Yamashita Family Archives

1943 1 12 Letter from Kay to Tom

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1943 1 12 Letter from Kay to Tom


Kay describes Christmas festivities. Mechi Inouye came to visit. (He has become worldly: smokes a pipe and drinks beer, lively personality). The church choir caroled on Christmas Eve. Kay received gifts from Goodmas, Mrs. Duceneck, Grace Nichols. "Gee these hakujins really surprise you with their generosity - I don't suppose we would have done the same if it were the other way around - gosh it really makes you think."

Iyo is going steady with Min Tamaki "the fellow Leah Tokunaga was going around with at Tanforan…I'm hoping that the end result won't be like mine. Keep your fingers crossed." The Govt sent another man to work with Kay: "we write all the letter and do all the work and they sit and sign the darn things-- such is life anyway I suppose." Kay describes New Year's Celebration. The "nips were sopped and was it bad" at the New Year's Eve Party. On New Year's Day the cooks made omochi, ozoni, tamagoyaki, etc.

Kay read in the SF Examiner "that certain Senators are trying to get these Camps under Army control again- if they succeed we're sunk."


Kay Yamashita


Notebook C page 7-10


Jan 12, 1943






Kay Yamashita, “1943 1 12 Letter from Kay to Tom,” Yamashita Family Archives, accessed March 3, 2025, https://yamashitaarchives.ucsc.edu/items/show/534.


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