Yamashita Family Archives

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page 103, 108 ms465_yamashita_001.jpg

All-Center Conference in Salt Lake City, Feb. 16-22, 1945 (Topaz administrators convened the conference after the West Coast was opened for camp inmates to return to and the closing of the camps was announced in Jan. 1945). Sus was one of the…


Kay album 3c.jpg
The photo may be Tom's visit to Philadelphia in 1944? Tomi left Topaz in Jan. 1944 to join Kay in Philadelphia (Kay was working at the NSRC headquarters). On her train trip to Philadelphia, Tomi stopped in Nounan, Idaho to see the Kitows and in St.…

Iyo album 5b.jpg

24, Iyo in Philly 1944.jpg

25, Miny Iyo, Philly, 1944.jpg

Kimi album 14a.jpg

Kimi album 14b.jpg

Kimi album 14c.jpg
Ted (Kiyoshi) in fatigues. He writes the photograph to his grandmother (Tomi). Grandma in Japanese is romanized as "Obaachan"

Kimi album 14d.jpg

Kimi album 16.jpg

Tom album 4a.jpg

Tom album 4b.jpg

Tom album 4c.jpg

Tom album 5b.jpg

Tom album 5c.jpg

Tom album 5d.jpg

John album 3c.jpg

Kay's Business Cards, International Insitute of Philadelphia.jpg
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