Corlett writes that anyone who has claims and who had accounts with the Yokohama Specie Bank could present those claims. The Yokohama Specie Bank was taken over by other state entities based on decree and liquidated.
John writes to his family in Topaz about being at Garrett Seminary. He describes being asked to be a speaker about the internment camp experience in small Illinois towns, meeting members of the FOR (Fellowship of Reconciliation), who most likely…
John is working as a bookkeeper in Ed Kitow's business Phoenix Produce Co. in Phoenix, Arizona and writes to Kay who is in college at U.C. Berkeley. John gives her advice on classes and how to approach being in school and taking it all in- from his…
List of Japanese families that live at Cordonices Village or Cordonices Housing Project, built to house military families during WWII and then converted to house families of UC Berkeley students, many of whom were veterans.…
Letter from John Yamashita to Mr. K Komatsu in reference to Frank Morita's letter contesting his status as having a large amount of storage at the Oakland Methodist Church. Having a large amount, increases his fees in getting his property sent to…