at M.E. Church on W. 10sth St. at 3:00 p.m. Met many friends. Mr. Uchida was there. Also Mr. Hashimoto and Arth. Ono.
Had supper with Messrs. Uchida and Hashimoto at a near-by automat. (near the church.)
Returned to the hostel around 9:00 p.m. Wrote some letters.
Monday, July 2
Found Warners of Frazer still out of town.
Went to W. R.A. Was suggested to go to the State Dept. of Commerce, and see Major Park.
Was invited to dinner at Miyako by Rev. & Mrs. I. Tanaka-Mrs. Ishii, Eiko Fujii and Hisa's two
children were also invited. Later, went to the Tanaka's apt.
Tuesday, July 3
Saw Mr. Uchida at M.E. Church and had a private talk with him. Mr. Hashimoto joined us later.
Had supper at a Chinese restaurant near the church.
Went to see Toby Ogawa. Staid till about 11 :00 p.m.
Couldn't see Maj. Park at Dept. of Commerce today. He was tied up.
Wednesday, July 4
In active all day long. Wrote some letters
Thursday, July 5 Occasional showers-cool
AM. Went to Department of Commerce to see Major Park, who referred me to Export Finders
Lunched with James Nakayama at Downtown Oriental Food Restaurant
P.M. Took all afternoon to see Mr. Rowntree of Export Finders.
Enjoyed dinner at Amy K. Maniwa's home.
Friday, July 6
Staid in in the morning. Did some washing.
Went to see Mr. Rowntree at Export Finders Bureau (S Bridge St. ). Didn't come to Ferms-passed
up the opportunity.
Went to Times Square to get the Times.
Returned to the hostel around 4:00 p.m. and ironed some shirts and handkerchieves.
Had a dinner at Sumies with her, Mary Kusumine and Sumie's brother. Talked till 11:15 p.m.
Stopped at Times Square to get the Times on my way back to the Hostel.
Saturday, July 7 Cloudy and cool
Staid in all day. Wrote all day.
Wrote a lengthy letter to Kiyoko for the first time since July 4,--enclosed the two letters Kiyoko
sent-Suddie's and Evelyn's.
Wrote to Mrs. Ueyama, Mr. Endo, Mrs. Kuwashima.
Fatigue began to show. Had to take a nap in the late afternoon.
Sunday, July 8 Fair - cool
a.m. Went to Times Sq. to get the Times. Left the Hostel 10:10 AM.- reached Times Sq. 10:40.
Had to wait in a long line for 45 minutes to get the paper. The Deliverers strike brought a lot of
d ifficu Ities.
Lunch-dinner at the Hostel at 1 :30 p.m.
p.m. Read the paper and rested most of the afternoon.
Took a walk near the Hostel. Had a sandwich and a choc. malt.
Wrote letters to: Lloyd Shinkai, Mrs. Taneko, James Hirokawa, Sgt. Richard Suenaka.
Sent for a free "Facts" booklet from the Commercial Travelers (Mutual-accident Association of
America founded in 1883) Utica 2, N.Y. Saw its ad. in the N.Y. Times.
Received a phone call from Mrs. Marie Kuwashima in a.m. re Export F. Bus. She suggested that I
contact Mr. Sakaguchi at Shudokai.
Monday, July 9
Saw RF. Warners of Frazar.
Went to apply for a time study work at Western Electric Co., 403 Hudson- was told that the
openings were filled.
Went to the Academy of Advanced Traffic, 299 Broadway (near Chambers St) to see what they
had to offer on their course-air freight-traffic mana~ement.
Called on Mr. & Mrs. Henry Yamada 350 % W. 24 h St. , N.Y. following Grave's suggestion. Met
Katsutaro Tezuka (Japanese writing in this parenthesis)
Tuesday, July 10
Dropped in at N.Y. Technical Institute, 108 Fifth Ave.
Luncheon with Peter Aoki-and John Iwatsu.
Went to Farm Bureau Insurance Co. agent 101 Park Ave.
Sent a "resume" to Mrs. Laverne Madigan, W.RA, Newark.
Wednesday, July 11
Luncheon with Mas Hoshino
Was at the Y.M.C.A school to see what they had to offer.
Wrote a long letter to Mother and all others. Also a lengthy letter to Kiyoko letting her know the upto-
date situation.
Thursday, July 12 Cool
Left the Hostel 8:30 AM.
Caught the train for Phila at 9:10 AM. Reached Phila-Broad St. about 10:45 AM. Phoned from
the station: Mr. C. Walter Borton, Jennet Walker, Iyo T., and D.T. Uchida.
Lunched with Iyo at a Chinese Restaurant.
Met Walker at W.R A at 1 :30 p.m. Was introduced to Mr. Snyder, Nellie Nagano, Hiro, etc at
W.R.A (also Rev. Hashitani)
Saw Borton at 2:10 p.m. He advised me to see Mr. Bernard Waring
Tried to contact Mr. Henry Patterson in vain.
Went to the Student Relocation office to see Mrs. Elizabeth Emlen. Found her to be out.
Saw Miss Walker again- made appointment for me to see Overly of Atlantic Refinery and Mr.
Lampe of the U.S.E.S.
Went to Iyo's at about 7 p.m. Had supper, rested, and wrote a letter each to Kiyoko, and Mother
Friday, July 13 Cool
In Philadelphia
Attempted to see Borton at 9:00 AM. before going to the Atlantic as he mentioned that he knew
one Alfred Test in the Real Estate Dept of the Atlantic. Again contacted him at 9:50 AM.-found
Went to the Atlantic R. , and talked to Overley at 10:00 AM.
Called on Lampe of the U.S.E.S.- he was out at 11 :00 AM.
Lunched with Mr. Uchida at 11:30 AM til 12:30 p.m.
Went back to the Atlantic, and was subjected to several tests. 1: 15-2:50 p.m.
Saw Lampe of U.S.E.S at 3:30 p.m.
Tried to contact Henry Patterson all day long but in vain- left a note with him. Wanted to get
introduction to Sun Oil Co.
Met Mrs. Emlen at 4:30 p.m.
Returned to Iyo's at about 6 p.m. Iyo and Pat made delicious ebino-tempura which was delicious.
She left for Boston to spend the week-end with Min. at 11 :00 p.m.
Wrote a long letter to Kiyoko that night re M.K., etc.
Saturday, July 14 Cool but warmer
Attempted to see Patterson at Rm 328 in Withespoon Bldg. at 9:00 AM.- waited until 9:30 AM in
Went to Sun Oil, 1515 Walnut, and Gulf Oil, 1608 Locust. None in the Personnel Dept. that day,
being Saturday.
Called at the W.R.A office. Had a talk with Yager as he wanted to met Mr. Risk, who's about to
join the staff of WRA, Phila. At Yager's suggestion-W.R.A held a meeting of Walker, Snyder,
and Risk with me. Discussed my case from all angles.
Later Ichiro Hasegawa, who is working in the Chemical Research Dept. of the Atlantic & R's
refinary joined in our discussion.
They (W.R.A) promised to call me over the telephone if anything promising turned up. The
meeting took until 1 :00 pm.
Returned to Iy's at 1 :30 p.m. Pat prepared lunch for me. Left Pat's at 2:30. Boarded the train at
3:00 p.m. Returned to the Hostel at 4:50 p.m.
Wrote to Kiyoko and Mike K. Slept at 11 :00 pm.
Sunday, July 15 Rained all day, very cool
Breakfast at 8:30 AM -9:00.
Did a big washing until 11 :30 AM.
Read a little and had a little nap before the lunch-dinner at 1 :30 P.M.-2:00. The 3rd washing since I
came to N.Y. Washed the dishes.
Ironed a suit and 1 knee pairs of trousers.
Wrote to Mr. C. Walter Borton, Miss Jennett Walker, Mas W. Hoshino, John Y., Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Minoru Izuno, W.R.A Property Division, S.F. in attention of J.K. Light re camera, etc., Kiyoko, Miss
Dickinson, Signe and Geo. Lafabreque
Ate at a near by Chinese restaurant at 8:30-9:15 p.m.
Monday, July 16
Registerd at the N.Y. Technical Institute.
Started a student life. Lectures from 9:30-12:30 AM and 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Studied till late at night.
At school, made friend with Milton H. Rains 2329 W. Chester Esp. (?) Bronx 67, N.Y., a veteran of
nearly 4 years in service. He's most kind in trying to help me out. Had a cup of coffee with him
after school.
Tuesday, July 17 Rained heavily-very cool
Most unfortunate that I didn't start school one week earlier when the semester really began. The
director was not kind not telling me the truth.
Margaret Saito phoned in the evening inviting me to join at Miyako to meet the Yanagas Wed. eve.
and to go to Amy Maniwa's later that evening. I declined her invitation thinking that I should not let
anything interfere with my study right now.
Wednesday, July 18 Rained heavily again in P.M.
I'm more confused in my study.
Got so tired in the evening and felt as though I was coming down with something that I gave up my
study in the evening and went to sleep at 8:30-the earliest I retired since I left camp.
Thursday, July 19 Rained in P.M.
Study seems to appear much more difficult than I expected. Instructor Kochyo's lecture on motor
was not understandable to me.
Wrote to Kiyoko, C. Walter Borton, Jennet Walker, K. Hashimoto and Business News Publishing
Co. in the evening.
Retired at 2:00 AM, 7/20
In pencil 4 lines down from above:
K. accents certain word impressively
her machine cuts the time in half since
toddle -half a day
enlist someone's help
pesky things-how one loathe them
issei know-it-alls
Friday, July 20 Bright in AM.
No school until Monday
Phoned Senner at about 10:00 AM, but found him out left a message to call back.
Phoned Joe Yasumura of American Baptist service-re a school boy job.
Studied all day.
Saturday, July 21 Warmer
Mr. Ota came to see me in the afternoon. Studied all day.
Sunday, July 22 Rained in P.M.
Wrote to Kiyoko at 11 :00 pm.
Studied all day long. The only time I went out was to get a bite at about 8:00 p.m.
The hostel serves only two meals on Sundays-breakfast (at 8:30 AM an hour later than other days)
and dinner at 1 :30 p.m.
Monday, July 23 Fair-cool
Sent Kiyokoan
airmail letter at the Brooklyn main P.O. at 10:45 p.m
a night letter - at Western Union at 11 :20 p.m
Wrote another air mail letter to Kiyoko to be mailed at 7:30 AM, Tuesday-July 24. Finished this
letter at 1: 15 AM.
Wrote a letter each to Claude Pralt and Dickinson-Went to bed at 5:00 AM in the morning.
The Richard Minoru Izukos came to town this afternoon to stay at the hostel-on a sightseeing tour
of several days. Their son, Herbert, is now 14 standing 5:11 weighing 185 Ibs., and Jene 11.
Talked and reminisced for a while before dinner.
Tuesday, July 24 F air- a little warmer
School is getting to be interesting- is it a sign that I too can do things mechanical. But I'm
reminding myself that is only the beginning, and it's going to get lots tougher.
Went inquire at Schrafts in Brooklyn for the job they advertised. Perhaps I had better not take it
because it pays little, and I'll have to work from 5:30 - 10:30 or 11 :00 6 nights a week to earn
some $11 -12 or so.
Wrote again to K.Y.- Third air mail letter since 9:00 p.m. last night. This time re the name of our
third "million."
Retired at midnight.
Wednesday, July 25 Fair- warmer than last wk
No letter from K.Y. today-But the U.N. 7/6-11, Pac. Cit. 7/9 issue, and Topaz Times 7/13 issue
reached from her. Decided not to write to her until I hear from her by telegram whether or not she
decided to leave for Berkeley this month or early August.
Heard from Mr. Hashimoto today.
Also from S.F.W.R.A. saying that they'll send our camera soon.
Droped post cards to Mr. Sakaguchi, Rev. and Mrs. I. Tanaka, Mrs. Marie Kuwashima, and Senner
Thursday, July 26 Sultry-warm
Called Mr. Parks of N.S. State C.of C. at 9:20 AM. He was out of office-Left a message. I was late
in calling-he left a message yesterday at the hostel to call him back at 9:00 AM this morning. A
lady at his office who answered my call said that he wanted to know if I found employment. He is
kind in remembering me-I called on him about a month ago. He referred me to Export Finders'
Bur. at the time, but I did not take the job which only paid $35.00 a week.
Did some washing in the evening.
Retired early after reviewing today's school work and going over the want ads of Seattle papers
which George Lafabrigae sent via air mail paying 32 cents postage-very kind of him to do in
complying with my request by a penny post card several days ago.
Sun Oil Co. Personel Mgr., J.H. Ashenfelter wrote enclosing their application form.
No letter from K.Y.
Friday, July 27 Sultry-no rain all day
An air mail from K.Y. (morning delivery) saying that she received my wire of Monday dispatched
around 11 :00 pm. She say received the same-Tuesday aft. at 4 p.m.
2 letters from K.Y. - afternoon delivery.
A.M.- Went to see Sakurai at the Emp. Agency. Saw Dr. Otis Rice re: a job at 3:00 pm. at Earl
Hall, C.U. Promised to see him at his apt. at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Dad's note on bottom of page:
i.e. id est That is
e.g. Exempli gratia for example
Saturday, July 28 Very cool Started to rain AM
Another air mail from K.Y. this AM. Wrote an air mail to her in the morning.
Studied a little during the morning. Was hard to concentrate as I have three things coming up to
my head- the welfare of K.Y. and her possible departure for Calif., accepting the job at Dr. Rice's
or otherwise; and my study.
At 3:30 p.m. I saw Chaplain Rice. He showed me his apt. A very nice and livable apt.- all of the
rooms facing the Hudson River- on the 14th floor, 14-1. The Chaplain was kind indeed. Decided
to take the job, mutually agreeing that it will on a trial basis for one month. I am to report at work
8:30 p.m., Tuesday next week.
Dr. Rice was kind enough to ask me if I had money to tide over the week-end implying that he
would advance if I didn't.
Dashed a penny post card to Iyo and Pat, also to Geo. Lafab. for sending some news ads of
Seattle papers via air mail. Also a "Thank-you" note to Mr. S.J. Sakurai for finding the above job for
Started to reread the text book for the th ird time tonight except the chapter on Motor, on which I
haven't spend much time so far.
Went to buy The Times Sunday issue at a stand near the Borough Hall at 1 AM. That is the only
time one can get a Sunday Times around here! Retired at 1 :30 AM.
Sunday, July 29 A.M. Fairly bright P.M. Rained late aft
Did some washing again directly after the breakfast at 8:30 AM.- preparatory to leave for Chaplain
Rice's Tuesday evening.
Started to study at 10: 15 A.M.- Interupted by the Sunday lunch-supper affair at 1 :30 until 2:30
p.m. Resumed same until 11 :00 p.m.
Couldn't understand the chapter on Motor very well.
Wednesday, August 1 Fair-a little warmer
Received an air mail letter from Kiyoko and a regular letter from Kiyoko's mother.
Dashed a note to K.Y. via airmail. Also a thank-you note to Miss Dickinson and Claude Pratt who
have been extremely kind to Kiyoko in connection with her relocation problem. They went to see
her at her apartment to discuss with her on Saturday, the 28th
, Kiyoko wrote.
Thursday, August 2 Bright-warm
Came to Chaplain Rice's tonight at 9:05 p.m.
(no letter from Kiyoko today)
Friday, August 3 Fairly bright and sultry
No letter from Kiyoko as to her decision to leave Topaz now or later. It must be trying for her.
Saturday, August 4 Bright, but not too warm. The best day since I came to N.Y.
The long awaited letter from Kiyoko finally came today via airmail. She still doesn't know when
she'll leave for Berkeley.
Wrote a long letter to her. Finished it 11:10 p.m.
Went to the Hostel to get a few more of my belongings.
Saw one of the most beautiful sunset across the Hudson River this afternoon (and yesterday to a
lesser degree.)
Sunday, August 5 Another beautiful day- very clear- cool overthe (unsure of this word) -pleasant all
Worked all morning- Tosh Nakayama called.
Off duty the rest of the day.
Did not write to K.Y. today. Mailed an air mail letter to her-- written last night-at 2:00 p.m. into the
apt shute.
Retired after midnight.
Monday, August 6 Started to rain in AM, Drizzled in P.M.
School as usual.
Phoned the Hostel to see if there were any mails, particularly air mail letters (did not mention that
they might be from K'y.- but thinking that way). Their reply was that there was none. I wondered
why the delay in K.Y.'s decision on her departure-either way.
Wrote an air mail letter to her at 9:00 p.m. Studied till midnight and took a bath and retired at
12:45. The chaplain left for New Haven tonight. Father Tiedeman has been here since last night.
Tuesday, August 7 Clear
After school- worked till 8:00 pm.
Immediately after that went to the hostel to get K.Y's letter. (regular mail). K.Y. sounds pretty
discouraged over the way she has been put to in connection with her application for the medical
care grant, etc. Wrote an air mail letter to her after coming home nearly 10:00 pm.
Saw Mrs. Sakoda and her youngest son at the hostel, and I was surprised to see them there.
Tried to study after writing to K.Y. but couldn't. Went to bed after midnight. Whatever the cause
couldn't get to sleep for hours!
News of the atomic bombing of Japan on Monday, August 6 came today.
Wednesday, August 8 Fair-cool
K.Y's first letter addressed to c/o O.R.R. came th is morning before I went to school. Was happy to
receive it here for it'll save my time in going to the hostel to pick up.
School was as usual. Feel catching on to the subject better and better- with daily lab. work.
Finished work and supper before 8 p.m. Wrote an air mail letter to K.Y. Dropped it in the mail
shute at 9:10 p.m. Studied intensively tonight. Retired at 12:15 p.m.
Father Karl Tiedeman, who has been a guest here since Sunday night is leaving tomorrow. He is
from Nevada, he told me.
Mas Hoshide was kind enough to write to me again today.
Reminder-Send a word to John Iwatsu- His wedding Aug 11.
Thursday, August 9 Clear-cool
Finished work and own supper at 8:30 p.m. Listened in to radio-President Trumans speech from
10:00 p.m.
Wrote to Kiyoko-air mail.
No letter from her all day today!
The news that Russia declared war on Japan yesterday came today.
Friday, August 10 Clear·cool
One of the most memorable day in my life. Got the news of Japan's proposing to surrender
unconditionally late this afternoon. Official Gov't news was held up for the evening. The U.S.
Gov't did not receive Japan's offer officially.
How glad our parents must be now that they are sure of seeing their sons coming home without
even a single injury during their service!
Wrote to mother in Chicago, right away. Also to K.Y., Lloyd Shinkai, Mike, and Iyo tonight.
Retired at past 2 AM in the morning.
Saturday, August 11 Another bright day but a little too warm
Received a letter from Mother which crossed with mine of last night. She was kind in enclosing
money for me to buy a little present for Kimiko's birthday.
Kiyoko's package arrived also during the morning. Just one of the two she sent.
Heard over the radio that U.S. received Japan's surrender officially.
Washed a little for the first time at the Chaplain's-in the mid-P.M.
Finished my supper earlier than usual and sat down to write some letters. Wrote to K.Y., Mother in
Chicago, Kiyoko's mother and Father, Senner, Uchida.
Went to bet at 2:00 A.M.-not any too tired at all.
The Chaplain was kind in telling me to get out and have some fun today.
Sunday, August 12 Cloudy-Sultry
Didn't expect the Chaplain to get up so early expecting that he'll have breakfast at 9 o'clock or so.
When I got up at 8: 15 he was up already and ready to leave for the morning service.
Worked all morning.
Read in the afternoon U.-N-July 28-30 Aug1 issues and U.S. News-Aug 3 issue, and the P.C., July
28 issue.
Started to write letters at 3:00 pm. to Tibbits, Kiyoko, Seiichi Nobe, and, Business News
Publishing Co.
Retired at 12:30 AM., but couldn't get to sleep until 2 A.M. !
Monday, August 13 Clear-but sultry
The weather betrayed its forcaster-d idn't rain at all.
Received a parcel from Kiyoko. She sent a pair of work shoes.
Also a welcome letter from her, which was dated-Wednesday, August 8-postmarked 12.M, August
Wrote a short note to Kiyoko.
Studied till 12:15 and went to bed at 12:30 AM.
Mailed out the letters for Catalogs (wrote on Sunday) today
Tuesday, August 14 Fair -quite sultry (82-85 degrees F at mid-day)
As I sat down for my supper at 7:03 p.m. this evening - all the steamers anchored in the stream of
the Hudson River and the factories on the New Jersey side and hundreds of cars passing by down
below started to make noise. It got literally deafening and staid that way for hours. I ate my dinner
with all sorts of mixed emotions - realizing that President Truman's announcement finally came.
Sure enough - when I tune in the radio after I finished the supper - all the stations were
announcing the President's proclamation and the text of Japan's reply. N.B.C. put on Mme Chiang
- Kaishek, and later turned to Mpls., Minn., to air an interview of Sgts. Kazuhiko Yamada and Carl
Nishida. The President declared Wed., Aug. 15 and Thurs., August 16 to be the National Holidays.
Looks like no school for two days. The chaplain called to say that most of the schools will be
closed tomorrow, and he was kind enough to suggest to me to rest in the morning as he will be
leaving for the hospital early in the morning to hold a service there. He is ever considerate and
I wonder if Kiyoko has been listening to radio tonight too, and got the great news. How happy
soldier brother and brother-in-Iaws must be tonight!
Received K.Y's letter of Thurs. Aug 9 today. Dropped her my daily letter tonight again at 10:38
Retired at midnight.
Wednesday, August 15 Cloudy & cool
Staid in bed until 9:00 a.m. - the latest I slept since I left Topaz. Actually had about 9 hours of
sleep - have been averaging something like 6 hours or less per night since I came to N.Y.
Staid in all day to catch up with my correspondence and study.
No school today and tomorrow.
Wrote to Kiyoko in post meridiem.
Sent for many catalogs.
Letters to Tsune Baba, Yuk Miyauchi
Retired at 11 :00 p.m.
Thursday, August 16
Beautifully clear and cool all day - just one perfect autumnal weather. Called Senner for
tomorrow's luncheon engagement in A.M.
Staid in all morning.
Went out for a short while in P.M. for shopping bumped into Lloyd Shirikai most unexpectedly. -
promised to have a visit with him at 4:30 p.m. the same afternoon.
Relaxed a little for the first time and took a nap for about an hour before going to see Lloyd.
Had a chat with Lloyd till about 5:30 p.m. at his apt. at 615 W 113th St., N.Y. 25 - Apt 63. He has
been studying contact lenses working part time. Accidentally saw Mr. Harada's (chogoro) son at
Write to Kiyoko and retired shortly after mid night.
Friday, August 17 Quite clear - cool
Saw Senner at noon.
Received two letters from Kiyoko, one each from Mother in Chicago and Mr. D.T. Uchida.
Wrote to Kiyoko. Went to bed at mid night.
Saturday, August 18 Fair and cool
It's a coincidence that Kimiko has the same birthday as Chaplain Rice. - today.
Wrote to D.T. Uchida, Fred M. Nakamura, Mas W. Hoshino in the afternoon.
Letter to Kiyoko at 7:30 p.m. No letter from her today.
Margaret Saito called in the morning inviting me over for a dinner tonight. Didn't accept the dinner
part. Joined her, her three room mates, and the Toby Ogawas at 8:30 p.m., and had a chat with
them all till 11 :40 p.m.
Slept directly upon coming back at 12:30 AM.
Sunday, August 19 Another autumn-like pleasant weather
Did not rise until 8:00 AM. since the Chaplain did not wish breakfast this morning. Worked till a
little before 11 :00 AM.
Dashed post cards to Miss Barley to inquire if a package came from W.R.A, S.F., also to Dick
Turner (Chask Road, Excelsior, Minn.)
The Chaplain left on his trip at noon.-until Friday. Wrote to H.S. Scott th is P.M., also to George
Yamaoka, K. Fukagai, and K.Y.
Studied from about 8:30 to mid-night. Retired shortly after that.
Monday, August 20 Fair-warm
Two letters from Kiyoko-dated Aug. 14 & 15.
Glanced through the new book bought today-858* pages and worked on the tools-what to procure
etc. till midnight.
Wrote a short note to Kiyoko.
Took my daily bath and went to bed at 1:15 AM.!
*by Andrew D. Althouse & Carl H. Turnquist Chicago-The Goodheart-Wilcox Co. Inc., publishers-
1944-4th edition
Tuesday, August 21 Sultry all day
A letter from K.Y. in the afternoon. Answered same in the evening-also wrote to Uncle Hisashi.
Studied a little-and went to bed at midnight.
I shall be forever grateful to Uncle Hisashi for his action at this time proposing to stay in camp with
my family to help their departure in packing and in seeing them leave safely. Wonder what he's
planning to do himself and where he intends to resettle. He's really kind.
Wednesday, August 22 Sultry
Wrote a long letter to Mike M. answering his of the 19th. Also received today a letter from Tsune B.
No letter from K.Y.-Did not have time to write to her tonight.
Retired at 1 :00 AM. after finishing the letter to Mike.
Thursday, August 23 Cloudy-sprinkled in P.M.
A letter from Mike-dated Aug. 1ih addressed to the Hostel. The Hostel overlooked to forward it to
me at my new address until yesterday. What a service!
Again no letter from Kiyoko. Didn't have the time to write to her tonight as Mrs. Kunle came a little
past 8 o'clock to pick up the Chaplain's washing things. She lives out of town about 26 miles
away, she told me tonight. She comes in every now and then to look after the Chaplain's affair
who is a very close friend of hers. She takes his handkerchieves, napkins, and socks to be
washed or mended. Hardly ever see her because she comes during the day while I'm not in.
Wrote a little note each to Bob and Neisan, Paul L. Kasuga (Mike's friend who is in refrigeration),
D.T. Uchida (postcard)
Retired at mid-night.
Friday, August 24 Rained already actually cold at night time
Went to Everlast (444-4th Ave.) and the Harry Alter Co. in A.M.
Lunched with Mas Hoshino, who said that he is going to leave the Klein Institute and join Allied
Raw Material Corp. (?) exporters & importers from Sept. 1 , etc.
In P.M. went to Canaday 154-W 14th St, (saw Mr. Bayley), Frank Beem Refr., Inc., 532 W 125th,
Ref. Maintenance and Supply Co., 330 W. 96th St.
Chaplain R. returned from his vacation this P.M.
Cooked supper for him and his guest for the first time. Finished work at 11 :00 p.m.-resting in
between about 30 minutes.
Two letters from Kiyoko-dated Aug 19 and 20. Wrote her a very short note.
Went to bed at 1 A.M.
Saturday, August 25 Cloudy-very cool.
Saw Mr. Rossberg (?) at Frank Beem at 12:45. He was courteous and kind. Said the he was an
instructor at Y.M.C.A. school at one time. Also said that Terry (?) did very well. Willing to use me
as a helper-inside work-assistince when I finish school.
Took a stroll in the morningside Park thereafter and returned to the apt. at 3:00 pm.
Wrote to Mike and Bob and Neisan the rest of the afternoon.
(Did a little washing this A.M)
Wrote at length to Kiyoko-the night before our 5th anniversary.
Went to bed at mid night.
Sunday, August 26 Cloudy and bright at times Extremely windy-chilly a little
Rose at 8:00 AM. At about 10:00 AM the Chaplain left for Boston until Friday evening.
Worked till noon. Lunched.
Took it easy until 4 p.m. listening to the small but good-enough radio in my room and reading
Sunday N.Y. Times.
Studied the rest of the day, however resting in between some 4 hours-till 2:00 AM.
Monday, August 27 Clear-warm during the day time-cool in the night
Three letters from K.Y., and the two periodicals, U.N.P.C.
A post card from D.T. Uchida
A letter from Mas Hoshino
Studied from 8:00 to 11 :30.
Dropped a short note to K.Y.-via air mail re: the trunk key, etc. Went to bed at 12:30 AM.
Mrs. Henrietta Kuhule, an old friend of the Chaplain-who comes once in a while to look after him,
came today to stay during the Chaplain's absence.
Tuesday, August 28 Fair-warm
A letter from Kiyoko dated Aug. 24-reporting the result of her weekly check-up at the Hospital.
Hope and pray she gets over her cold right away and will not affect her condition in any way.
Wrote to her right away-via air mail.
Dropped a short note each to Mike K. and Tommy Ogawa-at 471 Central Park West clo Mr. M.
Kashiwa, his uncle.
Also wrote to Harvey N. Aki 2089 Mass Ave. Cambridge 40, Mass.
Studied a little and slept at 1 :00 AM.
Wednesday, August 29 Fair-sultry and uncomfortable all day.
Had a hair cut after school which was long over due. Finished work 8:30 p.m. Studied till 11 :30.
Wrote to Wagner Electric Corp., 6400 Plymouth Ave, Saint Louis 14, Mo and Kay Uchida in N.Y.
Retired at 12:30 AM.
No letter from K.Y. today. Could not write to her this evening.
The parcel containing a box of stationary, as K.Y.'s gift on our Fifth anniversary came today.
Thursday, August 30 Bright and hot (92 degrees at 4 P.M.)
Instructor J. Kehoe at school left on his vacation today. He said he was taking his wife to White
Mountain-The place is free of "poly" (x) which is the main cause of his hay fever. His wife is
supposed to be "one of the worst cases" of hay fever in New York. Every year-Aug. 14 started this
"poly" season. I thank him and wished him well as I'll not see him before I graduate Sep.7.
(x) Pol'yanthus-white or yellow flowers
No letter from Kiyoko today-after work at 8:20 went to see Tommy Ogawa and his family-staid until
12: 15 AM. Had a lot to talk about. He saw the Lafabreques in Seattle. They are staying with his
uncle, M. Kashiwa and his family 471 Central Park W.-apt 3-E. They treated me royally-with
drinks, raw-squid, noodle, etc.
Went to bed immediately upon returning.
Friday, August 31 Hot weather continues-very uncomfortable from the morning
Went to G.E., Frigidaire, Gotham Refrigeration Service in AM.
In P.M. Westinghouse, Kelvinator-and other refrigeration Service shops. (Refrig. Corp. of Amer.,
Kerby Saunders, etc.)
Am to call back at Gotham when I can. Others-I see little prospects.
Mrs. Kuhule went back today. Left a note to read; "This is a very awkward expression of
appreciation of your thoughtful care. Thank you very much", with an enclosure of $2.00. She's
estremely kind to me. She was a nurse, the Chaplain told me one time. She's a German descent
and has a little accent. She tells me to eat well to safeguard my health-I work very hard, etc. She
has some kind of word of encouragement every time she comes.
A nice letter from K.Y. today-dated Sunday, Aug 26-she starts her letter with Happy Anniversary.
Wrote to her and retired being rather tired tonight after two nights in row of late hours.
Chaplain R's guests-a young couple came to stay this aft. Haven't seen them yet.
Saturday, September 1 Bright and warm
Received K.Y's letter of Monday August 27 reminiscing Del Monte, Aug. 27, 1940.
Wrote to K.Y. as I listened to radio broadcast from the Battleship Missouri in the Tokyo Bay and
the White House-reporting the scene of Japan's formal surrender signing and the Pres. Truman's
proclamation of V.J. Day (to be Sept. 2) MacArthur spoke several times as the supreme
commander of the Allied powers at the scene of the surrender ceremony. (U.N. Aug, 15-17-20 and
P.C. -8/18 came from K.Y. today)
Also received a letter from Mike and a telegram from Kay Uchida in Philadelphia replying to my
note of several days ago that she could not join me for dinner Sunday night. Went to bed at 11 :30
The C. returned from Boston tonight at 10:00 p.m. Tsune B. wrote from Mineapolis today13 hours behind N.Y. 8:55 AM Tokyo Sunday Sep. 2 7:55 P.M. N.Y. Saturday Sep.1
Sunday, September 2 Rained during the night, and still sprinkling-cooler a little sunshine in P.M.
for a while
Got up at 7:45 AM.
The Chaplain (and his guest until noon) did not get up till 10:30 AM. for breakfast. Therefore,
worked till about 1 :30 p.m. Read the Sunday Times and enjoyed C.B.S. Sunday concert till 4:30
Wrote a short note to K.Y.
American Cable & Radio Co. had an ad in N.Y. Times today-announcing direct radio telegraph
service to Tokyo via Mackay Radio-however adding, for the present.. . limited to Gov't.-press .. and
prisoner of war messages.
Studied a little and retired at 11 :00 pm.
Monday, September 3-Labor Day Bright and glorious weather, cool all day
Chap. R. started to worry about me as I do not go out at all-even for a walk on a beautiful day like
this. He's very kind.
Haven't stepped out of the apt. since Saturday afternoon.
Studied all afternoon and evening writing in between to Kiyoko and Mike K.
Took a bath and went to bed at midnight.
Tuesday, September 4 Bright and cool
Letters from: D.T. Uchida (dated Sept. 3) Kay Uchida (dated Aug 31 ,-postmarked Philadelphia
8/31 10:00 p.m), Mother, and three letters from K.Y: dated: Aug 29 (Wed.) "about 4 p.m." *May M.
Okamoto's letter enclosed. Aug 30 (Thurs) 4:15 p.m. -Suddie's letter enclosed Aug 31 (Friday)
9:00 p.m.-Happy to learn that K.Y. got over her cold and in perfect condition.
Back to school again-and back to lectures again from the lab work of the past 5 weeks with a new
instructor since the regular instructor left on his vacation. The new instructor is supposed to be an
authority on Electricity and Motors. Enjoyed the lecture immensely today as the subject was
electricity and motor, which I wanted most. Was extremely glad to know that we're to have
lectures on this subject this entire week including Friday (to make up for the Labor Day holiday).
Worked till after 8 p.m. since the two guests (Mr. & Mrs. Hunter) left today-in cleaning up.
Enjoyed the many letters.
Studied till 11 :30-bathed and retired at midnight.
*She says in that letter--"I just read in todays U.S. Home of Aug. 31 in the March of the News
Section: "Refrigerators are to be in such supply by mid-October that distribution control can be
Wednesday, September 5 Sunny and warm
After school, went to Gotham Ref. Svce Co, 231 West 58th
, but was told that the season was about
over, and they didn't need any additional help in the shop nor their outside work.
Received a very kind letter from H.S. Scott dated Aug. 31.
The very first issue of Air Condo & Refrig. News under my subscription came today.
Wrote a short note each to Kiyoko and Mike K.
Reviewed the various catalogues received today.
Studied from 10:30 P.M. till midnight and retired at 12:30 AM.
Thursday, September 6 Warm-sultry
Studied intensively till 2 AM.-chiefly electricity and motors to prepare for an exam tomorrow.
No letter from K.Y.- Dropped her a short note earlier in the evening.
Friday, September 7 Very foggy in early morning-warm all day rather uncomfortable
Finished school today. Very much relaxed, tonight.
Received 2 letters from K.Y. in one envelope mailed Sept 4. The letters were dated Sept.2-1 :30
p.m. and Sept. 3-3:00 p.m. Was relieved to know that K.Y. recovered from her cold.
Wrote a rather lengthy letter to Kiyoko. Went to bed at midnight.
Saturday, September 8 Bright & sultry
Got up at 8:00 AM.
No letter from Kiyoko this morning (all day being Saturday)
Worked till noon. Washed in early P.M.
Tom Ebihara came to see me re: N.Y. Tech. at 3:00 p.m. We sat and talked in Riverside Park until
4:00 p.m.
Did some shopping and returned to the apt at 4:30 p.m.
Studied the rest of the day until midnight resting in between at supper time and after that.
Took a bath and went to bed at 12:30 AM.
Wrote to the S.F.W.R.A re our camera and flashlight.
Sunday, September 9 Bright and continues to be sultry
Got up at 8:00 AM.
Worked till noon.
Wrote a short note to Kiyoko in early afternoon. Ironed shirts, etc.
Studied all afternoon and evening doing the paper work for the final examination, except the time
for supper. Amazed at the amount of time it takes to answer the questions. There are 54
Stopped studying at 12:15 AM.
Took a bath and slept at 1 :00 AM.
Monday, September 10 Cloudy in AM-cleared up at noon. Became cloudy later P.M.-still sultry
Went to see Mr. Etner of American Machine & Equipment Co, 42 Hudson St. (Rector 2-2717) and
Mr. Hartman, Personnel Mgr., Refrigeration Corp. of America, 241 West 64th St.
These two places were recommended to me by the school. However, the former said that they
were looking for experienced men and was not interested in any "green horns." The latter was
"kind" in suggesting something else besides working in their assembly line. Hartman said that my
background, etc., shows that I wouldn't enjoy that sort of work. However, if I wanted a job bad
enough he can give me one in the night shirt from 5:45 p.m. to 1 :45 AM.! which I cannot possibly
take at 99 cents an hour.
Returned to the apt. shortly after noon-after doing daily shopping a little earlier today.
Called up several offices connected with foreign trade and made appointments for Tuesday and
It was disappointing to have found out this morning by calling Frank Beem that Mr. Fossburg, who
said will hire me after I get out of school, was out of town and will not be in office until Thurs.
morning, Sept 13.
Maybe it's fortunate, for I can call on some of the peoples in the foreign trade field in the meantime.
Received 2 letters from Kiyoko-Sept 5 & Sept 6. Wrote to her. Sent a news clipping to D.T.
Uchida today. Worked on the Final exam paper.
Tuesday, September 11 Rained sultry
Saw John Quirk at National Foreign Trade Council at 10:00 AM. Went to the U.S.E.S.- too
crowded-did not wait. Was at the Professional, Technical and Sales Dept first-then to the
Industrial Dept.
Called on the Carrier people (Carrier Refrig. Equipment 405 Lexington Ave.), but no result.
Later tried to see Philip Gray of Foreign-Credit Interchange Bureau (1 Park Ave.) but did not come
back at the appointed time at 4:00 p.m.
Didn't feel well. Studied a little-wrote to Kiyoko. Retired early-had a very bad case of diarrheawork
up at least a doz times during the night.
Box on the page has these words:
Haruko's antics odd fantastic
to perform antics, etc.
throb (bing), drools-drivel (dri' vi) molar to pull strings include mechanical insight some J writing in
Wednesday, September 12 Fair
Felt miserable.
But made the appointment with Miss Devlin of Export Managers Club Inc, 2 Lafayette St (near
Park Row) at 10:30 A.M. No immediate result. However, she said that she'll be glad to include my
application for a position in The Bulletin of her organization. The Export Managers Club of N.Y.,
Inc., is not affiliated with the Export Managers Club in other cities- nor are they an organization
that include importers, shippers, banks, freight forwarding firms. They just include export
managers of industries and that only, Miss Devlin explained.
Also was able to contact Philip J. Gray, Manager of Foreign Credit Interchange Bureau, National
Association of Credit Men, One Park Ave., N.V. He was extremely courteous-knows Dean Grady,
Minehan, Wm. Montgomery, etc. in S.F. He said to submit my resume of background in about 8
copies, and an article in 3 copies saying my availability in Far Easterntrade, which he'll run in his
Weekly Bulletin he edits.
My diarrhea situation became none better. Returned to the apt. shortly after noon.
Rested the rest of the day and the evening-getting up for a light supper of beef broth, toasts, and
Heard from mother today.
Thursday, September 13 Bright and cool
Felt a little better this morning after a long, good rest. Diarrhea seems to have stopped. However,
went out to see Fossberg of Frank Beem at 9:00 AM. He said that I may start working at any time.
I promised to start on the job Monday Sept. 17. (Hoping to recover my strength meanwhile)
Upon my return from Frank Beem-found the long waited telegram from Topaz, which read "Son
Akira arrived Tuesday evening Sept 11 at 11 :30 weight Six Ibs. Three oz Both doing perfectly. I Kimiko Haruko fine All our love Kiyoko"
Was most happy to know that the both were doing well first- and was elated over the arrival of a
son to our household.
Dashed an airmail to Mother et al in Chicago-and a post card each to Ann Arbor and Philadelphia
giving the news from Kiyoko. Wrote to Y. Miyauchi Heard from Capt. Miyauchi
Friday, September 14 Dark, sultry in AM Thunder storm of worst kind in P.M.
Rose at 8:00 AM. Found myself not a par yet, having no appetite, etc.
Received Kiyoko's letter of 8:45p.m. Sept 10-the night before she went to the Hospital. It's
amazing how she kept up with everything until very near the time.
Had to take rest until noon-lying a bed. Felt a little better in p.m.
Tried to finish the final exam. paper spending all afternoon and night until midnight-gave it up.
In between, prepared supper for the chaplain and his friend tonight-the second supper I prepared
during my stay here of 1 Y2 months-which took about 4 hours before I cleaned up everything.
Took a bath and went to bed 12:45 A.M.
Saturday, September 15 Cloudy and cooler
Woke up at 8:15 A.M.
A very pleasant surprise-a letter from Kiyoko written on the following afternoon of the night she
went through the pain and gave birth to Akira! How does she do it. And she says that she finished
10 post cards to all our sisters and brothers. She must be feeling well. But hope she's not
straining herself.
Worked till noon. Diarrhea is coming up again-I wonder what's troubling me.
Wrote to Kiyoko in p.m.-a 10 page letter
Studied in the evening working on the "final exam." papers.
Took a bath and retired at midnight.
Sunday, September 16 Cloudy-actually chilly
Worked till noon
Worked on the school paper till 4:30 p.m.
Went to the Hoshinos' for dinner-on 5 p.m. enjoyed tempura and rice.
Found out that Mrs. Hoshino's maiden name was Aiko Masuda (of Livingston-used to be at Cal. in
KY's time) Talked till 10 p.m. Was tired
Slept early at 11 :00 p.m
It became chilly in P.M.-was actually cold through the night.
Monday, September 17 Rain storm all day-chilly
Reported to work at Frank Beem at 9:00 A.M. Enjoyed the first day. Returned to the apt. at 6:20
Worked at the apt. till 9:30 p.m.
Dropped a line to Kiyoko at 10:30 p.m.
Worked on the paper until midnight.
Heard from S. Nobe and Mike K. this morning.
Tuesday, September 18 Rained all day- but warmer
Lots of rain and miserable today. Certainly worked hard at the shop.
Worked at the apt till 8:00 p.m. Dashed a note to K.Y. Exausted-slept at 11 :00 p.m. tonight after a
Wednesday, September 19 Clear and cool
a very beautiful day-a real autumnal air
The long-awaited Kiyoko's letter (air mail) giving her first description of our son Kenneth Akira
finally came. It was dated 5:30p.m, Sept. 14-(postmarked Sept. 17-12M?!) Did I enjoyed it!
Sounds like he is already a strong little fellow, full of mischief. He looks a bit like me, people are
commenting! Well! Our successer at long last.
Above all, indeed happy to know that Kiyoko continues to do well. Hope she doesn't over due with
the approach of her departure for Berkeley. She says she has been up and around from the next
Went down to school to hand in the paper work at 8 p.m. when I finished work. Came back at
9:1 5-worked till 10:30.
Dropped just a line to Kiyoko tonight. Took a bath. Went bed-at 11 :30 reading the paper received
from KY. this P.M.
Heard from Tommy Ogawa-a post card.
Also a short note from Mother.
Thursday, September 20 Bright & Cool
Received letters from Kiyoko, Mother (KY's) and Iyo Also Harry Alter 1944 catalogue from Mike K
Friday, September 21 Bright & Clear-Generally cool Another letter from Kiyoko dated 17'h-Happy to know that she's recovering her strength rapidly.
Akira must be quite a fellow. He is just 10 days old, and already taxing his mother with his boyish
Finished work a little past 8. Read papers and Life while consuming supper.
Wrote to K.Y.-for the first time since Sept. 15 except-the short notes daily thereafter excluding
Saturday, September 22 Beautiful autumnal weather Clear and cool
Worked at the shop until 1 p.m.
Received the very first pay this noon.
Worked at the apt. until 6 p.m.
Wrote to Mike K. enclosing the draft of a letter to the makers of refrigerators, etc. which I prepared
last night. Took until past midnight.
Went to bed at 1 p.m. (he must mean a.m.)
No letter from K.Y. today.
Sunday, September 23 Started to sprinkle in early A.M. and developed into a real rainy day in late
morning. Actually feel dampy coldness of autumn.
Got up a little earlier at 7:15 AM. today for Sunday-as the chaplain had to leave at 8:30 A.M.
The Chaplain came back shortly after mid-day and said that I should go out and take in a movie or
something. He is concerned that I might get depressed in staying in all the time in my spare time.
He was also kind enough to say that it is far better that mother starts to take care of her baby early
psychologically even though it may work a little hardship to mother (as I told him that K.Y. had to
attend to the baby from the fourth day). He further said that in his experience at St. Luke's
Hospital-the baby is not cared by his parents until he leaves the hospital-the baby sometimes get
ingestion, etc. as he leaves the hospital.
Wrote Iyo in the forenoon, asking her to type papers for me, etc.
Wrote a letter to K.Y. in the afternoon.
Wrote to the City Hall, L.A.
Rested a little this P.M. reading papers and taking a nap.
Also to Phillip J. Gray, Foreighn Credit Interchange Bureau 1 Park Ave. N.Y. 16; Miss Devlin of the
Export Managers Club, 2 Lafayette St., N.Y.
Also to Mr. & Mrs. T. Hanamura, Mr. & Mrs. J. Aoki, and Mr. Tokutaro Oishi (his wife died recently)
Went to bed at mid night.
Monday, September 24 Fair-sultry
Worked at the apt. till 9:30 p.m.
Chaplain R's-god sister and her son arrived at 10:30 PM.
Enjoyed KY's letters of Sept 19 and 20.
Wrote to K. Y. via airmail.
Went to bed at 12:30 p.m (a.m.)
Tuesday, September 25 Bright & Sultry
Finished work at the apt. at 9:00 p.m.
Started to write to Miss Dickenson & Pralt-didn't finish. Also to Kay Uchida.
Slept at midnight.
Wednesday, September 26 Sunny-sultry
Much to my pleasant surprise-there were placed two presents for Kenneth-one from Chaplain
Riece and the other from Mrs. Henrietta Kuhule. The Chaplain's gift-one large blue baby wrapper3
%' X 5' - with a blue satin border-his card reads: "Best wishes to Kenneth and his good parents
Otis R Rice"
Mrs. Kuhule's gift-a blue sweater and a blue booty. Her card reads "Its wrapped with love and its
bringing too the best of wishes Dear baby, for you and your mother from Henrietta Kuhule"
Wrote to Kiyoko.
A letter from Mother, also Tom and Mike today.
A letter from Neisan and Bob-enclosed was a gift to Kenneth-$5.00 Didn't finish writing to
Dickinson & Pratt. Slept at 1 :00 PM. (AM)
notes Paid cleaning charge Rain coat 1 .15
a suit (herringbone) .85
a pair of trouser (Bradford) .40
Thursday, September 27 Cloudy and humid-Rained in the evening
Worked till 9:45 p.m. at the apt. having to serve dinner for Mrs. Martin.
Finally finished an air mail letter to Dickinson and Poult-for mailing in the morning.
No letter from Kiyoko for three days. I wonder what happened to her. Hope she and the rest are
all right.
Went to bed at 11 :30 p.m.
Friday, September 28 Very clear-warm
Received the long awaited letter of Sept. 23 (postmarked Sept. 24) from Kiyoko-a very enjoyable
account of the three children.
A letter from Isao.
Mrs. Martin gave me one of his sons Bill's coats.
Worked at the apt. until 10:00 p.m.
So tired-read newspaper-took my daily bath and went to bed at 11 :45 pm.
Saturday, September 29 Bright & warm (was very windy in late P.M.)
Was a very strenuous day.
Returned from Frank Beem at 1:45 p.m. Worked at the apt. till 4:15 p.m. Went to the P.O. to mail
a package containing Chap. R's gift and Mrs. Kuhule's to Kiyoko. Also mailed two catalogues to
Mike K.
Got a hair cut for the first time in how long? On my way back saw Mrs. Yuki Matsuo for the first
time in about 10 years. Met Miss Takara with her.
Worked some more till about 8:30 p.m. Was so tired that I had to go to bed shortly after that.
Eastern War Time is to be moved back an hour tonight at midnight.
Heard from Mike K. Received a postcard from Kay U. accepting to have dinner with me tomorrow.
Received a copy of their Bulletin from For Cred Int. Bureau showing my add included therein.- My
add included in FCIB 9/28/45-1287-E
Sunday, September 30 Bright and clear-a beautiful autumnal day-crispy
Got up at 8 a.m. Worked till noon.
Took it easy lying down and reading.
Had dinner with Kay U. at Bonat's (Went to call for her at her apt. at 4 p.m.)
Returned to the apt. at 7:45 p.m.
Wrote to K.Y.-via air mail Neisan & Bob, and Ted Ono
Went to bed at 11 :00 p.m.-new E.T. (since last night)
Monday, October 1 clear-chilly
Worked at the apt. until 8:30 p.m.
Dashed a note (re: U.N., etc.) to K.Y. via air mail again in hope that she may get it Friday the 5th
Received two letters from K.Y. Tuesday Sept 25th Thursday Sept. 27th which I enjoyed
Wrote a thank-you card to Iyo for typing the "personal record, etc"
Took a bath and went to bed at 11:45 p.m.
Tuesday, October 2 clear-chilly especially in the evening-quite windy
No letter from any place.
Received from K.Y. the U.P.-9/10-12-14-17-19 & the P.C.-Sat.-9/15
Wrote to Philip J. Gray, Mgr. For. Credit Int. Bureau, thanking him for the prompt inclusion of my
"add" and, enclosing 8 copies of my "resume."
Wednesday, October 3 Clear-windy-cold-tonight they say that the temperature may become as
low as 40 degrees and there may be frost
Mrs. Martin left today. In her place, came Miss Wise tonight.
Took three hours to clean the apt. after the Martins left-until 9:30 p.m.
No letter at all today
Wrote to K.Y. and postcards to Kimiko and Haruko. A post card to Tommy Ogawa.
Took a bath and went to bed at midnight.
Thursday, October 4 Clear and cold
A letter dated Sept 30-7:45 P.M.-postmarked Oct 1-12M from Kiyoko came today.
Everything seems to be all right at home, except arranging the crates and grants, which worries
me. Hope the she (?) can expedite things with O. and P. It must be difficult for her to handle
everything all by herself.
Oh Boy Oh boy-Akira must be a very handsome chap.
Kiyoko says that she got dressed from Saturday, Sept. 29-which is only 18 days since she gave
birth. Wonder if she will be all right with all the care she has to give the three children-besides
packing-bringing food-worries over everything else.
Kimiko must be quite a young girl according to K.Y.'s description of her in today's mail.
I asked the Chaplain if he'll ask Peterson the radio man to see if he can procure the two radio
tubes we have been after for a long time.
Get quite tired these days working till late every night. Felt chill-like this aft. Thought I might have
caught cold. But felt better after supper. I must be careful from now on-being under continued
Took a bath and went to bed early at 10:30 p.m. the earliest in a long while.
Friday, October 5 Bright - cool
A package containing my gray overcoat and a package with the P-C. Sep.22 issue and the Y.P.Sept
21 and 24 came today.
Wrote a short air-mail note to Kiyoko.
Bathed and went to bed at midnight
Saturday, October 6 Cloudy early AM. Started to rain - throughout the day-much warmer.
A welcome letter from K.Y. dated Monday Oct 1-4:40p.m
Also a short letter from Ann Arbor dated Oct.4
The Chaplain discarded a brown leather suit case and said that I may have it, if I wanted. It is a
very sturdy one. According to the chaplain the case is at least 75 years old.
Mailed this P.M. a package for Mrs. Thomas Martin to W.O. Pain, Desert School, Tucson, Ariz.
Insuring it for $25.00 Cost of parcel post $1.17 plus 10 cents for insurance.
Very tired-took a bath and retired at 10:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 7 Cloudy-cool Sprinkling a little. After a shower cleared up to be very pleasant
in the mid-afternoon.
Got up at 7:45 AM. Finished work at noon.
Rested-read Life, Harvard Alumni Ass'n Bulletin, to which the Chaplain subscribes.
In P.M. Wrote to John P. Herber-Grays Harbor Exploration Co., Seattle, Washington-and Ted Ono.
Wrote a short note to K.Y.-regular mail-enclosed my pencil draft of letter to Herber
At 5 p.m. went over to the Masakichi Kashiwas (J characterwriling in parenthesis) but found the Tommy
Ogawas gone to Virginia to take a job at a millionaire family mansion. Mrs. Kashiwa, her daughter
Amy, and her niece Mrs. Kawasaki (Suekichi) treated me with Sushi, Sukiyaki and a very good
Kooko-met the S. Kawasakis for the first time. They have 9 years old son Masato and 6 yrs old
son Nobuo. Talked at length with Mrs. Kawasaki (Mr. K. doesn't return from his restaurant until
10: 15 every night including Sundays. His place of business-restaurant is located at W. 125th &
Amsterdam and have some 500-600 customers daily.
Returned to the Apt. at 10:30 p.m. Retired directly.
Monday, October 8 Clear-just pleasant all day
Another guest-Lieut. Tucker-came today for a stay of two, three days (the Chaplain said tonight).
Am able to take things in stride.
Wrote a brief note to K.Y.-via air mail. Hope it will reach her Friday.
Tuesday, October 9 Clear-cold a little
Received a very interesting letter dated Thurs, Oct.4-8:30 pm. from Kiyoko.
Also received a telegram from the S.F. W.R.A.-asking me to confirm my address. Sent a nightletter
reply to W.R.A at 9:25 p.m at the Western Union Office at 2801 Broadway.
Went to Tom Ebihara's apt. thereafter and staid until 11 :35 p.m.
Retired upon return-after writing diary-at 12:15 AM.
At bottom of this page there was this note:
9/30 Neisan said that Ted Ono graduating O.C.S. at Fort Benning-he's coming to N.Y. directly after
that. She wants me to see Miss Yamamoto. Ted can be expected in N.Y. Oct 10-13?
Wednesday, October 10 Bright-cool-
Finished work at the apt. unusually early 8:30 p.m. Read newspapers of last 5 days.
No letter from K.y. Wrote a short note to her tonight.
Also wrote to N.Y. Tech inquiring just happened to my diploma.
Slept at 12:30 P.M. (a.m.)
Thursday, October 11 Clear-cool
Ted Ono phoned from Philadelphia at 6:45 AM.
Went to see him and meet the friend Barbara Yamamoto in front of Imperial Theatre W. 45th St.
West of Broadway ("Song of Norway" was played at the Theatre, which they saw)-after the play at
11 :15 P.M. Took them to "Ding Ho" Restaurant and had wan tang together-talked till 1 AM. Bid
them good luck.
Returned to the Apt. at 1:45 AM and retired immediately.
The P.-C. and the U.-N. came from K.Y. Today.
Received her (K.Y.) letter of Sunday Oct 7-10:30 p.m. today. Glad to know that she got 2 pullman
so that her mother too can ride with K.Y. and children.
Friday, October 12 Rain-early AM-cleared up in P.M. cool
Hard to get up this morning, after the late-hour last night.
Received K.Y.'s letter of Oct. 8 - 9:20 p.m. Happy to know that she's fast recovering despite the
busy time she's having in preparation of her departure from Topaz on Oct. 18 for Berkeley. She
says that her mother is sending me "Yaki-nori"!
Wrote an air-mail letter to K.Y. the last letter to be addressed to Topaz.
I pray to God humbly to keep K.Y. and the three children and to bring them to Berkeley safely-with
her mother.
James Tagawa brought back Chaplain R's vacuum cleaner tonight-finally fixed .
Saturday, October 13 Clear and chilly
Returned from the shop to the Apt. at 1 :45 p.m.
Worked till 6:00 p.m.
Received a letter from R.H. Tibbits today, which was quite a surprise.
Was so tired that I went to bed at 8:30 p.m. after bathing and glancing through papers and
Refrigeration News.
Sunday, October 14 cloudy-warm
Got up at 7:30 AM.
Worked a little-until 10 AM.
Did a big washing in AM-for the first time in three, four weeks. What an accumulation it was!
Rested until 4 P.M.
Wrote there after to:
Lincolniana Publishers
W.W. Lessing, Chicago W.R.A.
Henry F. Grady.
Also a card to Mas W. Hoshino and Masakichi Kashiwa and Minesuke Miyauchi, Topaz
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Monday, October 15 Clear-chilly a little
In AM-a letter reply from John P. Herber & Co. Inc. replying to my inquiry for a position of October
7 (via air mail)-of all things, it was written and signed by L.M. Ingstad, vice president (formerly of
M.S.K.-he was retired by S.T. in his regime)
Also a little note from Mike K.
In P.M. a letter from K.Y. dated Thursday, October 11-post marked 12.M, Oct.12.
Worked at the apt. till 9:00 p.m.
Wrote to Milton H. Rains, Harry S. Scott.
Retired at 12:30 AM.
Tuesday, October 16 Bright-and chilly
In P.M. Received a letter from K.Y. dated October 12-2:50 P.M.-enclosing John Yamashita's letter
(air-mail-special delivery) of October 11.
In John V's letter he writes that "Soppy Iwai has a job offer (partnership) especially with Sus in
mind-this prompted me to send a night letter to John Y. tonight to find out what's it all about. Sent
this letter (39 words) at 10:20 p.m.
Wrote an airmail to K.Y. (and her mother and father)-my first letter to K.Y. in Berkeley.
Bathed and retired at 12:30 A.M.
Wednesday, October 17 Beautifull clear-warm
No letter from any place.
Two guests arrived for a stay of 2, 3 days. The Chaplain certainly has a lot of guests! He says
that these people can't find any hotel accommodation under present hotel conjestion.
Last two late evenings made me very tired today. Slept early for a change at 11 :15 p.m. giving up
my intention to write some letters.
I wonder how Kiyoko and the rest will get along tonight and early tomorrow morning as they bid
farewell to Topaz! Pray that they get along well on the train and arrive Berkeley without much
Thursday,October 18 Bright-warm
No letter from any place.
Kiyoko and the children and K's mother are supposed to have left Topaz for Berkeley early this
morning and on their way tonight. Hope that they get to Berkeley safe and sound.
Wrote to RH. Tibbits, Milt Purcell in care RH. Tibbits.
Wrote to Kiyoko via airmail-2nd letter to Berkeley.
Also ten page letter to Mike K.
Friday, October 19 clear-& warm
Kiyoko's letter of Monday-9:45, Oct. 15-16 9:30AM and also her letter of Oct. 16 written later-both
via air mail arrived today.
I immensely enjoyed the both-particularly her long letter written over the two days Oct. 15-16.
The two guests are still here-which keeps me busy. Was rather tired after work tonight-did not
write letters as I intended.
Bathed and retired at 11: 15 p.m. after reading papers, etc.
According to K.Y.'s letter of today her departure had to be put off one day because W.RA. did not
have a "special train" on the scheduled day-Aug 18. (yes he wrote Aug) She supposed to have left today.
She says she'd wire me when she reaches Berkeley.
Saturday, October 20 Beautiful autumnal weather
After work at the shop desk dash down to Hearns at 5th Ave & 14th and bought a cosmetic case for
Finished work at the apt. at 5:45 rushed to the Post Office to mail off 2 packages to K.Y. in
Berkeley. 1.) A birthday gift to K.Y.-James Hilton's "So well Remembered"
2.) A cosmetic case
Wote to Mike K. a short note. Wrote an air mail to K.Y.-the 3rd letter to Berkeley.
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Sunday, October 21 Another ideal day.
When I got up at 7:30 AM found the Chaplain already gone.
Did some work until 11 :00 AM Mrs. Kuhule stopped by for a while. K.Y.'s telegram reporting her
safe arrival in Berkeley.
Ironed shirts, etc. till 1 :00 p.m. Rested until 3:00 p.m.
Wrote another air mail to K.Y. - the 4th letter to Berkeley rejoicing the safe arrival of her and the
children. Her wire read: "Arrived Berkeley safely Saturday afternoon children took trip well
Everyone sends regards Miss you so love Kiyoko." Marked 633 N.L. Berkeley Calif. 20
Wrote to Mother in Chicago et all a 10-page letter (enclosing $10.00). Also to W.RA. San
Francisco, Tom Ebihara, and Seichi Nobe.
Retired early at 10:30 p.m.
Monday, October 22 Cloudy-occasional showers-warm
Received K.Y.'s last letter from Topaz-dated October 17. Did I enjoy it tonight.
Worked till 9:00 P.M.
Wrote another air mail to K.Y._5th letter to her in Berkeley-mailing in the morning.
Bathed and retired at midnight.
Tuesday, October 23 Sprinkled all day long-warm
No letter from any place today.
Worked at the Apt. from 6:15-8:45 p.m.
Wrote to Kiyoko-via regular mail-6th letter to Berkeley-enclosing Thomas Isao's letter dated Camp
Shelby, Sept. 24, which I meant to send her long ago.Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 24 Cloudy-cool
In the evening read the Times (of today) for the first time this week. Also had the time to glance
through the Times and New York Post from Sunday, and the magazine-Time of last several weeks.
Wrote to the Calif. State Department of Professional and Vocational Standards, Sacramento, Calif.
And Seiichi Nobe-both air mail.
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Thursday, October 25 Cloudy and sprinkling at times all day long-cool
Another guest came tonight.
Received mother's letter dated Oct. 23-postmarked Oct. 24-11 AM. I wonder if she received my
long letter of Sunday, Oct. 21, mailed the following morning.
Also heard from Tsune Baba dated Oct 22-post marked October 24-12:30 AM
Quite tired. Bathed and went to bed at 10:20 p.m.
Friday, October 26 Cloudy-showers-became bright late P.M. and cold in the eve.
From K.Y. 1) in AM a package containing a file on Lincolniana Publishers and the P.-C. Oct.6 and
13 issues. 2) in P.M. an air mail letter dated Monday Oct 22 1 :50 p.m.-postmarked 8:30 P.M. Oct.
23-her 1 st letter from Berkeley-arrived on the 4th day after she mailed.
Today is my K.Y.'s birthday-I wonder if her folks had a party for her. Hope she received my two
packages sent last Saturday and liked what I sent.
Wrote to K.Y. air mail-7th letter.
Retired at 11 :00 p.m.
The fleet is lined up on the Hudson (the paper says from 60th up to 215th St) for the Presidential
review tomorrow p.m.-Saturday Oct. 27-Navy Day celebration in NY. I see three carriers right in
front of the Apt. and several battleships of all types as far as I can see either ways-up and down
Saturday, October 27 Very clear-but very windy and cold.
Saw Pres. Truman review the fleet lined up on the Hudson below the apt. He was supposed to be
on Destroyer "Henshaw."
Some twenty guests came from 3:30p.m. to see this Navy Day program which kept me quite busy
until around 9:00 p.m.
Today being the last day of the week-felt fatigue-as I do at every week-end. Took a bath and went
to bed at 10:45 p.m. without attempting to write to anyone-even to K.Y.
No letter from K.Y. or anyone else today!! Mailed two packages of ditto papers to K.Y.
Sunday, October 28 Partly cloudy-generally clear
Last night's extremely strong and cold wind subsided by the morning.
While still at work a little before 11 AM. the Chaplain called over the telephone asking me to bring
the notes for his 11 o'clock sermon at St. Paul's Church on the campus of Columbia Univ. I
brought it in time to be delivered to him by one of the "sectors" (?) in the collection box. Attended
the service at the same time for the first time since I came to the Chaplain's apt. on Aug.2.
Enjoyed the atmosphere of the Chapel. They have a young peoples' (about 50 boys and girls)
quior. The Chaplain's sermon lasted about 15 minutes-thought he said quite a lot in that brief time"
the self-driven people and the people, otherwise", employing the old parable-two frogs found
themselves in a bottle of sour milk at a creamery one morning, etc.
After returning from the Church-left the Apt at about 12:45 p.m. for downtown as I planned-feeling
the need of recreation. Took in a show at Roxy near 50th and ylh Ave. I saw for the first time how
crowded are Broadway-ylh Ave near Times Square on Sunday afternoons. Had my supper at a
nearby (to the Apt.) Chinese Restaurant-"New Air Low"-rather delicious was Lobster-Cantonese
style. Returned to the Apt. 6 p.m. Wrote to Kiyoko-8th letter to Berkeley-giving my recent thoughts.
Also to Mother and Iyo. Retired at 10:30 pm.
Monday, October 29 Bright and pleasant
Two letters (both via airmail) from K.Y. this AM
1) dated Tuesday Oct.23 11:15 pm-Thursday morning Oct. 24-9:10 AM (postmarked 8:30 P.M Oct
25) 2) Saturday Oct 27-11 :55 a m
Immensely enjoyed these two long airmail letters and felt relieved to know KY. is at least healthy
even though she says that she's being even busier than she ever was at Topaz including the
departure time.
Somehow I'm very tired tonight. Going to take a bath and go to bed at 9:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 30 Clear -an ideal fall weather
Received in the morning a letter from the director of N.Y. Technical Institute saying that my
diploma was ready to picked up. What a delay-more than 50 days since I completed the course.
Went down to receive the above in the evening at 8:00 pm. On the way back to the apt. dropped
in at Tom Ebihara's who is going to the same school now.
Returned to the Apt. at 10: 15 p.m. Bathed and retired at 11 :00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 31 Bright and warm
Noticed that children out on the street with Halloween spirit-a little girl approached me and said
something-Halloween, etc. which I couldn't quite catch as I was dashing to the subway station after
my work at the shop.
Received-finally-BtL for the camera and flashlight from the San Francisco W.R.A. Was surprised
to note that they addressed it to 168 Clinton, Brooklyn 2, N.Y. (the address of the Hostel) despite
the exchange of wires confirming my new address at their request!! Had to write to Mrs. Burke and
Miss Barley at the Hotel to receive the camera, etc. package for me-enclosed the original copy of
Too tired to write anyone else, even to K.Y. Bathed and retired at 12 midnight after reading papers
in bed.
Thursday, November 1 Nice and bright-just the right temp.
It is already in November-Time is passing quickly. Still on the other hand I feel as though time
doesn't go fast enough for my present way of living. It is all learning that keeps me up.-with the (at
the shop) urge to finish something I started-this study of refrigeration principle and its servicing.
Was happy to receive a phone call from Miss Barley of the Brooklyn Hostel to tell me that our
camera (and flashlight) arrived at the hostel two, three days ago. She saw my letter of last night,
which reminded her to call me up.
Wrote an airmail to K.Y. (to be mailed in the morning)-9th to Berkeley
Received a letter from Mother dated Oct. 30th
(Saw an add of North American Accident Ins. Co. (of Chicago) 830 Broad St. Dept. 353 Newark,
N.J. Premier Policy Division-Sounds interesting-think will send for their booklet "Cash or
Friday, November 2 Sunny-and warm!
Received from K.Y.-The Colorado Times-Oct 18-20 issues this P.M.
Also a package from Isao Y.-containing 4 cartons of cigarettes-what's the idea!
Read papers of last few days and Life, this week, Cue, the Colorado Times, etc.
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
This evening received a phone call from Barbara Yamamoto, saying that Teddy Ono is coming to
town tonight from Baltimore, Maryland, to where he was just transferred to attend the Army C.I.C.
school, and Teddy would want to see me while he's here over the week-end. Teddy is to call me
sometime tomorrow.
Sent tonight for a booklet by North Amer. Acc. Ins. Co. Newark, N.J.
Saturday, November 3 Rained heavily in P.M. Became extremely cold at night
Ted phoned at 2:00 p.m. Saw them at Toyo-Kwan at 7:30 p.m. for dinner. Previously had a little
time to talk to Ted alone before Barbara joined us late.
Ted disclosed that they were to marry the coming Saturday 8 p.m. at George Ferris' Apt (where
she works), Apt. 14-B, 164 E 72nd St. (phone RH 4-2916)
Imagine me sitting with these love birds later at Astor Theater to see "Spellbound"-I joined them
rather reluctantly after their insistence. The movie was an unusual picture-Ingrid Bergman did well
as usual. Impression-what a woman can do when she's in real love with a man.
Did not get out of the theater until 1 :30 AM. to surprise myself with setle (?) a tremendous crowd
about Times Square-I almost forgot about this in N.Y. having kept myself away from th is sort of
th ing in this trip to N.Y. entirely. Slept close to 3 AM!
Sunday, November 4 What a gloomy day-very cold!
The chaplain left for Washington, D.C. after his Sunday morning service-at 1 :30 p.m. on a short
trip. Said will return sometime Monday night.
Ted called me twice. Gave him some advice and suggestions-as I thought advisable. Proposed to
help finding accommodations for his parents when they get here for his wedding Nov. 10.
In P.M. Wrote to K.Y. my tenth one to Berkeley-via airmail-6 full pages mailed at 4:45 p.m.
Also to Neisan & Bob in Ann Arbor-carbon copy with additional remark to Chicago-Mother, et al.
Bathed and retired at 11 :00 p.m.
Monday, November 5 Clear-chilly
Received the long awaited reply from Dean Grady-says he does not know personally any firm or
firms needing personnel right now, and he is referring my application to the world Trade Dept. of
the S.F. C. of C., of which he's President this year.
Also heard from Mike K. proposing to come to N.Y. the coming week-end. Wrote back to tell him
to put his trip for one week since Ted Ono's wedding is taking place Saturday evening, and his
parents are expected in town that week-end.
Wrote my 11th letter to Kiyoko in Berkeley via air mail.
The chaplain returned from Washington, D.C. tonight at about 10 p.m.
Went to bed at midnight.
Tuesday, November 6 clear-comparatively warm
Being the state Election Day today for off half hour earlier at the shop at 5 p.m.
Heard from Mr. D.T. Uchida today.
Wrote my 12'h to K.Y. in Berkeley via regular mail tonight knowing that she may not receive it until
Monday even via air mail-enclosed Tibbit's letter of October 7.
Haven't heard from Kiyoko for nine days since Monday last week, Oct. 29.-Wonder just happened
to her. Am greatly disturbed from anxiety. Hope and pray that she and the children continue to be
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 7 Bright and warm
This morning received a letter from K.Y. dated Wednesday, Oct. 31 8:30 p.m.-postmarked 9:30
p.m. Nov.1 and was very much relieved to know that she and the children are all right-except that
the two girls seem to have caught light cold.
Also a postcard from Iyo in Massachussetts.
Barbara Y. called at about 8:30 p.m. and said that Teddy phoned to ask me if he could stay with
me Friday night-the night before he gets married. I am to ask the chaplain and call Barbara back
tomorrow noon. She also said that Bob and Neisan are arriving Friday morning.
Prepared a telegram to Neisan & Bob-which I shall dispatch in the morning.
A booklet, etc. , came from North Amer. Accident Ins. Co. today. A little toothache from yesterdayfeel
like one of the molers troubling. Retired at midnight.
Thursday, November 8 Foggy early morning. Cleared later-warm
Received an airmail from Neisan saying they're arriving Friday morning-Wolverine at 8:46. Intend
to meet them at station in the morning. Arranged with the "boss" at the shop to excuse me a
couple of hours in the morning.
In P.M.-an Airmail from K.Y. dated 9:00 p.m Sunday, Nov. 4, and continued and finished 8:15 p.m.
Monday evening, Nov. 5. Very happy to know that everything seems to be all right. K.Y. is doing
marvelously again.
Finally-our Kodak reached me from Miss Barley of the N.Y. Hostel today-after applying for it in midJuly-
took 4 mos. to get it back! Wrapped to be sent to K.Y. in the morning.
Meant to write to K.Y. but became too late-did not write.
Prepared my application for an accident and sickness policy with North Amer. Accid. Inc. Co. 839
Broad St., Newark 2, N.J. to be sent with a money order for $2.50 in the morning.
Friday, November 9 Sunny-sultry
Got up at 6:30 AM.
Met Neisan and Bob at Grand Central Station. They arrived at 8:46 AM. on "Wolverine." Looked
very well-Had Breakfast at Station Restaurant, and talked a little over an hour. Barbara Y. was
also at the station. She saw the Onos to the Tanakas. Surprised to have heard from Neisan-that
Mother is being quite ill.
I went to work at the shop at 11 :00 AM. on the way mailed a package to K.Y.-our camera and my
two old shirts-the U.-P.-P.C.
Sent out my application for an accident insurance enclosing $2.50
Barbara called up to say that Ted's train is going to be late-11 :40 or so. And he probably won't
come until around 1 AM. or so to stay at Chaplain R's apt.
Wrote to K.Y. via air mail-13th enclosing Neisan's letter. Also to K. Uchida, Mother, Mrs. Dickerson
and Claude Prolt.
Saturday, November 10 Sprinkled all day and rained in the evening
Ted came at 3:30 AM.! to stay for the night, and left at 8:30 AM.
Worked at the apt. until 5:30 P.M.
Dashed to the Tanakas for dinner in honor of Ted Ono and his parents. Mrs. Hayakawa (Martha's
mother) joined-she's waiting for her husband to come from Hila.
The wedding of Ted and Barbara took place at George Ferris-164 72nd st. where she worked. A
very nice home wedding. Refreshment with champaine, etc
Ted & Barbara left for their honeymoon at 9:30 p.m. Went to the Tanakas with Neisan and Bob.
Talked till midnight. Came back 12:45 AM. Retired at 1 :30 AM.
Gave Barbara and Ted $5.00 as our wedding gift.
Sunday, November 11 Raining and miserable
Did not get up until 8:15 AM.-rather tired-from work and Ted's wedding and being with the Ono's
Finished work at 12:30 p.m.
Was about to take rest when Mr. D.T. Uchide and Kay dropped in about 1 :30 and staid 2 hours.
He came to look for employment. We talked on all subjects.
Left the Apt at 5:30 p.m. to meet the Onos at the Gr. Central St. main Information stand. Planned
and went to "Gripsholm" to take dinner, but it was too crowded and left. (One Mrs. Aoko stopped
me at "Gripsholm" to tell me the address of the Ozakis who have been inquiring about me.) Had
dinner at a cafeteria. Dashed down to Madison Sq. Garden to see a prof. ice hocky game, but all
seats were sold out. Went to Rockfeller Center and took in the studio tour-Neisan appeared in
television, answering the guide's questions.
Ate at an automat, which Bob wanted to see. Enjoyed talking to them all evening. Said Goodbye
to them for a while at midnight.
Returned to the Apt. at 12:30 AM. and retired at 1 :00 A.M.
Monday, November 12 Meserable again with continuos rain all day
Received a wire from Mike K., saying that he's coming to N.Y. Sat. morning, Nov. 17, as I
suggested, for a stay of one week.
Finished work at the apt. at 9:00 p.m.
Have been so tired from late nights, Friday-Saturday-Sunday that I went to bed early-after taking a
bath-at 10:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 13 Sprinkling in AM., but cleared up in P.M.-warm
Served dinner for the Chaplain and his guest.
Received 2 air mail letters from K.Y.-dated Thursday Nov. 8-9:10 pm, P.O. mark 8:30 p.m. 11/9
and Friday typewritten Nov. 9-9 p.m. P.O mark 6:30 pm 11/10
My accident and sickness insurance policy with North Amer. Accident Ins. Co. arrived today.
(Arthur Gross, Mgr.) Policy #W-160533 Premier Double duty accid. and sickness policy Home
office: 209 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, III. Premier Policy Dept. 830 Broad St., Newark 2, N.J.
Send the policy to K.Y. via regular mail. Wrote to K.Y. a short note via air mail-14th letter.
Sent to Mike K.-an air mail-special delivery letter-re his visit. Had the chaplain try hotel
reservations for Mike K.-no luck.
Bathed & retired at midnight.
Wednesday, November 14 Sprinkled all day-became very windy in the evening-almost stormy.
Received an air mail from Mike K. in AM.
Tried to get some theater tickets for Mike's enjoyment to provide his meeting with K.U. during his
stay-without avail-all plays in town seem to be sold out till around Dec. 1.-might try again tomorrow
night. Must find some entertainment, some place.
Wrote to James Togawa enclosing Chaplain R's check for his service in repairing a vacuum
Last night the chaplain was good enough to make hotel reservations at Y.M.C.A. Hotel, etc. for
Mike K's stay-not able to find a single room anywhere. The Chaplain said that he might find a
room at St. Luke's Hospital.
Bathed and slept at 11 :00 p.m. Rather tired these days-my vowel (this is what's written) has been having
blood when I am exhausted for some ten days-wonder what is the cause.
Thursday, November 15 Rained and stormy (windy)
Received Kay U's reply saying that she can join Mike K. and me Saturday evening.
After working at the Apt. for a while-went to Madison Square Garden to procure 3 tickets for the Ice
hockey game-bet. N.Y. Rangers and Toronto for Sunday night at 8:30 p.m.
Have tried several theaters for tickets, but found sold out till around Dec. Looked up music and
opera, too-do not find anything likely to interest Mike and Kay. Had to give up.
Dropped a line to Kay U. to reserve Sunday night, and Monday or Tuesday. Resumed work after
coming back at 9:00 and did not finish until 11 :30 p.m. Became completely exhausted that I did
not even want to take my daily bath.
Friday, November 16 Cleared up-pleasantly cold.
Received K.Ys letter (regular mail) of Sunday, Nov 11-1 :30 p.m, which was immensely enjoyable.
She enclosed Little K's drawing at Sunday school-noted striking improvement-she has apparently
gotten fairly good idea of train after her first ride from Topaz to Berkeley.
After work at the apt. went and tried several apts and a hotel in the neighborhood for Mike's stay.
Thinking it would be convenient he can stay near my apt.-no luck. However, Miss Barley of the
Brooklyn Hostel called and assured me of a bed at the N.Y. Hostel on 102nd Street any way.
Wrote to KY. an airmail-15th letter to B. telling her my decision to go back at latest by the middle of
December-asking her to look for a house.
Bathed-read the P.C. & the C.T. in bed-and went to sleep at 11 :15 p.m.
Saturday, November 17
Mike's train was delayed 6 hours. He phoned me after 3 p.m.-at the apt.-He came to the apt.
around 5 p.m. Went to call for K.U. at 7:00 p.m.-dined at "Mike's Ship ahoy" Restaurant at 66th and
Saw KU. home, and Mike and I slept, at the Apt. together.
Sunday, November18
Mike rested while I worked in a.m. He found a room in Herald Sq. Hotel-34th near Macy's. Rested
together in P.M. for a while-talked, etc.
We were invited by KU. for dinner at her apt. at 6:30 p.m. Her chicken dinner was delicious.
We three went to see a hockey game bet. N.V. Rangers and Toronto (professionals) at Madison
Sq. Garden. Had ice cream at Johnson near Rockefeller Center. Came back and retired at 1 :30
Monday, November 19
Went to see Terry Kasuga in the evening -after having dinner at nearby restaurant.
Mike stopped at my apt.-talked till late. He slept with me again-tonight.-around 2 A.M.
Mike was at the shop nearly all day today.Tuesday,November20
Came back from the shop with Mike. Had dinner of my making with Mike. Talked around
Wednesday, November 21
Mike did not come to the shop today. He came to the apt. around 8 p.m.
We went to see a news reel picture at 72nd St. -saw "Is Korea Free?" etc. Drank a little at a bar.
Returned to the Apt. around midnight-retired directly.
Thursday, November 22 Thanksgiving Day
The Chaplain told me to rest till late-which I did. Very kind of him also to leave a note-saying to
"use this ($5.00) toward a nice Thanksgiving dinner with Mike."
Left the apt. at noon, and joined Mike at his hotel. Took in the Metropolitan Museum-dined at
Alexander's Restaurant, Bdwy and 57 St. Went to see "Ice Follies of 1946" at Madison Sq.
Garden. Stopped at a hotel bar ar'ld talked.
Returned after midnight. Went to bed around 1 AM.
Friday, November 23
Mike joined me at the shop-came to my apt. We had some leftover duck-Chap. R's Thanksgiving
Day dinner-together.
Talked till after mid-night when Mike left for his hotel for the night.
Saturday, November 24 Clear and cold (all signs of winter)
Mike joined me at the Apt. around 2 p.m. Mike rested all afternoon while I put in time at work at
the Apt.
He has cold since yesterday-coughs rather badly-Took his temperature-1 01.2 degrees. Still he's
to return to Chicago by tonights train.
(Sent $9.50 in u.S. Note to North Amer. Accident Ins. Co., 830 Broad St., Newark 2, N.Y. tonightto
cover the balance of premium payment for one year.)
Sunday, November 25 Beautiful day-even though chilly
Tosh Nakayama phoned yesterday that he'll come after me at noon.
Dr. Haj. Uyeyama and Tosh and came to call for me (and Sei Iwai). Spent all afternoon at the
Nakayamas seeing the Dxs wife, Grace, Mrs. Uyeyama, Sr., and Teru-Kahiro wife.
Went to the N.Y. M.E. Church in the evening, but found no one from our church attending that
night. Thus could not say good-bye to anyone of them as I originally anticipated.
No entries for November 26 or 27.
Wednesday, November 28 Rained all day.
My last day at work, at the shop. Joe (Joseph Mason) at the shop was really nice to me, and
hated to leave him. He gave me his address Joseph Mason 2771 Marion Ave. Bronx 58, N.Y.
Also George Heerbrandt Frank Beem Refrigeration, Inc. 532 West 125th St. N.Y. City MO 2-5190
Thursday, November 29 Snowed in the evening- First snow
In the evening, went to get my trunk (left since I came to the Chaplain's) at the Brooklyn Hostel.
Said good-bye to Mrs. Burke, Miss Barley and the Kasais.
In A.M.-called Senner twice, but his secretary won't let me talk to him saying he's in conference,
etc. Took chance and went to see him at his new place of work-French Gov't-French Supply
Council 44 Beaver St. (HA-2-9250) He was busy. Thus I left a note.
Also found George Yamaoka out of town-left a note. Saw Jimmie Nakayama and said good bye.
Stopped at J.A.C.L. and saw Peter Aoki. Saw Adrian Altvater at W.R.A.-she was sorry to see me
leave N.Y.
Went to see the liyamas-saw Chizu, Ernie and Patricia shortly aft. noon
Friday, November 30 Snowed all day long
In a.m. talked to Altvater who suggested to go to see Mrs. Hull of Anderson & Hull employment
Saw Chizu, Ernie and Patricia.
Saw Mrs. Hull who called Miss Maria Uovia Aberg, ass't executive sec. of the International Institute
in Philadelphia re a position to be opened in Philadelphia in January-and arranged an interview
Saturday at noon.
Did some shopping at Saks, Macy's etc.
Saw Messrs. Hashimoto and Endo and Mrs. Tanaka
Also Mrs. Ozaki and Mr. & Mrs. Aoki.
Saturday, December 1
Had an interview with Miss Aberg at noon.
No entry December 2
Monday, December 3
Went to see Margaret S. et al in the evening.
Tuesday, December 4
Was invited to the Kenyons in Teaneck, N.J. Met him at Grand Central Station. Enjoyed dinner at
their home.
Richard grew to be quite a fellow-14 yrs. Old. The Kenyons saw me back to my apt. on their 1941
car at 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 5
Left N.Y. on a Delaware, Lackawanna train from the West end of 23rd St. at 7:00 p.m. Crossed the
N.Y. Harbor to Hobocane, N.J. when I boarded train.
Thursday, December 6
Arrived Chicago post 6 p.m. Train delayed about 1 hour. Mike K. and Ed met me at La Salle
Street Station.
Went to the Kitows on Mike's car. Relieved to find Mother recovered well. Talked till late.
Friday, December 7
Min arrived from S.F. th is AM
Spent all day with Mike on work.
Saturday, December 8
Spent all day with Mike.
Sunday, December 9
Today was devoted to the celebration of Mother's birthday (which falls on Dec. 12) Everybody
slept till late. Had brunch.
In P.M. the Komatsus came. A surprise dinner for Mother-wine and all. (Mr. & Mrs. lino came
around supper time-they joined for dessert) A surprise present-a blouse-with a very meaningful
card. A birthday cake with 20 candles-Mother's 01' answer when she is asked her age-"Jiusannanatsu"
After the linos and the Komatsus left, -had a recording of the celebration-came out wellBrother
and sisters, and even Mother danced.
Was a perfectly enjoyable day for Mother and every body else.
Monday, December 10
Early P.M.-Mother, Chizu & I saw Iyo and Min off for Mass. Did shopping at Marshall Field and
returned to Oak Park around 6 p.m.
In the evening, went to see May Okamoto and Martha Yamazaki. Both looked well.
From about 10:00 p.m. dropped in at the Babas-staid till about 1 p.m.
Mike K. saw me back to Oak Park so late as 2 AM.
Tuesday, December 11
Saw Mr. McKee of American Friend Service shortly before noon at Kay's suggestion.
Went to Mike's directly thereafter. Spent all aft. on his work.
Called on Massie-who prepared Sukiyaki dinner. Very happy to see her and Joyce well-expecting
Hi's return any day now. Met Hi's brother and his friend who were just discharged.
Slept at Mike's apt. after bending elbows till midnight.
Wednesday, December 12 Snowed
Spent with Mike all day-seeing Corky Kawasaki in between time. Found Corky out-saw his wife for
a few minutes.
Returned to the Kitows with Mike. Found Mother with cold-not serious.
Had dinner with everybody, talked till nearly 2 AM.
Thursday, December 13 Snowed
Went to shopping with Mother and Chizu, in P.M.
Sent a wire to Kiyoko advising my expected arrival in Berkeley Sunday, Dec. 16, at 9:54 AM.
Bid good by to Mother at home as her cold is still with her. Chizu drove me to station where Ed
and Kay, and Mike were waiting.
Trains departure-at 8:45 p.m. was delayed until 10:30 p.m.
Most unexpected that the train was not crowded-was able to occupy two seats-rested rather well.
Wrote to Mike K.
Friday, December 14 On train en route Berkeley
See snow everywhere.
Did not get up till 1 0 A.M. Enjoyed the sandwiches, doughnuts, and fruits for breakfast which
Chizu made. Went to take coffee in the dining car-too crowded -gave it up.
Arrived Omaha nearly 2 p.m.-5 hours behind schedule. Sipped coffee at station restaurant.
Wrote to Mother et al in Chicago and Ann Arbor in P.M.-mailed same at North Platte, Neb. Also
mailed a letter to Mike K, and a notice to North Amer Accid. Ins. Co. , Newark, N.J.
Telegraphed to Kiyoko from North Platte advising probable delay in arriving at Berkeley on Sunday
for the train is late more than 5 hours now.
Saturday, December 15
Wrote to: Philip J Gray, Massie Saito, Mr. & Mrs. S. Sekiguchi, Claud H. Pralt, M. Smith, Tak Negi
Postcards to Mrs. Henrietta Kuhule, Min Nakamura, Art Endo in Cleveland, Joseph Mason,
Forsberg, Ted Ono
Mailed from Ogden, Utah
Sunday, December 16
Penny postcards to Mr. & Mrs. G.K Yabuki
" G.H. Lafabreque
" Maniwa
" Richard M. Izuno
" M. Kashiwa
" E. Fujii
" S. Miho and Mary Kusumine
Seiichi Nobe
Wrote to Harry S. Scott
No further entries
The first 2 entries in the book are written by Mom on January 1 and 2, 1944. After that there are no further entries until June 11
when Dad started using the book as his diary in 1945.
Saturday, January 1, 1944
Our 9:45 breakfast this morning consisted of grapefruit, ozoni, rice, and otsukemono with tea to drink. Sus
had to leave immediately after for the farm to work, so while he was away I cleaned house, changing sheets,
etc., to start the New Year right. Tish, Leiko, Frank, and Min Nakamura dropped in this afternoon to visit
us. Tonight, Frank came to call for us and we dropped in at Mom's where Tish and Leiko was. Frank and
Sus went to a "party" at Mr. Morita's at Block 35, while I spent the rest of the evening at Tish's. We didn't
get home until 1 a.m.
Listened to Lawrence Tibbitts in "La Traviota" coming from the Opera House, Metroploitan, in N.Y. today.
Mother had a terrible headache today. She is still feeling very despondent and listless.
Sunday, January 2, 1944
Although new snow did not fall today, it was extremely cold, and the snow from yesterday did not melt. I
got up for breakfast and prepared Sus' and Kimiko's at home. Chimney sweeping was Sus' job this morning,
and he cleaned ours thoroughly while I did a big wash and did some ironing. Sus had to work this aft at the
farm. I did not feel well today, having an attack of nausea again. Lost all my breakfast and lunch, and that
terrible saliva bothered me all morning as I washed.
Tonight Mike Kudo came over for dinner, and Mother made chicken sukiyaki for the occasion. We ate at her
house, and upon putting Kimiko to bed, we four played "Tripoley" until 12:30 a.m.
Monday, June 11, 1945
Left Topaz.
On the train-dropped post cards and letters to the following.
Tsuno, Kojimoto, Miyauchis, Hanamura, Shinkai, Nakajima,K.,Yasuda, N., Saneai, Yatabe, Iyeki,
Saito,K. , Asaeda (Toshio), John Y., Bob Asano, Prait, McClusky (Frances) Jenkins (Nellie), Bell,
Lafabrigue, Dickenson, Momma
Wednesday, June 13
Arrived in Chicago at 10:30 AM intead of the scheduled time at 9:30 A.M.
Mother, Neisan, and Isao and Mike met me at the station.
Talked with Tommy, especially as he was leaving for Camp Shelby the same evening.
Went after Chizu and Kay after their work. Chizu treated us to a Chinese dinner.
'Saw Isao off.
Talked till very late.
Thursday, June 14
Spent all day, resting and talking to Mother and Neisan.
Good 01' Mike came to see me at noon and talked till a little before 4:00 p.m. when he had to go to
The linos came to see us - and staid until 9:00 p.m.
Played "Hana" tonight. Kay learned to play. Mother won overwhelmingly.
Talked again with three sisters mostly re Kay's immediate future on her matrimony.
Went to bed at 1 :30 A.M.
Friday, June 15 Rain- heavy rain late at night.
Spent with Mike most of the day.
Entertained at supper by Mike and Buddy.
Went to the Babas- staid till 2:00 A.M.
Saturday, June 16 Sprinkling all day.
Visited the Sekiguchis with Mother and Neisan in P.M.
Sunday, June 17
Left Chicago in early morning.
Everyone saw me off, including Neisan, at the station.
Monday, June 18
Arrived in New Orleans
Thursday, June 21
Left New Orleans at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 23 Very warm
Arrived in Philadelphia about two hours later than schedule. Went to Iyo's on a taxi around noon.
Found Iyo and Pat very well. Spent talking and resting all afternoon.
Wrote to Mother et al in Chicago, The Tamakis in S.F., and Kiyoko.
Sunday, June 24 Fair-warm
Rested in the morning.
Visited the Uchidas with Iyo in the afternoon. Forgot time in talking-staid until dinner-time. Mr.
Uchida and Kay took us to a near-by Chinese restaurant.
Staid a little while more.
Called on the Yabukis who are living just around the corner.
Returned to Iyo's at about 11 :00 p.m.
Wrote to Kiyoko.
Monday, June 25
Left Iyo's 8:45 AM.
Took train for N.Y. at North Phil. Station arrived in N.Y. at 11 :30 A.M.
Had to pay $2.50 taxi fare to get to the Brooklyn Hotel.
Rested all afternoon.
Tuesday, June 26
Rested most of the day.
Did washing and ironing in P.M.
Wednesday, June 27
Saw Senner at Yamaoka's office.
Lunched with them.
Went to W.R.A.-was assigned to Mrs. Hays by Mrs. Asher. Met Steiding and Berryman.
Thursday, June 28
Kenyon gave me a luncheon. Strolled to Rockefeller Center.
Saw Nishimura at W.R.A. office.
Invited to Margaret Saito's in the evening.
Friday, June 29
Tried to see Warners of Frazar in A.M.- out of town.
Interviewed Harold Anderson of G.T. in P.M.
Saturday, June 30
Saw Graves at 11 :00 A.M.
Mrs. Hisa Ishii and Eiko Fujii came to stay at the Hostel. Old Oakland M.E. Church folks had a gettogether
at the Hostel.
Sunday, July 1
Went to a tea at M.E. Church on W. 10sth St. at 3:00 p.m. Met many friends. Mr. Uchida was there. Also Mr. Hashimoto and Arth. Ono.
Had supper with Messrs. Uchida and Hashimoto at a near-by automat. (near the church.)
Returned to the hostel around 9:00 p.m. Wrote some letters.
Monday, July 2
Found Warners of Frazer still out of town.
Went to W. R.A. Was suggested to go to the State Dept. of Commerce, and see Major Park.
Was invited to dinner at Miyako by Rev. & Mrs. I. Tanaka-Mrs. Ishii, Eiko Fujii and Hisa's two
children were also invited. Later, went to the Tanaka's apt.
Tuesday, July 3
Saw Mr. Uchida at M.E. Church and had a private talk with him. Mr. Hashimoto joined us later.
Had supper at a Chinese restaurant near the church.
Went to see Toby Ogawa. Staid till about 11 :00 p.m.
Couldn't see Maj. Park at Dept. of Commerce today. He was tied up.
Wednesday, July 4
In active all day long. Wrote some letters
Thursday, July 5 Occasional showers-cool
AM. Went to Department of Commerce to see Major Park, who referred me to Export Finders
Lunched with James Nakayama at Downtown Oriental Food Restaurant
P.M. Took all afternoon to see Mr. Rowntree of Export Finders.
Enjoyed dinner at Amy K. Maniwa's home.
Friday, July 6
Staid in in the morning. Did some washing.
Went to see Mr. Rowntree at Export Finders Bureau (S Bridge St. ). Didn't come to Ferms-passed
up the opportunity.
Went to Times Square to get the Times.
Returned to the hostel around 4:00 p.m. and ironed some shirts and handkerchieves.
Had a dinner at Sumies with her, Mary Kusumine and Sumie's brother. Talked till 11:15 p.m.
Stopped at Times Square to get the Times on my way back to the Hostel.
Saturday, July 7 Cloudy and cool
Staid in all day. Wrote all day.
Wrote a lengthy letter to Kiyoko for the first time since July 4,--enclosed the two letters Kiyoko
sent-Suddie's and Evelyn's.
Wrote to Mrs. Ueyama, Mr. Endo, Mrs. Kuwashima.
Fatigue began to show. Had to take a nap in the late afternoon.
Sunday, July 8 Fair - cool
a.m. Went to Times Sq. to get the Times. Left the Hostel 10:10 AM.- reached Times Sq. 10:40.
Had to wait in a long line for 45 minutes to get the paper. The Deliverers strike brought a lot of
d ifficu Ities.
Lunch-dinner at the Hostel at 1 :30 p.m.
p.m. Read the paper and rested most of the afternoon.
Took a walk near the Hostel. Had a sandwich and a choc. malt.
Wrote letters to: Lloyd Shinkai, Mrs. Taneko, James Hirokawa, Sgt. Richard Suenaka.
Sent for a free "Facts" booklet from the Commercial Travelers (Mutual-accident Association of
America founded in 1883) Utica 2, N.Y. Saw its ad. in the N.Y. Times.
Received a phone call from Mrs. Marie Kuwashima in a.m. re Export F. Bus. She suggested that I
contact Mr. Sakaguchi at Shudokai.
Monday, July 9
Saw RF. Warners of Frazar.
Went to apply for a time study work at Western Electric Co., 403 Hudson- was told that the
openings were filled.
Went to the Academy of Advanced Traffic, 299 Broadway (near Chambers St) to see what they
had to offer on their course-air freight-traffic mana~ement.
Called on Mr. & Mrs. Henry Yamada 350 % W. 24 h St. , N.Y. following Grave's suggestion. Met
Katsutaro Tezuka (Japanese writing in this parenthesis)
Tuesday, July 10
Dropped in at N.Y. Technical Institute, 108 Fifth Ave.
Luncheon with Peter Aoki-and John Iwatsu.
Went to Farm Bureau Insurance Co. agent 101 Park Ave.
Sent a "resume" to Mrs. Laverne Madigan, W.RA, Newark.
Wednesday, July 11
Luncheon with Mas Hoshino
Was at the Y.M.C.A school to see what they had to offer.
Wrote a long letter to Mother and all others. Also a lengthy letter to Kiyoko letting her know the upto-
date situation.
Thursday, July 12 Cool
Left the Hostel 8:30 AM.
Caught the train for Phila at 9:10 AM. Reached Phila-Broad St. about 10:45 AM. Phoned from
the station: Mr. C. Walter Borton, Jennet Walker, Iyo T., and D.T. Uchida.
Lunched with Iyo at a Chinese Restaurant.
Met Walker at W.R A at 1 :30 p.m. Was introduced to Mr. Snyder, Nellie Nagano, Hiro, etc at
W.R.A (also Rev. Hashitani)
Saw Borton at 2:10 p.m. He advised me to see Mr. Bernard Waring
Tried to contact Mr. Henry Patterson in vain.
Went to the Student Relocation office to see Mrs. Elizabeth Emlen. Found her to be out.
Saw Miss Walker again- made appointment for me to see Overly of Atlantic Refinery and Mr.
Lampe of the U.S.E.S.
Went to Iyo's at about 7 p.m. Had supper, rested, and wrote a letter each to Kiyoko, and Mother
Friday, July 13 Cool
In Philadelphia
Attempted to see Borton at 9:00 AM. before going to the Atlantic as he mentioned that he knew
one Alfred Test in the Real Estate Dept of the Atlantic. Again contacted him at 9:50 AM.-found
Went to the Atlantic R. , and talked to Overley at 10:00 AM.
Called on Lampe of the U.S.E.S.- he was out at 11 :00 AM.
Lunched with Mr. Uchida at 11:30 AM til 12:30 p.m.
Went back to the Atlantic, and was subjected to several tests. 1: 15-2:50 p.m.
Saw Lampe of U.S.E.S at 3:30 p.m.
Tried to contact Henry Patterson all day long but in vain- left a note with him. Wanted to get
introduction to Sun Oil Co.
Met Mrs. Emlen at 4:30 p.m.
Returned to Iyo's at about 6 p.m. Iyo and Pat made delicious ebino-tempura which was delicious.
She left for Boston to spend the week-end with Min. at 11 :00 p.m.
Wrote a long letter to Kiyoko that night re M.K., etc.
Saturday, July 14 Cool but warmer
Attempted to see Patterson at Rm 328 in Withespoon Bldg. at 9:00 AM.- waited until 9:30 AM in
Went to Sun Oil, 1515 Walnut, and Gulf Oil, 1608 Locust. None in the Personnel Dept. that day,
being Saturday.
Called at the W.R.A office. Had a talk with Yager as he wanted to met Mr. Risk, who's about to
join the staff of WRA, Phila. At Yager's suggestion-W.R.A held a meeting of Walker, Snyder,
and Risk with me. Discussed my case from all angles.
Later Ichiro Hasegawa, who is working in the Chemical Research Dept. of the Atlantic & R's
refinary joined in our discussion.
They (W.R.A) promised to call me over the telephone if anything promising turned up. The
meeting took until 1 :00 pm.
Returned to Iy's at 1 :30 p.m. Pat prepared lunch for me. Left Pat's at 2:30. Boarded the train at
3:00 p.m. Returned to the Hostel at 4:50 p.m.
Wrote to Kiyoko and Mike K. Slept at 11 :00 pm.
Sunday, July 15 Rained all day, very cool
Breakfast at 8:30 AM -9:00.
Did a big washing until 11 :30 AM.
Read a little and had a little nap before the lunch-dinner at 1 :30 P.M.-2:00. The 3rd washing since I
came to N.Y. Washed the dishes.
Ironed a suit and 1 knee pairs of trousers.
Wrote to Mr. C. Walter Borton, Miss Jennett Walker, Mas W. Hoshino, John Y., Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Minoru Izuno, W.R.A Property Division, S.F. in attention of J.K. Light re camera, etc., Kiyoko, Miss
Dickinson, Signe and Geo. Lafabreque
Ate at a near by Chinese restaurant at 8:30-9:15 p.m.
Monday, July 16
Registerd at the N.Y. Technical Institute.
Started a student life. Lectures from 9:30-12:30 AM and 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Studied till late at night.
At school, made friend with Milton H. Rains 2329 W. Chester Esp. (?) Bronx 67, N.Y., a veteran of
nearly 4 years in service. He's most kind in trying to help me out. Had a cup of coffee with him
after school.
Tuesday, July 17 Rained heavily-very cool
Most unfortunate that I didn't start school one week earlier when the semester really began. The
director was not kind not telling me the truth.
Margaret Saito phoned in the evening inviting me to join at Miyako to meet the Yanagas Wed. eve.
and to go to Amy Maniwa's later that evening. I declined her invitation thinking that I should not let
anything interfere with my study right now.
Wednesday, July 18 Rained heavily again in P.M.
I'm more confused in my study.
Got so tired in the evening and felt as though I was coming down with something that I gave up my
study in the evening and went to sleep at 8:30-the earliest I retired since I left camp.
Thursday, July 19 Rained in P.M.
Study seems to appear much more difficult than I expected. Instructor Kochyo's lecture on motor
was not understandable to me.
Wrote to Kiyoko, C. Walter Borton, Jennet Walker, K. Hashimoto and Business News Publishing
Co. in the evening.
Retired at 2:00 AM, 7/20
In pencil 4 lines down from above:
K. accents certain word impressively
her machine cuts the time in half since
toddle -half a day
enlist someone's help
pesky things-how one loathe them
issei know-it-alls
Friday, July 20 Bright in AM.
No school until Monday
Phoned Senner at about 10:00 AM, but found him out left a message to call back.
Phoned Joe Yasumura of American Baptist service-re a school boy job.
Studied all day.
Saturday, July 21 Warmer
Mr. Ota came to see me in the afternoon. Studied all day.
Sunday, July 22 Rained in P.M.
Wrote to Kiyoko at 11 :00 pm.
Studied all day long. The only time I went out was to get a bite at about 8:00 p.m.
The hostel serves only two meals on Sundays-breakfast (at 8:30 AM an hour later than other days)
and dinner at 1 :30 p.m.
Monday, July 23 Fair-cool
Sent Kiyokoan
airmail letter at the Brooklyn main P.O. at 10:45 p.m
a night letter - at Western Union at 11 :20 p.m
Wrote another air mail letter to Kiyoko to be mailed at 7:30 AM, Tuesday-July 24. Finished this
letter at 1: 15 AM.
Wrote a letter each to Claude Pralt and Dickinson-Went to bed at 5:00 AM in the morning.
The Richard Minoru Izukos came to town this afternoon to stay at the hostel-on a sightseeing tour
of several days. Their son, Herbert, is now 14 standing 5:11 weighing 185 Ibs., and Jene 11.
Talked and reminisced for a while before dinner.
Tuesday, July 24 F air- a little warmer
School is getting to be interesting- is it a sign that I too can do things mechanical. But I'm
reminding myself that is only the beginning, and it's going to get lots tougher.
Went inquire at Schrafts in Brooklyn for the job they advertised. Perhaps I had better not take it
because it pays little, and I'll have to work from 5:30 - 10:30 or 11 :00 6 nights a week to earn
some $11 -12 or so.
Wrote again to K.Y.- Third air mail letter since 9:00 p.m. last night. This time re the name of our
third "million."
Retired at midnight.
Wednesday, July 25 Fair- warmer than last wk
No letter from K.Y. today-But the U.N. 7/6-11, Pac. Cit. 7/9 issue, and Topaz Times 7/13 issue
reached from her. Decided not to write to her until I hear from her by telegram whether or not she
decided to leave for Berkeley this month or early August.
Heard from Mr. Hashimoto today.
Also from S.F.W.R.A. saying that they'll send our camera soon.
Droped post cards to Mr. Sakaguchi, Rev. and Mrs. I. Tanaka, Mrs. Marie Kuwashima, and Senner
Thursday, July 26 Sultry-warm
Called Mr. Parks of N.S. State C.of C. at 9:20 AM. He was out of office-Left a message. I was late
in calling-he left a message yesterday at the hostel to call him back at 9:00 AM this morning. A
lady at his office who answered my call said that he wanted to know if I found employment. He is
kind in remembering me-I called on him about a month ago. He referred me to Export Finders'
Bur. at the time, but I did not take the job which only paid $35.00 a week.
Did some washing in the evening.
Retired early after reviewing today's school work and going over the want ads of Seattle papers
which George Lafabrigae sent via air mail paying 32 cents postage-very kind of him to do in
complying with my request by a penny post card several days ago.
Sun Oil Co. Personel Mgr., J.H. Ashenfelter wrote enclosing their application form.
No letter from K.Y.
Friday, July 27 Sultry-no rain all day
An air mail from K.Y. (morning delivery) saying that she received my wire of Monday dispatched
around 11 :00 pm. She say received the same-Tuesday aft. at 4 p.m.
2 letters from K.Y. - afternoon delivery.
A.M.- Went to see Sakurai at the Emp. Agency. Saw Dr. Otis Rice re: a job at 3:00 pm. at Earl
Hall, C.U. Promised to see him at his apt. at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Dad's note on bottom of page:
i.e. id est That is
e.g. Exempli gratia for example
Saturday, July 28 Very cool Started to rain AM
Another air mail from K.Y. this AM. Wrote an air mail to her in the morning.
Studied a little during the morning. Was hard to concentrate as I have three things coming up to
my head- the welfare of K.Y. and her possible departure for Calif., accepting the job at Dr. Rice's
or otherwise; and my study.
At 3:30 p.m. I saw Chaplain Rice. He showed me his apt. A very nice and livable apt.- all of the
rooms facing the Hudson River- on the 14th floor, 14-1. The Chaplain was kind indeed. Decided
to take the job, mutually agreeing that it will on a trial basis for one month. I am to report at work
8:30 p.m., Tuesday next week.
Dr. Rice was kind enough to ask me if I had money to tide over the week-end implying that he
would advance if I didn't.
Dashed a penny post card to Iyo and Pat, also to Geo. Lafab. for sending some news ads of
Seattle papers via air mail. Also a "Thank-you" note to Mr. S.J. Sakurai for finding the above job for
Started to reread the text book for the th ird time tonight except the chapter on Motor, on which I
haven't spend much time so far.
Went to buy The Times Sunday issue at a stand near the Borough Hall at 1 AM. That is the only
time one can get a Sunday Times around here! Retired at 1 :30 AM.
Sunday, July 29 A.M. Fairly bright P.M. Rained late aft
Did some washing again directly after the breakfast at 8:30 AM.- preparatory to leave for Chaplain
Rice's Tuesday evening.
Started to study at 10: 15 A.M.- Interupted by the Sunday lunch-supper affair at 1 :30 until 2:30
p.m. Resumed same until 11 :00 p.m.
Couldn't understand the chapter on Motor very well.
Wednesday, August 1 Fair-a little warmer
Received an air mail letter from Kiyoko and a regular letter from Kiyoko's mother.
Dashed a note to K.Y. via airmail. Also a thank-you note to Miss Dickinson and Claude Pratt who
have been extremely kind to Kiyoko in connection with her relocation problem. They went to see
her at her apartment to discuss with her on Saturday, the 28th
, Kiyoko wrote.
Thursday, August 2 Bright-warm
Came to Chaplain Rice's tonight at 9:05 p.m.
(no letter from Kiyoko today)
Friday, August 3 Fairly bright and sultry
No letter from Kiyoko as to her decision to leave Topaz now or later. It must be trying for her.
Saturday, August 4 Bright, but not too warm. The best day since I came to N.Y.
The long awaited letter from Kiyoko finally came today via airmail. She still doesn't know when
she'll leave for Berkeley.
Wrote a long letter to her. Finished it 11:10 p.m.
Went to the Hostel to get a few more of my belongings.
Saw one of the most beautiful sunset across the Hudson River this afternoon (and yesterday to a
lesser degree.)
Sunday, August 5 Another beautiful day- very clear- cool overthe (unsure of this word) -pleasant all
Worked all morning- Tosh Nakayama called.
Off duty the rest of the day.
Did not write to K.Y. today. Mailed an air mail letter to her-- written last night-at 2:00 p.m. into the
apt shute.
Retired after midnight.
Monday, August 6 Started to rain in AM, Drizzled in P.M.
School as usual.
Phoned the Hostel to see if there were any mails, particularly air mail letters (did not mention that
they might be from K'y.- but thinking that way). Their reply was that there was none. I wondered
why the delay in K.Y.'s decision on her departure-either way.
Wrote an air mail letter to her at 9:00 p.m. Studied till midnight and took a bath and retired at
12:45. The chaplain left for New Haven tonight. Father Tiedeman has been here since last night.
Tuesday, August 7 Clear
After school- worked till 8:00 pm.
Immediately after that went to the hostel to get K.Y's letter. (regular mail). K.Y. sounds pretty
discouraged over the way she has been put to in connection with her application for the medical
care grant, etc. Wrote an air mail letter to her after coming home nearly 10:00 pm.
Saw Mrs. Sakoda and her youngest son at the hostel, and I was surprised to see them there.
Tried to study after writing to K.Y. but couldn't. Went to bed after midnight. Whatever the cause
couldn't get to sleep for hours!
News of the atomic bombing of Japan on Monday, August 6 came today.
Wednesday, August 8 Fair-cool
K.Y's first letter addressed to c/o O.R.R. came th is morning before I went to school. Was happy to
receive it here for it'll save my time in going to the hostel to pick up.
School was as usual. Feel catching on to the subject better and better- with daily lab. work.
Finished work and supper before 8 p.m. Wrote an air mail letter to K.Y. Dropped it in the mail
shute at 9:10 p.m. Studied intensively tonight. Retired at 12:15 p.m.
Father Karl Tiedeman, who has been a guest here since Sunday night is leaving tomorrow. He is
from Nevada, he told me.
Mas Hoshide was kind enough to write to me again today.
Reminder-Send a word to John Iwatsu- His wedding Aug 11.
Thursday, August 9 Clear-cool
Finished work and own supper at 8:30 p.m. Listened in to radio-President Trumans speech from
10:00 p.m.
Wrote to Kiyoko-air mail.
No letter from her all day today!
The news that Russia declared war on Japan yesterday came today.
Friday, August 10 Clear·cool
One of the most memorable day in my life. Got the news of Japan's proposing to surrender
unconditionally late this afternoon. Official Gov't news was held up for the evening. The U.S.
Gov't did not receive Japan's offer officially.
How glad our parents must be now that they are sure of seeing their sons coming home without
even a single injury during their service!
Wrote to mother in Chicago, right away. Also to K.Y., Lloyd Shinkai, Mike, and Iyo tonight.
Retired at past 2 AM in the morning.
Saturday, August 11 Another bright day but a little too warm
Received a letter from Mother which crossed with mine of last night. She was kind in enclosing
money for me to buy a little present for Kimiko's birthday.
Kiyoko's package arrived also during the morning. Just one of the two she sent.
Heard over the radio that U.S. received Japan's surrender officially.
Washed a little for the first time at the Chaplain's-in the mid-P.M.
Finished my supper earlier than usual and sat down to write some letters. Wrote to K.Y., Mother in
Chicago, Kiyoko's mother and Father, Senner, Uchida.
Went to bet at 2:00 A.M.-not any too tired at all.
The Chaplain was kind in telling me to get out and have some fun today.
Sunday, August 12 Cloudy-Sultry
Didn't expect the Chaplain to get up so early expecting that he'll have breakfast at 9 o'clock or so.
When I got up at 8: 15 he was up already and ready to leave for the morning service.
Worked all morning.
Read in the afternoon U.-N-July 28-30 Aug1 issues and U.S. News-Aug 3 issue, and the P.C., July
28 issue.
Started to write letters at 3:00 pm. to Tibbits, Kiyoko, Seiichi Nobe, and, Business News
Publishing Co.
Retired at 12:30 AM., but couldn't get to sleep until 2 A.M. !
Monday, August 13 Clear-but sultry
The weather betrayed its forcaster-d idn't rain at all.
Received a parcel from Kiyoko. She sent a pair of work shoes.
Also a welcome letter from her, which was dated-Wednesday, August 8-postmarked 12.M, August
Wrote a short note to Kiyoko.
Studied till 12:15 and went to bed at 12:30 AM.
Mailed out the letters for Catalogs (wrote on Sunday) today
Tuesday, August 14 Fair -quite sultry (82-85 degrees F at mid-day)
As I sat down for my supper at 7:03 p.m. this evening - all the steamers anchored in the stream of
the Hudson River and the factories on the New Jersey side and hundreds of cars passing by down
below started to make noise. It got literally deafening and staid that way for hours. I ate my dinner
with all sorts of mixed emotions - realizing that President Truman's announcement finally came.
Sure enough - when I tune in the radio after I finished the supper - all the stations were
announcing the President's proclamation and the text of Japan's reply. N.B.C. put on Mme Chiang
- Kaishek, and later turned to Mpls., Minn., to air an interview of Sgts. Kazuhiko Yamada and Carl
Nishida. The President declared Wed., Aug. 15 and Thurs., August 16 to be the National Holidays.
Looks like no school for two days. The chaplain called to say that most of the schools will be
closed tomorrow, and he was kind enough to suggest to me to rest in the morning as he will be
leaving for the hospital early in the morning to hold a service there. He is ever considerate and
I wonder if Kiyoko has been listening to radio tonight too, and got the great news. How happy
soldier brother and brother-in-Iaws must be tonight!
Received K.Y's letter of Thurs. Aug 9 today. Dropped her my daily letter tonight again at 10:38
Retired at midnight.
Wednesday, August 15 Cloudy & cool
Staid in bed until 9:00 a.m. - the latest I slept since I left Topaz. Actually had about 9 hours of
sleep - have been averaging something like 6 hours or less per night since I came to N.Y.
Staid in all day to catch up with my correspondence and study.
No school today and tomorrow.
Wrote to Kiyoko in post meridiem.
Sent for many catalogs.
Letters to Tsune Baba, Yuk Miyauchi
Retired at 11 :00 p.m.
Thursday, August 16
Beautifully clear and cool all day - just one perfect autumnal weather. Called Senner for
tomorrow's luncheon engagement in A.M.
Staid in all morning.
Went out for a short while in P.M. for shopping bumped into Lloyd Shirikai most unexpectedly. -
promised to have a visit with him at 4:30 p.m. the same afternoon.
Relaxed a little for the first time and took a nap for about an hour before going to see Lloyd.
Had a chat with Lloyd till about 5:30 p.m. at his apt. at 615 W 113th St., N.Y. 25 - Apt 63. He has
been studying contact lenses working part time. Accidentally saw Mr. Harada's (chogoro) son at
Write to Kiyoko and retired shortly after mid night.
Friday, August 17 Quite clear - cool
Saw Senner at noon.
Received two letters from Kiyoko, one each from Mother in Chicago and Mr. D.T. Uchida.
Wrote to Kiyoko. Went to bed at mid night.
Saturday, August 18 Fair and cool
It's a coincidence that Kimiko has the same birthday as Chaplain Rice. - today.
Wrote to D.T. Uchida, Fred M. Nakamura, Mas W. Hoshino in the afternoon.
Letter to Kiyoko at 7:30 p.m. No letter from her today.
Margaret Saito called in the morning inviting me over for a dinner tonight. Didn't accept the dinner
part. Joined her, her three room mates, and the Toby Ogawas at 8:30 p.m., and had a chat with
them all till 11 :40 p.m.
Slept directly upon coming back at 12:30 AM.
Sunday, August 19 Another autumn-like pleasant weather
Did not rise until 8:00 AM. since the Chaplain did not wish breakfast this morning. Worked till a
little before 11 :00 AM.
Dashed post cards to Miss Barley to inquire if a package came from W.R.A, S.F., also to Dick
Turner (Chask Road, Excelsior, Minn.)
The Chaplain left on his trip at noon.-until Friday. Wrote to H.S. Scott th is P.M., also to George
Yamaoka, K. Fukagai, and K.Y.
Studied from about 8:30 to mid-night. Retired shortly after that.
Monday, August 20 Fair-warm
Two letters from Kiyoko-dated Aug. 14 & 15.
Glanced through the new book bought today-858* pages and worked on the tools-what to procure
etc. till midnight.
Wrote a short note to Kiyoko.
Took my daily bath and went to bed at 1:15 AM.!
*by Andrew D. Althouse & Carl H. Turnquist Chicago-The Goodheart-Wilcox Co. Inc., publishers-
1944-4th edition
Tuesday, August 21 Sultry all day
A letter from K.Y. in the afternoon. Answered same in the evening-also wrote to Uncle Hisashi.
Studied a little-and went to bed at midnight.
I shall be forever grateful to Uncle Hisashi for his action at this time proposing to stay in camp with
my family to help their departure in packing and in seeing them leave safely. Wonder what he's
planning to do himself and where he intends to resettle. He's really kind.
Wednesday, August 22 Sultry
Wrote a long letter to Mike M. answering his of the 19th. Also received today a letter from Tsune B.
No letter from K.Y.-Did not have time to write to her tonight.
Retired at 1 :00 AM. after finishing the letter to Mike.
Thursday, August 23 Cloudy-sprinkled in P.M.
A letter from Mike-dated Aug. 1ih addressed to the Hostel. The Hostel overlooked to forward it to
me at my new address until yesterday. What a service!
Again no letter from Kiyoko. Didn't have the time to write to her tonight as Mrs. Kunle came a little
past 8 o'clock to pick up the Chaplain's washing things. She lives out of town about 26 miles
away, she told me tonight. She comes in every now and then to look after the Chaplain's affair
who is a very close friend of hers. She takes his handkerchieves, napkins, and socks to be
washed or mended. Hardly ever see her because she comes during the day while I'm not in.
Wrote a little note each to Bob and Neisan, Paul L. Kasuga (Mike's friend who is in refrigeration),
D.T. Uchida (postcard)
Retired at mid-night.
Friday, August 24 Rained already actually cold at night time
Went to Everlast (444-4th Ave.) and the Harry Alter Co. in A.M.
Lunched with Mas Hoshino, who said that he is going to leave the Klein Institute and join Allied
Raw Material Corp. (?) exporters & importers from Sept. 1 , etc.
In P.M. went to Canaday 154-W 14th St, (saw Mr. Bayley), Frank Beem Refr., Inc., 532 W 125th,
Ref. Maintenance and Supply Co., 330 W. 96th St.
Chaplain R. returned from his vacation this P.M.
Cooked supper for him and his guest for the first time. Finished work at 11 :00 p.m.-resting in
between about 30 minutes.
Two letters from Kiyoko-dated Aug 19 and 20. Wrote her a very short note.
Went to bed at 1 A.M.
Saturday, August 25 Cloudy-very cool.
Saw Mr. Rossberg (?) at Frank Beem at 12:45. He was courteous and kind. Said the he was an
instructor at Y.M.C.A. school at one time. Also said that Terry (?) did very well. Willing to use me
as a helper-inside work-assistince when I finish school.
Took a stroll in the morningside Park thereafter and returned to the apt. at 3:00 pm.
Wrote to Mike and Bob and Neisan the rest of the afternoon.
(Did a little washing this A.M)
Wrote at length to Kiyoko-the night before our 5th anniversary.
Went to bed at mid night.
Sunday, August 26 Cloudy and bright at times Extremely windy-chilly a little
Rose at 8:00 AM. At about 10:00 AM the Chaplain left for Boston until Friday evening.
Worked till noon. Lunched.
Took it easy until 4 p.m. listening to the small but good-enough radio in my room and reading
Sunday N.Y. Times.
Studied the rest of the day, however resting in between some 4 hours-till 2:00 AM.
Monday, August 27 Clear-warm during the day time-cool in the night
Three letters from K.Y., and the two periodicals, U.N.P.C.
A post card from D.T. Uchida
A letter from Mas Hoshino
Studied from 8:00 to 11 :30.
Dropped a short note to K.Y.-via air mail re: the trunk key, etc. Went to bed at 12:30 AM.
Mrs. Henrietta Kuhule, an old friend of the Chaplain-who comes once in a while to look after him,
came today to stay during the Chaplain's absence.
Tuesday, August 28 Fair-warm
A letter from Kiyoko dated Aug. 24-reporting the result of her weekly check-up at the Hospital.
Hope and pray she gets over her cold right away and will not affect her condition in any way.
Wrote to her right away-via air mail.
Dropped a short note each to Mike K. and Tommy Ogawa-at 471 Central Park West clo Mr. M.
Kashiwa, his uncle.
Also wrote to Harvey N. Aki 2089 Mass Ave. Cambridge 40, Mass.
Studied a little and slept at 1 :00 AM.
Wednesday, August 29 Fair-sultry and uncomfortable all day.
Had a hair cut after school which was long over due. Finished work 8:30 p.m. Studied till 11 :30.
Wrote to Wagner Electric Corp., 6400 Plymouth Ave, Saint Louis 14, Mo and Kay Uchida in N.Y.
Retired at 12:30 AM.
No letter from K.Y. today. Could not write to her this evening.
The parcel containing a box of stationary, as K.Y.'s gift on our Fifth anniversary came today.
Thursday, August 30 Bright and hot (92 degrees at 4 P.M.)
Instructor J. Kehoe at school left on his vacation today. He said he was taking his wife to White
Mountain-The place is free of "poly" (x) which is the main cause of his hay fever. His wife is
supposed to be "one of the worst cases" of hay fever in New York. Every year-Aug. 14 started this
"poly" season. I thank him and wished him well as I'll not see him before I graduate Sep.7.
(x) Pol'yanthus-white or yellow flowers
No letter from Kiyoko today-after work at 8:20 went to see Tommy Ogawa and his family-staid until
12: 15 AM. Had a lot to talk about. He saw the Lafabreques in Seattle. They are staying with his
uncle, M. Kashiwa and his family 471 Central Park W.-apt 3-E. They treated me royally-with
drinks, raw-squid, noodle, etc.
Went to bed immediately upon returning.
Friday, August 31 Hot weather continues-very uncomfortable from the morning
Went to G.E., Frigidaire, Gotham Refrigeration Service in AM.
In P.M. Westinghouse, Kelvinator-and other refrigeration Service shops. (Refrig. Corp. of Amer.,
Kerby Saunders, etc.)
Am to call back at Gotham when I can. Others-I see little prospects.
Mrs. Kuhule went back today. Left a note to read; "This is a very awkward expression of
appreciation of your thoughtful care. Thank you very much", with an enclosure of $2.00. She's
estremely kind to me. She was a nurse, the Chaplain told me one time. She's a German descent
and has a little accent. She tells me to eat well to safeguard my health-I work very hard, etc. She
has some kind of word of encouragement every time she comes.
A nice letter from K.Y. today-dated Sunday, Aug 26-she starts her letter with Happy Anniversary.
Wrote to her and retired being rather tired tonight after two nights in row of late hours.
Chaplain R's guests-a young couple came to stay this aft. Haven't seen them yet.
Saturday, September 1 Bright and warm
Received K.Y's letter of Monday August 27 reminiscing Del Monte, Aug. 27, 1940.
Wrote to K.Y. as I listened to radio broadcast from the Battleship Missouri in the Tokyo Bay and
the White House-reporting the scene of Japan's formal surrender signing and the Pres. Truman's
proclamation of V.J. Day (to be Sept. 2) MacArthur spoke several times as the supreme
commander of the Allied powers at the scene of the surrender ceremony. (U.N. Aug, 15-17-20 and
P.C. -8/18 came from K.Y. today)
Also received a letter from Mike and a telegram from Kay Uchida in Philadelphia replying to my
note of several days ago that she could not join me for dinner Sunday night. Went to bed at 11 :30
The C. returned from Boston tonight at 10:00 p.m. Tsune B. wrote from Mineapolis today13 hours behind N.Y. 8:55 AM Tokyo Sunday Sep. 2 7:55 P.M. N.Y. Saturday Sep.1
Sunday, September 2 Rained during the night, and still sprinkling-cooler a little sunshine in P.M.
for a while
Got up at 7:45 AM.
The Chaplain (and his guest until noon) did not get up till 10:30 AM. for breakfast. Therefore,
worked till about 1 :30 p.m. Read the Sunday Times and enjoyed C.B.S. Sunday concert till 4:30
Wrote a short note to K.Y.
American Cable & Radio Co. had an ad in N.Y. Times today-announcing direct radio telegraph
service to Tokyo via Mackay Radio-however adding, for the present.. . limited to Gov't.-press .. and
prisoner of war messages.
Studied a little and retired at 11 :00 pm.
Monday, September 3-Labor Day Bright and glorious weather, cool all day
Chap. R. started to worry about me as I do not go out at all-even for a walk on a beautiful day like
this. He's very kind.
Haven't stepped out of the apt. since Saturday afternoon.
Studied all afternoon and evening writing in between to Kiyoko and Mike K.
Took a bath and went to bed at midnight.
Tuesday, September 4 Bright and cool
Letters from: D.T. Uchida (dated Sept. 3) Kay Uchida (dated Aug 31 ,-postmarked Philadelphia
8/31 10:00 p.m), Mother, and three letters from K.Y: dated: Aug 29 (Wed.) "about 4 p.m." *May M.
Okamoto's letter enclosed. Aug 30 (Thurs) 4:15 p.m. -Suddie's letter enclosed Aug 31 (Friday)
9:00 p.m.-Happy to learn that K.Y. got over her cold and in perfect condition.
Back to school again-and back to lectures again from the lab work of the past 5 weeks with a new
instructor since the regular instructor left on his vacation. The new instructor is supposed to be an
authority on Electricity and Motors. Enjoyed the lecture immensely today as the subject was
electricity and motor, which I wanted most. Was extremely glad to know that we're to have
lectures on this subject this entire week including Friday (to make up for the Labor Day holiday).
Worked till after 8 p.m. since the two guests (Mr. & Mrs. Hunter) left today-in cleaning up.
Enjoyed the many letters.
Studied till 11 :30-bathed and retired at midnight.
*She says in that letter--"I just read in todays U.S. Home of Aug. 31 in the March of the News
Section: "Refrigerators are to be in such supply by mid-October that distribution control can be
Wednesday, September 5 Sunny and warm
After school, went to Gotham Ref. Svce Co, 231 West 58th
, but was told that the season was about
over, and they didn't need any additional help in the shop nor their outside work.
Received a very kind letter from H.S. Scott dated Aug. 31.
The very first issue of Air Condo & Refrig. News under my subscription came today.
Wrote a short note each to Kiyoko and Mike K.
Reviewed the various catalogues received today.
Studied from 10:30 P.M. till midnight and retired at 12:30 AM.
Thursday, September 6 Warm-sultry
Studied intensively till 2 AM.-chiefly electricity and motors to prepare for an exam tomorrow.
No letter from K.Y.- Dropped her a short note earlier in the evening.
Friday, September 7 Very foggy in early morning-warm all day rather uncomfortable
Finished school today. Very much relaxed, tonight.
Received 2 letters from K.Y. in one envelope mailed Sept 4. The letters were dated Sept.2-1 :30
p.m. and Sept. 3-3:00 p.m. Was relieved to know that K.Y. recovered from her cold.
Wrote a rather lengthy letter to Kiyoko. Went to bed at midnight.
Saturday, September 8 Bright & sultry
Got up at 8:00 AM.
No letter from Kiyoko this morning (all day being Saturday)
Worked till noon. Washed in early P.M.
Tom Ebihara came to see me re: N.Y. Tech. at 3:00 p.m. We sat and talked in Riverside Park until
4:00 p.m.
Did some shopping and returned to the apt at 4:30 p.m.
Studied the rest of the day until midnight resting in between at supper time and after that.
Took a bath and went to bed at 12:30 AM.
Wrote to the S.F.W.R.A re our camera and flashlight.
Sunday, September 9 Bright and continues to be sultry
Got up at 8:00 AM.
Worked till noon.
Wrote a short note to Kiyoko in early afternoon. Ironed shirts, etc.
Studied all afternoon and evening doing the paper work for the final examination, except the time
for supper. Amazed at the amount of time it takes to answer the questions. There are 54
Stopped studying at 12:15 AM.
Took a bath and slept at 1 :00 AM.
Monday, September 10 Cloudy in AM-cleared up at noon. Became cloudy later P.M.-still sultry
Went to see Mr. Etner of American Machine & Equipment Co, 42 Hudson St. (Rector 2-2717) and
Mr. Hartman, Personnel Mgr., Refrigeration Corp. of America, 241 West 64th St.
These two places were recommended to me by the school. However, the former said that they
were looking for experienced men and was not interested in any "green horns." The latter was
"kind" in suggesting something else besides working in their assembly line. Hartman said that my
background, etc., shows that I wouldn't enjoy that sort of work. However, if I wanted a job bad
enough he can give me one in the night shirt from 5:45 p.m. to 1 :45 AM.! which I cannot possibly
take at 99 cents an hour.
Returned to the apt. shortly after noon-after doing daily shopping a little earlier today.
Called up several offices connected with foreign trade and made appointments for Tuesday and
It was disappointing to have found out this morning by calling Frank Beem that Mr. Fossburg, who
said will hire me after I get out of school, was out of town and will not be in office until Thurs.
morning, Sept 13.
Maybe it's fortunate, for I can call on some of the peoples in the foreign trade field in the meantime.
Received 2 letters from Kiyoko-Sept 5 & Sept 6. Wrote to her. Sent a news clipping to D.T.
Uchida today. Worked on the Final exam paper.
Tuesday, September 11 Rained sultry
Saw John Quirk at National Foreign Trade Council at 10:00 AM. Went to the U.S.E.S.- too
crowded-did not wait. Was at the Professional, Technical and Sales Dept first-then to the
Industrial Dept.
Called on the Carrier people (Carrier Refrig. Equipment 405 Lexington Ave.), but no result.
Later tried to see Philip Gray of Foreign-Credit Interchange Bureau (1 Park Ave.) but did not come
back at the appointed time at 4:00 p.m.
Didn't feel well. Studied a little-wrote to Kiyoko. Retired early-had a very bad case of diarrheawork
up at least a doz times during the night.
Box on the page has these words:
Haruko's antics odd fantastic
to perform antics, etc.
throb (bing), drools-drivel (dri' vi) molar to pull strings include mechanical insight some J writing in
Wednesday, September 12 Fair
Felt miserable.
But made the appointment with Miss Devlin of Export Managers Club Inc, 2 Lafayette St (near
Park Row) at 10:30 A.M. No immediate result. However, she said that she'll be glad to include my
application for a position in The Bulletin of her organization. The Export Managers Club of N.Y.,
Inc., is not affiliated with the Export Managers Club in other cities- nor are they an organization
that include importers, shippers, banks, freight forwarding firms. They just include export
managers of industries and that only, Miss Devlin explained.
Also was able to contact Philip J. Gray, Manager of Foreign Credit Interchange Bureau, National
Association of Credit Men, One Park Ave., N.V. He was extremely courteous-knows Dean Grady,
Minehan, Wm. Montgomery, etc. in S.F. He said to submit my resume of background in about 8
copies, and an article in 3 copies saying my availability in Far Easterntrade, which he'll run in his
Weekly Bulletin he edits.
My diarrhea situation became none better. Returned to the apt. shortly after noon.
Rested the rest of the day and the evening-getting up for a light supper of beef broth, toasts, and
Heard from mother today.
Thursday, September 13 Bright and cool
Felt a little better this morning after a long, good rest. Diarrhea seems to have stopped. However,
went out to see Fossberg of Frank Beem at 9:00 AM. He said that I may start working at any time.
I promised to start on the job Monday Sept. 17. (Hoping to recover my strength meanwhile)
Upon my return from Frank Beem-found the long waited telegram from Topaz, which read "Son
Akira arrived Tuesday evening Sept 11 at 11 :30 weight Six Ibs. Three oz Both doing perfectly. I Kimiko Haruko fine All our love Kiyoko"
Was most happy to know that the both were doing well first- and was elated over the arrival of a
son to our household.
Dashed an airmail to Mother et al in Chicago-and a post card each to Ann Arbor and Philadelphia
giving the news from Kiyoko. Wrote to Y. Miyauchi Heard from Capt. Miyauchi
Friday, September 14 Dark, sultry in AM Thunder storm of worst kind in P.M.
Rose at 8:00 AM. Found myself not a par yet, having no appetite, etc.
Received Kiyoko's letter of 8:45p.m. Sept 10-the night before she went to the Hospital. It's
amazing how she kept up with everything until very near the time.
Had to take rest until noon-lying a bed. Felt a little better in p.m.
Tried to finish the final exam. paper spending all afternoon and night until midnight-gave it up.
In between, prepared supper for the chaplain and his friend tonight-the second supper I prepared
during my stay here of 1 Y2 months-which took about 4 hours before I cleaned up everything.
Took a bath and went to bed 12:45 A.M.
Saturday, September 15 Cloudy and cooler
Woke up at 8:15 A.M.
A very pleasant surprise-a letter from Kiyoko written on the following afternoon of the night she
went through the pain and gave birth to Akira! How does she do it. And she says that she finished
10 post cards to all our sisters and brothers. She must be feeling well. But hope she's not
straining herself.
Worked till noon. Diarrhea is coming up again-I wonder what's troubling me.
Wrote to Kiyoko in p.m.-a 10 page letter
Studied in the evening working on the "final exam." papers.
Took a bath and retired at midnight.
Sunday, September 16 Cloudy-actually chilly
Worked till noon
Worked on the school paper till 4:30 p.m.
Went to the Hoshinos' for dinner-on 5 p.m. enjoyed tempura and rice.
Found out that Mrs. Hoshino's maiden name was Aiko Masuda (of Livingston-used to be at Cal. in
KY's time) Talked till 10 p.m. Was tired
Slept early at 11 :00 p.m
It became chilly in P.M.-was actually cold through the night.
Monday, September 17 Rain storm all day-chilly
Reported to work at Frank Beem at 9:00 A.M. Enjoyed the first day. Returned to the apt. at 6:20
Worked at the apt. till 9:30 p.m.
Dropped a line to Kiyoko at 10:30 p.m.
Worked on the paper until midnight.
Heard from S. Nobe and Mike K. this morning.
Tuesday, September 18 Rained all day- but warmer
Lots of rain and miserable today. Certainly worked hard at the shop.
Worked at the apt till 8:00 p.m. Dashed a note to K.Y. Exausted-slept at 11 :00 p.m. tonight after a
Wednesday, September 19 Clear and cool
a very beautiful day-a real autumnal air
The long-awaited Kiyoko's letter (air mail) giving her first description of our son Kenneth Akira
finally came. It was dated 5:30p.m, Sept. 14-(postmarked Sept. 17-12M?!) Did I enjoyed it!
Sounds like he is already a strong little fellow, full of mischief. He looks a bit like me, people are
commenting! Well! Our successer at long last.
Above all, indeed happy to know that Kiyoko continues to do well. Hope she doesn't over due with
the approach of her departure for Berkeley. She says she has been up and around from the next
Went down to school to hand in the paper work at 8 p.m. when I finished work. Came back at
9:1 5-worked till 10:30.
Dropped just a line to Kiyoko tonight. Took a bath. Went bed-at 11 :30 reading the paper received
from KY. this P.M.
Heard from Tommy Ogawa-a post card.
Also a short note from Mother.
Thursday, September 20 Bright & Cool
Received letters from Kiyoko, Mother (KY's) and Iyo Also Harry Alter 1944 catalogue from Mike K
Friday, September 21 Bright & Clear-Generally cool Another letter from Kiyoko dated 17'h-Happy to know that she's recovering her strength rapidly.
Akira must be quite a fellow. He is just 10 days old, and already taxing his mother with his boyish
Finished work a little past 8. Read papers and Life while consuming supper.
Wrote to K.Y.-for the first time since Sept. 15 except-the short notes daily thereafter excluding
Saturday, September 22 Beautiful autumnal weather Clear and cool
Worked at the shop until 1 p.m.
Received the very first pay this noon.
Worked at the apt. until 6 p.m.
Wrote to Mike K. enclosing the draft of a letter to the makers of refrigerators, etc. which I prepared
last night. Took until past midnight.
Went to bed at 1 p.m. (he must mean a.m.)
No letter from K.Y. today.
Sunday, September 23 Started to sprinkle in early A.M. and developed into a real rainy day in late
morning. Actually feel dampy coldness of autumn.
Got up a little earlier at 7:15 AM. today for Sunday-as the chaplain had to leave at 8:30 A.M.
The Chaplain came back shortly after mid-day and said that I should go out and take in a movie or
something. He is concerned that I might get depressed in staying in all the time in my spare time.
He was also kind enough to say that it is far better that mother starts to take care of her baby early
psychologically even though it may work a little hardship to mother (as I told him that K.Y. had to
attend to the baby from the fourth day). He further said that in his experience at St. Luke's
Hospital-the baby is not cared by his parents until he leaves the hospital-the baby sometimes get
ingestion, etc. as he leaves the hospital.
Wrote Iyo in the forenoon, asking her to type papers for me, etc.
Wrote a letter to K.Y. in the afternoon.
Wrote to the City Hall, L.A.
Rested a little this P.M. reading papers and taking a nap.
Also to Phillip J. Gray, Foreighn Credit Interchange Bureau 1 Park Ave. N.Y. 16; Miss Devlin of the
Export Managers Club, 2 Lafayette St., N.Y.
Also to Mr. & Mrs. T. Hanamura, Mr. & Mrs. J. Aoki, and Mr. Tokutaro Oishi (his wife died recently)
Went to bed at mid night.
Monday, September 24 Fair-sultry
Worked at the apt. till 9:30 p.m.
Chaplain R's-god sister and her son arrived at 10:30 PM.
Enjoyed KY's letters of Sept 19 and 20.
Wrote to K. Y. via airmail.
Went to bed at 12:30 p.m (a.m.)
Tuesday, September 25 Bright & Sultry
Finished work at the apt. at 9:00 p.m.
Started to write to Miss Dickenson & Pralt-didn't finish. Also to Kay Uchida.
Slept at midnight.
Wednesday, September 26 Sunny-sultry
Much to my pleasant surprise-there were placed two presents for Kenneth-one from Chaplain
Riece and the other from Mrs. Henrietta Kuhule. The Chaplain's gift-one large blue baby wrapper3
%' X 5' - with a blue satin border-his card reads: "Best wishes to Kenneth and his good parents
Otis R Rice"
Mrs. Kuhule's gift-a blue sweater and a blue booty. Her card reads "Its wrapped with love and its
bringing too the best of wishes Dear baby, for you and your mother from Henrietta Kuhule"
Wrote to Kiyoko.
A letter from Mother, also Tom and Mike today.
A letter from Neisan and Bob-enclosed was a gift to Kenneth-$5.00 Didn't finish writing to
Dickinson & Pratt. Slept at 1 :00 PM. (AM)
notes Paid cleaning charge Rain coat 1 .15
a suit (herringbone) .85
a pair of trouser (Bradford) .40
Thursday, September 27 Cloudy and humid-Rained in the evening
Worked till 9:45 p.m. at the apt. having to serve dinner for Mrs. Martin.
Finally finished an air mail letter to Dickinson and Poult-for mailing in the morning.
No letter from Kiyoko for three days. I wonder what happened to her. Hope she and the rest are
all right.
Went to bed at 11 :30 p.m.
Friday, September 28 Very clear-warm
Received the long awaited letter of Sept. 23 (postmarked Sept. 24) from Kiyoko-a very enjoyable
account of the three children.
A letter from Isao.
Mrs. Martin gave me one of his sons Bill's coats.
Worked at the apt. until 10:00 p.m.
So tired-read newspaper-took my daily bath and went to bed at 11 :45 pm.
Saturday, September 29 Bright & warm (was very windy in late P.M.)
Was a very strenuous day.
Returned from Frank Beem at 1:45 p.m. Worked at the apt. till 4:15 p.m. Went to the P.O. to mail
a package containing Chap. R's gift and Mrs. Kuhule's to Kiyoko. Also mailed two catalogues to
Mike K.
Got a hair cut for the first time in how long? On my way back saw Mrs. Yuki Matsuo for the first
time in about 10 years. Met Miss Takara with her.
Worked some more till about 8:30 p.m. Was so tired that I had to go to bed shortly after that.
Eastern War Time is to be moved back an hour tonight at midnight.
Heard from Mike K. Received a postcard from Kay U. accepting to have dinner with me tomorrow.
Received a copy of their Bulletin from For Cred Int. Bureau showing my add included therein.- My
add included in FCIB 9/28/45-1287-E
Sunday, September 30 Bright and clear-a beautiful autumnal day-crispy
Got up at 8 a.m. Worked till noon.
Took it easy lying down and reading.
Had dinner with Kay U. at Bonat's (Went to call for her at her apt. at 4 p.m.)
Returned to the apt. at 7:45 p.m.
Wrote to K.Y.-via air mail Neisan & Bob, and Ted Ono
Went to bed at 11 :00 p.m.-new E.T. (since last night)
Monday, October 1 clear-chilly
Worked at the apt. until 8:30 p.m.
Dashed a note (re: U.N., etc.) to K.Y. via air mail again in hope that she may get it Friday the 5th
Received two letters from K.Y. Tuesday Sept 25th Thursday Sept. 27th which I enjoyed
Wrote a thank-you card to Iyo for typing the "personal record, etc"
Took a bath and went to bed at 11:45 p.m.
Tuesday, October 2 clear-chilly especially in the evening-quite windy
No letter from any place.
Received from K.Y. the U.P.-9/10-12-14-17-19 & the P.C.-Sat.-9/15
Wrote to Philip J. Gray, Mgr. For. Credit Int. Bureau, thanking him for the prompt inclusion of my
"add" and, enclosing 8 copies of my "resume."
Wednesday, October 3 Clear-windy-cold-tonight they say that the temperature may become as
low as 40 degrees and there may be frost
Mrs. Martin left today. In her place, came Miss Wise tonight.
Took three hours to clean the apt. after the Martins left-until 9:30 p.m.
No letter at all today
Wrote to K.Y. and postcards to Kimiko and Haruko. A post card to Tommy Ogawa.
Took a bath and went to bed at midnight.
Thursday, October 4 Clear and cold
A letter dated Sept 30-7:45 P.M.-postmarked Oct 1-12M from Kiyoko came today.
Everything seems to be all right at home, except arranging the crates and grants, which worries
me. Hope the she (?) can expedite things with O. and P. It must be difficult for her to handle
everything all by herself.
Oh Boy Oh boy-Akira must be a very handsome chap.
Kiyoko says that she got dressed from Saturday, Sept. 29-which is only 18 days since she gave
birth. Wonder if she will be all right with all the care she has to give the three children-besides
packing-bringing food-worries over everything else.
Kimiko must be quite a young girl according to K.Y.'s description of her in today's mail.
I asked the Chaplain if he'll ask Peterson the radio man to see if he can procure the two radio
tubes we have been after for a long time.
Get quite tired these days working till late every night. Felt chill-like this aft. Thought I might have
caught cold. But felt better after supper. I must be careful from now on-being under continued
Took a bath and went to bed early at 10:30 p.m. the earliest in a long while.
Friday, October 5 Bright - cool
A package containing my gray overcoat and a package with the P-C. Sep.22 issue and the Y.P.Sept
21 and 24 came today.
Wrote a short air-mail note to Kiyoko.
Bathed and went to bed at midnight
Saturday, October 6 Cloudy early AM. Started to rain - throughout the day-much warmer.
A welcome letter from K.Y. dated Monday Oct 1-4:40p.m
Also a short letter from Ann Arbor dated Oct.4
The Chaplain discarded a brown leather suit case and said that I may have it, if I wanted. It is a
very sturdy one. According to the chaplain the case is at least 75 years old.
Mailed this P.M. a package for Mrs. Thomas Martin to W.O. Pain, Desert School, Tucson, Ariz.
Insuring it for $25.00 Cost of parcel post $1.17 plus 10 cents for insurance.
Very tired-took a bath and retired at 10:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 7 Cloudy-cool Sprinkling a little. After a shower cleared up to be very pleasant
in the mid-afternoon.
Got up at 7:45 AM. Finished work at noon.
Rested-read Life, Harvard Alumni Ass'n Bulletin, to which the Chaplain subscribes.
In P.M. Wrote to John P. Herber-Grays Harbor Exploration Co., Seattle, Washington-and Ted Ono.
Wrote a short note to K.Y.-regular mail-enclosed my pencil draft of letter to Herber
At 5 p.m. went over to the Masakichi Kashiwas (J characterwriling in parenthesis) but found the Tommy
Ogawas gone to Virginia to take a job at a millionaire family mansion. Mrs. Kashiwa, her daughter
Amy, and her niece Mrs. Kawasaki (Suekichi) treated me with Sushi, Sukiyaki and a very good
Kooko-met the S. Kawasakis for the first time. They have 9 years old son Masato and 6 yrs old
son Nobuo. Talked at length with Mrs. Kawasaki (Mr. K. doesn't return from his restaurant until
10: 15 every night including Sundays. His place of business-restaurant is located at W. 125th &
Amsterdam and have some 500-600 customers daily.
Returned to the Apt. at 10:30 p.m. Retired directly.
Monday, October 8 Clear-just pleasant all day
Another guest-Lieut. Tucker-came today for a stay of two, three days (the Chaplain said tonight).
Am able to take things in stride.
Wrote a brief note to K.Y.-via air mail. Hope it will reach her Friday.
Tuesday, October 9 Clear-cold a little
Received a very interesting letter dated Thurs, Oct.4-8:30 pm. from Kiyoko.
Also received a telegram from the S.F. W.R.A.-asking me to confirm my address. Sent a nightletter
reply to W.R.A at 9:25 p.m at the Western Union Office at 2801 Broadway.
Went to Tom Ebihara's apt. thereafter and staid until 11 :35 p.m.
Retired upon return-after writing diary-at 12:15 AM.
At bottom of this page there was this note:
9/30 Neisan said that Ted Ono graduating O.C.S. at Fort Benning-he's coming to N.Y. directly after
that. She wants me to see Miss Yamamoto. Ted can be expected in N.Y. Oct 10-13?
Wednesday, October 10 Bright-cool-
Finished work at the apt. unusually early 8:30 p.m. Read newspapers of last 5 days.
No letter from K.y. Wrote a short note to her tonight.
Also wrote to N.Y. Tech inquiring just happened to my diploma.
Slept at 12:30 P.M. (a.m.)
Thursday, October 11 Clear-cool
Ted Ono phoned from Philadelphia at 6:45 AM.
Went to see him and meet the friend Barbara Yamamoto in front of Imperial Theatre W. 45th St.
West of Broadway ("Song of Norway" was played at the Theatre, which they saw)-after the play at
11 :15 P.M. Took them to "Ding Ho" Restaurant and had wan tang together-talked till 1 AM. Bid
them good luck.
Returned to the Apt. at 1:45 AM and retired immediately.
The P.-C. and the U.-N. came from K.Y. Today.
Received her (K.Y.) letter of Sunday Oct 7-10:30 p.m. today. Glad to know that she got 2 pullman
so that her mother too can ride with K.Y. and children.
Friday, October 12 Rain-early AM-cleared up in P.M. cool
Hard to get up this morning, after the late-hour last night.
Received K.Y.'s letter of Oct. 8 - 9:20 p.m. Happy to know that she's fast recovering despite the
busy time she's having in preparation of her departure from Topaz on Oct. 18 for Berkeley. She
says that her mother is sending me "Yaki-nori"!
Wrote an air-mail letter to K.Y. the last letter to be addressed to Topaz.
I pray to God humbly to keep K.Y. and the three children and to bring them to Berkeley safely-with
her mother.
James Tagawa brought back Chaplain R's vacuum cleaner tonight-finally fixed .
Saturday, October 13 Clear and chilly
Returned from the shop to the Apt. at 1 :45 p.m.
Worked till 6:00 p.m.
Received a letter from R.H. Tibbits today, which was quite a surprise.
Was so tired that I went to bed at 8:30 p.m. after bathing and glancing through papers and
Refrigeration News.
Sunday, October 14 cloudy-warm
Got up at 7:30 AM.
Worked a little-until 10 AM.
Did a big washing in AM-for the first time in three, four weeks. What an accumulation it was!
Rested until 4 P.M.
Wrote there after to:
Lincolniana Publishers
W.W. Lessing, Chicago W.R.A.
Henry F. Grady.
Also a card to Mas W. Hoshino and Masakichi Kashiwa and Minesuke Miyauchi, Topaz
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Monday, October 15 Clear-chilly a little
In AM-a letter reply from John P. Herber & Co. Inc. replying to my inquiry for a position of October
7 (via air mail)-of all things, it was written and signed by L.M. Ingstad, vice president (formerly of
M.S.K.-he was retired by S.T. in his regime)
Also a little note from Mike K.
In P.M. a letter from K.Y. dated Thursday, October 11-post marked 12.M, Oct.12.
Worked at the apt. till 9:00 p.m.
Wrote to Milton H. Rains, Harry S. Scott.
Retired at 12:30 AM.
Tuesday, October 16 Bright-and chilly
In P.M. Received a letter from K.Y. dated October 12-2:50 P.M.-enclosing John Yamashita's letter
(air-mail-special delivery) of October 11.
In John V's letter he writes that "Soppy Iwai has a job offer (partnership) especially with Sus in
mind-this prompted me to send a night letter to John Y. tonight to find out what's it all about. Sent
this letter (39 words) at 10:20 p.m.
Wrote an airmail to K.Y. (and her mother and father)-my first letter to K.Y. in Berkeley.
Bathed and retired at 12:30 A.M.
Wednesday, October 17 Beautifull clear-warm
No letter from any place.
Two guests arrived for a stay of 2, 3 days. The Chaplain certainly has a lot of guests! He says
that these people can't find any hotel accommodation under present hotel conjestion.
Last two late evenings made me very tired today. Slept early for a change at 11 :15 p.m. giving up
my intention to write some letters.
I wonder how Kiyoko and the rest will get along tonight and early tomorrow morning as they bid
farewell to Topaz! Pray that they get along well on the train and arrive Berkeley without much
Thursday,October 18 Bright-warm
No letter from any place.
Kiyoko and the children and K's mother are supposed to have left Topaz for Berkeley early this
morning and on their way tonight. Hope that they get to Berkeley safe and sound.
Wrote to RH. Tibbits, Milt Purcell in care RH. Tibbits.
Wrote to Kiyoko via airmail-2nd letter to Berkeley.
Also ten page letter to Mike K.
Friday, October 19 clear-& warm
Kiyoko's letter of Monday-9:45, Oct. 15-16 9:30AM and also her letter of Oct. 16 written later-both
via air mail arrived today.
I immensely enjoyed the both-particularly her long letter written over the two days Oct. 15-16.
The two guests are still here-which keeps me busy. Was rather tired after work tonight-did not
write letters as I intended.
Bathed and retired at 11: 15 p.m. after reading papers, etc.
According to K.Y.'s letter of today her departure had to be put off one day because W.RA. did not
have a "special train" on the scheduled day-Aug 18. (yes he wrote Aug) She supposed to have left today.
She says she'd wire me when she reaches Berkeley.
Saturday, October 20 Beautiful autumnal weather
After work at the shop desk dash down to Hearns at 5th Ave & 14th and bought a cosmetic case for
Finished work at the apt. at 5:45 rushed to the Post Office to mail off 2 packages to K.Y. in
Berkeley. 1.) A birthday gift to K.Y.-James Hilton's "So well Remembered"
2.) A cosmetic case
Wote to Mike K. a short note. Wrote an air mail to K.Y.-the 3rd letter to Berkeley.
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Sunday, October 21 Another ideal day.
When I got up at 7:30 AM found the Chaplain already gone.
Did some work until 11 :00 AM Mrs. Kuhule stopped by for a while. K.Y.'s telegram reporting her
safe arrival in Berkeley.
Ironed shirts, etc. till 1 :00 p.m. Rested until 3:00 p.m.
Wrote another air mail to K.Y. - the 4th letter to Berkeley rejoicing the safe arrival of her and the
children. Her wire read: "Arrived Berkeley safely Saturday afternoon children took trip well
Everyone sends regards Miss you so love Kiyoko." Marked 633 N.L. Berkeley Calif. 20
Wrote to Mother in Chicago et all a 10-page letter (enclosing $10.00). Also to W.RA. San
Francisco, Tom Ebihara, and Seichi Nobe.
Retired early at 10:30 p.m.
Monday, October 22 Cloudy-occasional showers-warm
Received K.Y.'s last letter from Topaz-dated October 17. Did I enjoy it tonight.
Worked till 9:00 P.M.
Wrote another air mail to K.Y._5th letter to her in Berkeley-mailing in the morning.
Bathed and retired at midnight.
Tuesday, October 23 Sprinkled all day long-warm
No letter from any place today.
Worked at the Apt. from 6:15-8:45 p.m.
Wrote to Kiyoko-via regular mail-6th letter to Berkeley-enclosing Thomas Isao's letter dated Camp
Shelby, Sept. 24, which I meant to send her long ago.Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 24 Cloudy-cool
In the evening read the Times (of today) for the first time this week. Also had the time to glance
through the Times and New York Post from Sunday, and the magazine-Time of last several weeks.
Wrote to the Calif. State Department of Professional and Vocational Standards, Sacramento, Calif.
And Seiichi Nobe-both air mail.
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Thursday, October 25 Cloudy and sprinkling at times all day long-cool
Another guest came tonight.
Received mother's letter dated Oct. 23-postmarked Oct. 24-11 AM. I wonder if she received my
long letter of Sunday, Oct. 21, mailed the following morning.
Also heard from Tsune Baba dated Oct 22-post marked October 24-12:30 AM
Quite tired. Bathed and went to bed at 10:20 p.m.
Friday, October 26 Cloudy-showers-became bright late P.M. and cold in the eve.
From K.Y. 1) in AM a package containing a file on Lincolniana Publishers and the P.-C. Oct.6 and
13 issues. 2) in P.M. an air mail letter dated Monday Oct 22 1 :50 p.m.-postmarked 8:30 P.M. Oct.
23-her 1 st letter from Berkeley-arrived on the 4th day after she mailed.
Today is my K.Y.'s birthday-I wonder if her folks had a party for her. Hope she received my two
packages sent last Saturday and liked what I sent.
Wrote to K.Y. air mail-7th letter.
Retired at 11 :00 p.m.
The fleet is lined up on the Hudson (the paper says from 60th up to 215th St) for the Presidential
review tomorrow p.m.-Saturday Oct. 27-Navy Day celebration in NY. I see three carriers right in
front of the Apt. and several battleships of all types as far as I can see either ways-up and down
Saturday, October 27 Very clear-but very windy and cold.
Saw Pres. Truman review the fleet lined up on the Hudson below the apt. He was supposed to be
on Destroyer "Henshaw."
Some twenty guests came from 3:30p.m. to see this Navy Day program which kept me quite busy
until around 9:00 p.m.
Today being the last day of the week-felt fatigue-as I do at every week-end. Took a bath and went
to bed at 10:45 p.m. without attempting to write to anyone-even to K.Y.
No letter from K.Y. or anyone else today!! Mailed two packages of ditto papers to K.Y.
Sunday, October 28 Partly cloudy-generally clear
Last night's extremely strong and cold wind subsided by the morning.
While still at work a little before 11 AM. the Chaplain called over the telephone asking me to bring
the notes for his 11 o'clock sermon at St. Paul's Church on the campus of Columbia Univ. I
brought it in time to be delivered to him by one of the "sectors" (?) in the collection box. Attended
the service at the same time for the first time since I came to the Chaplain's apt. on Aug.2.
Enjoyed the atmosphere of the Chapel. They have a young peoples' (about 50 boys and girls)
quior. The Chaplain's sermon lasted about 15 minutes-thought he said quite a lot in that brief time"
the self-driven people and the people, otherwise", employing the old parable-two frogs found
themselves in a bottle of sour milk at a creamery one morning, etc.
After returning from the Church-left the Apt at about 12:45 p.m. for downtown as I planned-feeling
the need of recreation. Took in a show at Roxy near 50th and ylh Ave. I saw for the first time how
crowded are Broadway-ylh Ave near Times Square on Sunday afternoons. Had my supper at a
nearby (to the Apt.) Chinese Restaurant-"New Air Low"-rather delicious was Lobster-Cantonese
style. Returned to the Apt. 6 p.m. Wrote to Kiyoko-8th letter to Berkeley-giving my recent thoughts.
Also to Mother and Iyo. Retired at 10:30 pm.
Monday, October 29 Bright and pleasant
Two letters (both via airmail) from K.Y. this AM
1) dated Tuesday Oct.23 11:15 pm-Thursday morning Oct. 24-9:10 AM (postmarked 8:30 P.M Oct
25) 2) Saturday Oct 27-11 :55 a m
Immensely enjoyed these two long airmail letters and felt relieved to know KY. is at least healthy
even though she says that she's being even busier than she ever was at Topaz including the
departure time.
Somehow I'm very tired tonight. Going to take a bath and go to bed at 9:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 30 Clear -an ideal fall weather
Received in the morning a letter from the director of N.Y. Technical Institute saying that my
diploma was ready to picked up. What a delay-more than 50 days since I completed the course.
Went down to receive the above in the evening at 8:00 pm. On the way back to the apt. dropped
in at Tom Ebihara's who is going to the same school now.
Returned to the Apt. at 10: 15 p.m. Bathed and retired at 11 :00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 31 Bright and warm
Noticed that children out on the street with Halloween spirit-a little girl approached me and said
something-Halloween, etc. which I couldn't quite catch as I was dashing to the subway station after
my work at the shop.
Received-finally-BtL for the camera and flashlight from the San Francisco W.R.A. Was surprised
to note that they addressed it to 168 Clinton, Brooklyn 2, N.Y. (the address of the Hostel) despite
the exchange of wires confirming my new address at their request!! Had to write to Mrs. Burke and
Miss Barley at the Hotel to receive the camera, etc. package for me-enclosed the original copy of
Too tired to write anyone else, even to K.Y. Bathed and retired at 12 midnight after reading papers
in bed.
Thursday, November 1 Nice and bright-just the right temp.
It is already in November-Time is passing quickly. Still on the other hand I feel as though time
doesn't go fast enough for my present way of living. It is all learning that keeps me up.-with the (at
the shop) urge to finish something I started-this study of refrigeration principle and its servicing.
Was happy to receive a phone call from Miss Barley of the Brooklyn Hostel to tell me that our
camera (and flashlight) arrived at the hostel two, three days ago. She saw my letter of last night,
which reminded her to call me up.
Wrote an airmail to K.Y. (to be mailed in the morning)-9th to Berkeley
Received a letter from Mother dated Oct. 30th
(Saw an add of North American Accident Ins. Co. (of Chicago) 830 Broad St. Dept. 353 Newark,
N.J. Premier Policy Division-Sounds interesting-think will send for their booklet "Cash or
Friday, November 2 Sunny-and warm!
Received from K.Y.-The Colorado Times-Oct 18-20 issues this P.M.
Also a package from Isao Y.-containing 4 cartons of cigarettes-what's the idea!
Read papers of last few days and Life, this week, Cue, the Colorado Times, etc.
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
This evening received a phone call from Barbara Yamamoto, saying that Teddy Ono is coming to
town tonight from Baltimore, Maryland, to where he was just transferred to attend the Army C.I.C.
school, and Teddy would want to see me while he's here over the week-end. Teddy is to call me
sometime tomorrow.
Sent tonight for a booklet by North Amer. Acc. Ins. Co. Newark, N.J.
Saturday, November 3 Rained heavily in P.M. Became extremely cold at night
Ted phoned at 2:00 p.m. Saw them at Toyo-Kwan at 7:30 p.m. for dinner. Previously had a little
time to talk to Ted alone before Barbara joined us late.
Ted disclosed that they were to marry the coming Saturday 8 p.m. at George Ferris' Apt (where
she works), Apt. 14-B, 164 E 72nd St. (phone RH 4-2916)
Imagine me sitting with these love birds later at Astor Theater to see "Spellbound"-I joined them
rather reluctantly after their insistence. The movie was an unusual picture-Ingrid Bergman did well
as usual. Impression-what a woman can do when she's in real love with a man.
Did not get out of the theater until 1 :30 AM. to surprise myself with setle (?) a tremendous crowd
about Times Square-I almost forgot about this in N.Y. having kept myself away from th is sort of
th ing in this trip to N.Y. entirely. Slept close to 3 AM!
Sunday, November 4 What a gloomy day-very cold!
The chaplain left for Washington, D.C. after his Sunday morning service-at 1 :30 p.m. on a short
trip. Said will return sometime Monday night.
Ted called me twice. Gave him some advice and suggestions-as I thought advisable. Proposed to
help finding accommodations for his parents when they get here for his wedding Nov. 10.
In P.M. Wrote to K.Y. my tenth one to Berkeley-via airmail-6 full pages mailed at 4:45 p.m.
Also to Neisan & Bob in Ann Arbor-carbon copy with additional remark to Chicago-Mother, et al.
Bathed and retired at 11 :00 p.m.
Monday, November 5 Clear-chilly
Received the long awaited reply from Dean Grady-says he does not know personally any firm or
firms needing personnel right now, and he is referring my application to the world Trade Dept. of
the S.F. C. of C., of which he's President this year.
Also heard from Mike K. proposing to come to N.Y. the coming week-end. Wrote back to tell him
to put his trip for one week since Ted Ono's wedding is taking place Saturday evening, and his
parents are expected in town that week-end.
Wrote my 11th letter to Kiyoko in Berkeley via air mail.
The chaplain returned from Washington, D.C. tonight at about 10 p.m.
Went to bed at midnight.
Tuesday, November 6 clear-comparatively warm
Being the state Election Day today for off half hour earlier at the shop at 5 p.m.
Heard from Mr. D.T. Uchida today.
Wrote my 12'h to K.Y. in Berkeley via regular mail tonight knowing that she may not receive it until
Monday even via air mail-enclosed Tibbit's letter of October 7.
Haven't heard from Kiyoko for nine days since Monday last week, Oct. 29.-Wonder just happened
to her. Am greatly disturbed from anxiety. Hope and pray that she and the children continue to be
Bathed and retired at 11 :30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 7 Bright and warm
This morning received a letter from K.Y. dated Wednesday, Oct. 31 8:30 p.m.-postmarked 9:30
p.m. Nov.1 and was very much relieved to know that she and the children are all right-except that
the two girls seem to have caught light cold.
Also a postcard from Iyo in Massachussetts.
Barbara Y. called at about 8:30 p.m. and said that Teddy phoned to ask me if he could stay with
me Friday night-the night before he gets married. I am to ask the chaplain and call Barbara back
tomorrow noon. She also said that Bob and Neisan are arriving Friday morning.
Prepared a telegram to Neisan & Bob-which I shall dispatch in the morning.
A booklet, etc. , came from North Amer. Accident Ins. Co. today. A little toothache from yesterdayfeel
like one of the molers troubling. Retired at midnight.
Thursday, November 8 Foggy early morning. Cleared later-warm
Received an airmail from Neisan saying they're arriving Friday morning-Wolverine at 8:46. Intend
to meet them at station in the morning. Arranged with the "boss" at the shop to excuse me a
couple of hours in the morning.
In P.M.-an Airmail from K.Y. dated 9:00 p.m Sunday, Nov. 4, and continued and finished 8:15 p.m.
Monday evening, Nov. 5. Very happy to know that everything seems to be all right. K.Y. is doing
marvelously again.
Finally-our Kodak reached me from Miss Barley of the N.Y. Hostel today-after applying for it in midJuly-
took 4 mos. to get it back! Wrapped to be sent to K.Y. in the morning.
Meant to write to K.Y. but became too late-did not write.
Prepared my application for an accident and sickness policy with North Amer. Accid. Inc. Co. 839
Broad St., Newark 2, N.J. to be sent with a money order for $2.50 in the morning.
Friday, November 9 Sunny-sultry
Got up at 6:30 AM.
Met Neisan and Bob at Grand Central Station. They arrived at 8:46 AM. on "Wolverine." Looked
very well-Had Breakfast at Station Restaurant, and talked a little over an hour. Barbara Y. was
also at the station. She saw the Onos to the Tanakas. Surprised to have heard from Neisan-that
Mother is being quite ill.
I went to work at the shop at 11 :00 AM. on the way mailed a package to K.Y.-our camera and my
two old shirts-the U.-P.-P.C.
Sent out my application for an accident insurance enclosing $2.50
Barbara called up to say that Ted's train is going to be late-11 :40 or so. And he probably won't
come until around 1 AM. or so to stay at Chaplain R's apt.
Wrote to K.Y. via air mail-13th enclosing Neisan's letter. Also to K. Uchida, Mother, Mrs. Dickerson
and Claude Prolt.
Saturday, November 10 Sprinkled all day and rained in the evening
Ted came at 3:30 AM.! to stay for the night, and left at 8:30 AM.
Worked at the apt. until 5:30 P.M.
Dashed to the Tanakas for dinner in honor of Ted Ono and his parents. Mrs. Hayakawa (Martha's
mother) joined-she's waiting for her husband to come from Hila.
The wedding of Ted and Barbara took place at George Ferris-164 72nd st. where she worked. A
very nice home wedding. Refreshment with champaine, etc
Ted & Barbara left for their honeymoon at 9:30 p.m. Went to the Tanakas with Neisan and Bob.
Talked till midnight. Came back 12:45 AM. Retired at 1 :30 AM.
Gave Barbara and Ted $5.00 as our wedding gift.
Sunday, November 11 Raining and miserable
Did not get up until 8:15 AM.-rather tired-from work and Ted's wedding and being with the Ono's
Finished work at 12:30 p.m.
Was about to take rest when Mr. D.T. Uchide and Kay dropped in about 1 :30 and staid 2 hours.
He came to look for employment. We talked on all subjects.
Left the Apt at 5:30 p.m. to meet the Onos at the Gr. Central St. main Information stand. Planned
and went to "Gripsholm" to take dinner, but it was too crowded and left. (One Mrs. Aoko stopped
me at "Gripsholm" to tell me the address of the Ozakis who have been inquiring about me.) Had
dinner at a cafeteria. Dashed down to Madison Sq. Garden to see a prof. ice hocky game, but all
seats were sold out. Went to Rockfeller Center and took in the studio tour-Neisan appeared in
television, answering the guide's questions.
Ate at an automat, which Bob wanted to see. Enjoyed talking to them all evening. Said Goodbye
to them for a while at midnight.
Returned to the Apt. at 12:30 AM. and retired at 1 :00 A.M.
Monday, November 12 Meserable again with continuos rain all day
Received a wire from Mike K., saying that he's coming to N.Y. Sat. morning, Nov. 17, as I
suggested, for a stay of one week.
Finished work at the apt. at 9:00 p.m.
Have been so tired from late nights, Friday-Saturday-Sunday that I went to bed early-after taking a
bath-at 10:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 13 Sprinkling in AM., but cleared up in P.M.-warm
Served dinner for the Chaplain and his guest.
Received 2 air mail letters from K.Y.-dated Thursday Nov. 8-9:10 pm, P.O. mark 8:30 p.m. 11/9
and Friday typewritten Nov. 9-9 p.m. P.O mark 6:30 pm 11/10
My accident and sickness insurance policy with North Amer. Accident Ins. Co. arrived today.
(Arthur Gross, Mgr.) Policy #W-160533 Premier Double duty accid. and sickness policy Home
office: 209 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, III. Premier Policy Dept. 830 Broad St., Newark 2, N.J.
Send the policy to K.Y. via regular mail. Wrote to K.Y. a short note via air mail-14th letter.
Sent to Mike K.-an air mail-special delivery letter-re his visit. Had the chaplain try hotel
reservations for Mike K.-no luck.
Bathed & retired at midnight.
Wednesday, November 14 Sprinkled all day-became very windy in the evening-almost stormy.
Received an air mail from Mike K. in AM.
Tried to get some theater tickets for Mike's enjoyment to provide his meeting with K.U. during his
stay-without avail-all plays in town seem to be sold out till around Dec. 1.-might try again tomorrow
night. Must find some entertainment, some place.
Wrote to James Togawa enclosing Chaplain R's check for his service in repairing a vacuum
Last night the chaplain was good enough to make hotel reservations at Y.M.C.A. Hotel, etc. for
Mike K's stay-not able to find a single room anywhere. The Chaplain said that he might find a
room at St. Luke's Hospital.
Bathed and slept at 11 :00 p.m. Rather tired these days-my vowel (this is what's written) has been having
blood when I am exhausted for some ten days-wonder what is the cause.
Thursday, November 15 Rained and stormy (windy)
Received Kay U's reply saying that she can join Mike K. and me Saturday evening.
After working at the Apt. for a while-went to Madison Square Garden to procure 3 tickets for the Ice
hockey game-bet. N.Y. Rangers and Toronto for Sunday night at 8:30 p.m.
Have tried several theaters for tickets, but found sold out till around Dec. Looked up music and
opera, too-do not find anything likely to interest Mike and Kay. Had to give up.
Dropped a line to Kay U. to reserve Sunday night, and Monday or Tuesday. Resumed work after
coming back at 9:00 and did not finish until 11 :30 p.m. Became completely exhausted that I did
not even want to take my daily bath.
Friday, November 16 Cleared up-pleasantly cold.
Received K.Ys letter (regular mail) of Sunday, Nov 11-1 :30 p.m, which was immensely enjoyable.
She enclosed Little K's drawing at Sunday school-noted striking improvement-she has apparently
gotten fairly good idea of train after her first ride from Topaz to Berkeley.
After work at the apt. went and tried several apts and a hotel in the neighborhood for Mike's stay.
Thinking it would be convenient he can stay near my apt.-no luck. However, Miss Barley of the
Brooklyn Hostel called and assured me of a bed at the N.Y. Hostel on 102nd Street any way.
Wrote to KY. an airmail-15th letter to B. telling her my decision to go back at latest by the middle of
December-asking her to look for a house.
Bathed-read the P.C. & the C.T. in bed-and went to sleep at 11 :15 p.m.
Saturday, November 17
Mike's train was delayed 6 hours. He phoned me after 3 p.m.-at the apt.-He came to the apt.
around 5 p.m. Went to call for K.U. at 7:00 p.m.-dined at "Mike's Ship ahoy" Restaurant at 66th and
Saw KU. home, and Mike and I slept, at the Apt. together.
Sunday, November18
Mike rested while I worked in a.m. He found a room in Herald Sq. Hotel-34th near Macy's. Rested
together in P.M. for a while-talked, etc.
We were invited by KU. for dinner at her apt. at 6:30 p.m. Her chicken dinner was delicious.
We three went to see a hockey game bet. N.V. Rangers and Toronto (professionals) at Madison
Sq. Garden. Had ice cream at Johnson near Rockefeller Center. Came back and retired at 1 :30
Monday, November 19
Went to see Terry Kasuga in the evening -after having dinner at nearby restaurant.
Mike stopped at my apt.-talked till late. He slept with me again-tonight.-around 2 A.M.
Mike was at the shop nearly all day today.Tuesday,November20
Came back from the shop with Mike. Had dinner of my making with Mike. Talked around
Wednesday, November 21
Mike did not come to the shop today. He came to the apt. around 8 p.m.
We went to see a news reel picture at 72nd St. -saw "Is Korea Free?" etc. Drank a little at a bar.
Returned to the Apt. around midnight-retired directly.
Thursday, November 22 Thanksgiving Day
The Chaplain told me to rest till late-which I did. Very kind of him also to leave a note-saying to
"use this ($5.00) toward a nice Thanksgiving dinner with Mike."
Left the apt. at noon, and joined Mike at his hotel. Took in the Metropolitan Museum-dined at
Alexander's Restaurant, Bdwy and 57 St. Went to see "Ice Follies of 1946" at Madison Sq.
Garden. Stopped at a hotel bar ar'ld talked.
Returned after midnight. Went to bed around 1 AM.
Friday, November 23
Mike joined me at the shop-came to my apt. We had some leftover duck-Chap. R's Thanksgiving
Day dinner-together.
Talked till after mid-night when Mike left for his hotel for the night.
Saturday, November 24 Clear and cold (all signs of winter)
Mike joined me at the Apt. around 2 p.m. Mike rested all afternoon while I put in time at work at
the Apt.
He has cold since yesterday-coughs rather badly-Took his temperature-1 01.2 degrees. Still he's
to return to Chicago by tonights train.
(Sent $9.50 in u.S. Note to North Amer. Accident Ins. Co., 830 Broad St., Newark 2, N.Y. tonightto
cover the balance of premium payment for one year.)
Sunday, November 25 Beautiful day-even though chilly
Tosh Nakayama phoned yesterday that he'll come after me at noon.
Dr. Haj. Uyeyama and Tosh and came to call for me (and Sei Iwai). Spent all afternoon at the
Nakayamas seeing the Dxs wife, Grace, Mrs. Uyeyama, Sr., and Teru-Kahiro wife.
Went to the N.Y. M.E. Church in the evening, but found no one from our church attending that
night. Thus could not say good-bye to anyone of them as I originally anticipated.
No entries for November 26 or 27.
Wednesday, November 28 Rained all day.
My last day at work, at the shop. Joe (Joseph Mason) at the shop was really nice to me, and
hated to leave him. He gave me his address Joseph Mason 2771 Marion Ave. Bronx 58, N.Y.
Also George Heerbrandt Frank Beem Refrigeration, Inc. 532 West 125th St. N.Y. City MO 2-5190
Thursday, November 29 Snowed in the evening- First snow
In the evening, went to get my trunk (left since I came to the Chaplain's) at the Brooklyn Hostel.
Said good-bye to Mrs. Burke, Miss Barley and the Kasais.
In A.M.-called Senner twice, but his secretary won't let me talk to him saying he's in conference,
etc. Took chance and went to see him at his new place of work-French Gov't-French Supply
Council 44 Beaver St. (HA-2-9250) He was busy. Thus I left a note.
Also found George Yamaoka out of town-left a note. Saw Jimmie Nakayama and said good bye.
Stopped at J.A.C.L. and saw Peter Aoki. Saw Adrian Altvater at W.R.A.-she was sorry to see me
leave N.Y.
Went to see the liyamas-saw Chizu, Ernie and Patricia shortly aft. noon
Friday, November 30 Snowed all day long
In a.m. talked to Altvater who suggested to go to see Mrs. Hull of Anderson & Hull employment
Saw Chizu, Ernie and Patricia.
Saw Mrs. Hull who called Miss Maria Uovia Aberg, ass't executive sec. of the International Institute
in Philadelphia re a position to be opened in Philadelphia in January-and arranged an interview
Saturday at noon.
Did some shopping at Saks, Macy's etc.
Saw Messrs. Hashimoto and Endo and Mrs. Tanaka
Also Mrs. Ozaki and Mr. & Mrs. Aoki.
Saturday, December 1
Had an interview with Miss Aberg at noon.
No entry December 2
Monday, December 3
Went to see Margaret S. et al in the evening.
Tuesday, December 4
Was invited to the Kenyons in Teaneck, N.J. Met him at Grand Central Station. Enjoyed dinner at
their home.
Richard grew to be quite a fellow-14 yrs. Old. The Kenyons saw me back to my apt. on their 1941
car at 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 5
Left N.Y. on a Delaware, Lackawanna train from the West end of 23rd St. at 7:00 p.m. Crossed the
N.Y. Harbor to Hobocane, N.J. when I boarded train.
Thursday, December 6
Arrived Chicago post 6 p.m. Train delayed about 1 hour. Mike K. and Ed met me at La Salle
Street Station.
Went to the Kitows on Mike's car. Relieved to find Mother recovered well. Talked till late.
Friday, December 7
Min arrived from S.F. th is AM
Spent all day with Mike on work.
Saturday, December 8
Spent all day with Mike.
Sunday, December 9
Today was devoted to the celebration of Mother's birthday (which falls on Dec. 12) Everybody
slept till late. Had brunch.
In P.M. the Komatsus came. A surprise dinner for Mother-wine and all. (Mr. & Mrs. lino came
around supper time-they joined for dessert) A surprise present-a blouse-with a very meaningful
card. A birthday cake with 20 candles-Mother's 01' answer when she is asked her age-"Jiusannanatsu"
After the linos and the Komatsus left, -had a recording of the celebration-came out wellBrother
and sisters, and even Mother danced.
Was a perfectly enjoyable day for Mother and every body else.
Monday, December 10
Early P.M.-Mother, Chizu & I saw Iyo and Min off for Mass. Did shopping at Marshall Field and
returned to Oak Park around 6 p.m.
In the evening, went to see May Okamoto and Martha Yamazaki. Both looked well.
From about 10:00 p.m. dropped in at the Babas-staid till about 1 p.m.
Mike K. saw me back to Oak Park so late as 2 AM.
Tuesday, December 11
Saw Mr. McKee of American Friend Service shortly before noon at Kay's suggestion.
Went to Mike's directly thereafter. Spent all aft. on his work.
Called on Massie-who prepared Sukiyaki dinner. Very happy to see her and Joyce well-expecting
Hi's return any day now. Met Hi's brother and his friend who were just discharged.
Slept at Mike's apt. after bending elbows till midnight.
Wednesday, December 12 Snowed
Spent with Mike all day-seeing Corky Kawasaki in between time. Found Corky out-saw his wife for
a few minutes.
Returned to the Kitows with Mike. Found Mother with cold-not serious.
Had dinner with everybody, talked till nearly 2 AM.
Thursday, December 13 Snowed
Went to shopping with Mother and Chizu, in P.M.
Sent a wire to Kiyoko advising my expected arrival in Berkeley Sunday, Dec. 16, at 9:54 AM.
Bid good by to Mother at home as her cold is still with her. Chizu drove me to station where Ed
and Kay, and Mike were waiting.
Trains departure-at 8:45 p.m. was delayed until 10:30 p.m.
Most unexpected that the train was not crowded-was able to occupy two seats-rested rather well.
Wrote to Mike K.
Friday, December 14 On train en route Berkeley
See snow everywhere.
Did not get up till 1 0 A.M. Enjoyed the sandwiches, doughnuts, and fruits for breakfast which
Chizu made. Went to take coffee in the dining car-too crowded -gave it up.
Arrived Omaha nearly 2 p.m.-5 hours behind schedule. Sipped coffee at station restaurant.
Wrote to Mother et al in Chicago and Ann Arbor in P.M.-mailed same at North Platte, Neb. Also
mailed a letter to Mike K, and a notice to North Amer Accid. Ins. Co. , Newark, N.J.
Telegraphed to Kiyoko from North Platte advising probable delay in arriving at Berkeley on Sunday
for the train is late more than 5 hours now.
Saturday, December 15
Wrote to: Philip J Gray, Massie Saito, Mr. & Mrs. S. Sekiguchi, Claud H. Pralt, M. Smith, Tak Negi
Postcards to Mrs. Henrietta Kuhule, Min Nakamura, Art Endo in Cleveland, Joseph Mason,
Forsberg, Ted Ono
Mailed from Ogden, Utah
Sunday, December 16
Penny postcards to Mr. & Mrs. G.K Yabuki
" G.H. Lafabreque
" Maniwa
" Richard M. Izuno
" M. Kashiwa
" E. Fujii
" S. Miho and Mary Kusumine
Seiichi Nobe
Wrote to Harry S. Scott
No further entries
“Sus' Diary 1945 Transcription ,” Yamashita Family Archives, accessed March 13, 2025,
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