Yamashita Family Archives

1942 6 29 Letter from Kay to Mr. Moriyama

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1942 6 29 Letter from Kay to Mr. Moriyama


Kay talks frankly about how bad Tanforan and the assembly centers are. She also comments about the different nature of administration: the military administration of assembly centers vs. the civilian war relocation authority administration of the permanent centers. She also speaks openly about the injustice in a way that she does not when she writes to other (mostly white) allies. She also writes about her mixed feeling about being able to be outside the camps because of her trip to the Ryder Case in D.C. and being offered a job on the outside and feeling the need to experience the camps and be with her family to fully understand what is going on.


Kay's Documents, Notebook A1 (A1.51-52_6.29.42)


June 29 1942




“1942 6 29 Letter from Kay to Mr. Moriyama,” Yamashita Family Archives, accessed March 4, 2025, https://yamashitaarchives.ucsc.edu/items/show/745.


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