Yamashita Family Archives

Browse Items (140 total)

1942 9 20 Letter from Margaret Fisher to Kay_74.3-74.5.pdf
Margaret Fisher tells Kay about friends of hers in Tanforan that she would like Kay to meet. She wanted to come visit Kay in Tanforan but had to take care of her ill mother.

1942 Spring, Cardstock from hotel in D.C..jpg

1942 Spring, Kay's travel itinerary to D.C._Page_1.jpg
Kay's travel itinerary, dates and times and cities on Western Pacific Railroad Company. After D.C., she heads up to Philadelphia, New York and Boston, then to Chicago and then to Grand Canyon then Fresno and then to San Francisco. The travel is from…


1942, discarded writing found at Tanforan_Page_1.jpg
Kay found a discarded piece of writing in the trash at Tanforan, images/ vignettes of life there

1943 (?) 10 26 Mrs. Duveneck to Kay_Page_2.jpg

1943 1 16 Kay to Ms. Howey_Page_1.jpg
Kay writes about the emotional states of students in camp: cynical, bitter, broken, stoic, determined, and radiant. She also writes about getting permanent leave permit, but is staying to work for student relocation in the camp because there is so…

A2_pg115 date1_4_43_Page_1.jpg

1943 1 5 Caleb Foote to Kay.jpg
Letter asking her for anecdotes (moving or humorous), thoughts on a solution (and Japanese-Caucasian relations), thoughts on the cause of evacuation (political or propaganda, economic), pictures of Japanese in America (before during or after…

1943 10 16 Kay to Ms. Cosgrave.jpg
Kay writes about personal updates and her worry about a premature closing of the Student Relocation Council. She states that here are fewer and fewer schools to suggest to students for relocation. The AFSC student relocation office is thinking of…

1943 11 15 Kay to Kay_Page_1.jpg
Kay writes from Westchester Pennsylvania to her friend, Kay at Holyokeabout how nice it is having Iyo and Min move in with her at her apartment in Phillie, running into Bob (her ex-boyfriend), and staying at a cottage (with Quaker supporters?). She…

1943 2 1 Letter from George Lafabregue to Leave Officer .pdf

1943 2 2 Kay's boss to Mrs. Duveneck.jpg

A2_ pg121-123 date2_23_43.pdf
Martha, at Washington University in St. Louis writes updates to Kay- thirty JA students met up to talk about how they could share notes. They don't want to make a formal group, only a workshop, so as not to be "an obvious congregation of Japanese."…

1943 2 24 Kay to Social Security Board_Page_1.jpg
She mentions that when she left Tanforan to testify in the Ryder Case, she was offered a job to stay in Washington D.C., but couldn't take it because she was traveling with her mother. Her former boss had tried to get her a job outside of the camp…

1943 3 26 Lefebregue to Kay.jpg
Lafebregue thanks Kay for her work on student relocation.

1943 3 4 Fellowship of Reconciliation to Kay.jpg
The Fellowship of Reconciliation reaches out to Kay as allies on the outside of camp. Note: Members of the Fellowship of Reconciliation work with Gordon Hirabayashi and visit him when he is in jail in Washington State for refusing evacuation orders.

1943 3 6 Mrs. Duveneck to Kay.jpg
Josephine Duveneck hears that Kay was not allowed or approved to leave Topaz to go to Philadelphia to work (not sure why). Duveneck is looking into getting Kay to go to the Chicago office of AFSC.

1943 3 7 Mrs. Duveneck to Kay_Page_1.jpg

1943 4 19 Kay to Margaret_Page_1.jpg
Kay writes about discussion groups in camp on African Americans (she mentions Richard Wright's book, 12 Million Black Voices) and Japan's political history, Kay asks Margaret for a loan of $100 to move to Chicago.
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