1942 5 5 Correspondence between Eisenhower (WRA) and Pickett (AFSC) about formation of student relocation program
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1942 5 5 Correspondence between Eisenhower (WRA) and Pickett (AFSC) about formation of student relocation program
The beginning of AFSC directed Student Relocation Committee, establishes relationship between the AFSC and the War Relocation Authority (WRA).
Eisenhower of the War Relocation Authority (WRA) correspond with Pickett of the AFSC about the possibility of the AFSC starting a committee to work on student relocations since college or university system will not be able to be set up in the camps. The WRA agrees to pay for travel expenses out of camp to the universities which accept American citizen Japanese students, and will set up a government agency within the camps to certify students. Pickett agrees to take on a program to relocate students, saying that it is one way that they can atone- "It is only by some such policy as this that we shall be able to atone for the violence that has been done to the constitutional rights of American citizens."
Milton Eisenhower and C. E. Prickett
May 5 1942 and May 16 1942
Philadelphia AFSC Archives
Milton Eisenhower and C. E. Prickett, “1942 5 5 Correspondence between Eisenhower (WRA) and Pickett (AFSC) about formation of student relocation program,” Yamashita Family Archives, accessed March 3, 2025, https://yamashitaarchives.ucsc.edu/items/show/1050.