1942 5 18 Letter from Kay to Iyo and all
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1942 5 18 Letter from Kay to Iyo and all
Letter from Kay, who is staying with her mother at Burlington Hotel in Washington D.C. to her family in Tanforan. She plans to buy as much groceries as possibly on her way back or make arrangements with a reliable grocer in South S.F. They have been able to move into a hotel through her offices, but since her testimony has been delayed, she is worried about the expense. She has been encouraged to stay in Washington D.C. to get a job there. The Moriyamas took them on a city tour and invited them to dinner, where they met Iwao, who received letters from Tad Fujijta and others describing camp. She received more information about camp from him until she received Iyo’s letter. She met with Dr. Giles in Oakland, who is referring her to a Boston minister to investigation possibility of John going there.
Kay Yamashita
May 18, 1942
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May 18, 1942
Dearest Iy and all
Gee, what a treat to hear from you - kind of relieves us to know things are better there. Though I guess we couldn't say there was plenty of food etc ever while in in
My present plan is to buy as much groceries on my way back - let me know what to get through for certainly there must have been much omitted and stuff you didn't need too by [sic] now. And too if you think it's necessary I'll make arrangements with a reliable grocer in
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Smith just to make deliveries to us there in San Bruno, since freight etc. from Ed Louis will add up.
I'm not quite mad with Ish this morning - for we’re are able to get a very nice hotel thru my offices. As you folks know the only thing that's getting me down is the time it's taking. The thing didn't get under way till a few days later than expected and then they had some trouble of this and that (don't worry not about me) I'm asking a reconsideration of my expenses since Mother is with me and the hotel room is costing me $6 a day, so each day means a loss to me - Boy, I'm sure glad I went to camp first for really the life one leads when traveling etc., is the Life of O'Reilly -- the Moriyamas have been just wonderful t us and the truth is as we have only been eating breakfast here – Obasan insists we go over - they seem to enjoy Mother's company too. The transportation system here is just wonderful so that we are able to get almost anywhere by street car – we decided to buy a week's pass so now we can ride endlessly for $1.25
Our room is rather nice - twin beds, lovely furniture, radio, bath and shower – and the colored staff wait on us hand and foot (not that we tip well since I've cut down on that, for we can hardly do that and keep staying of for days as we have) - they dislike whites so they like us, I guess.
Washington is a city filled with workers from anywhere and everywhere, the women are rather sloppily dressed -- and the place is generally crowded every where. The public, those we've asked-- for directions etc. are courteous (sp.) and friendly -- we run about each day as we would anywhere.
The fellow I met in San Francisco that's here, keeps telling me I'm a sap to go back and that I ought to stay and get a job here -- he claims I can just about take my pick -- as you folks know there are two sides to the question and if you all were here etc. I would. Mr. Lucas (Ito-san knows him) has now secured a job within one of the camps to work with the people there -- and Mr. Deerdorf tells me if I want to do the same -- so I've called Mr. Lucas, whom I've never met and I'm now waiting for his call, since he wasn’t in
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when I called him -- Deerdorf tells me he can probably give me a good steer and everyone here will help me too so for me to get a authorized job from Washington with good pay if possible while working. Sounds good I hope it works out. Gee whiz, they know the difficulities [sic] I'm in and the fellows in the office are trying to help me as muoh as they possbily can.
The Moriyamas are coming over to our hotel and we're going to take a Grey-line Tour this aft. To Mt . Vernon - Arlington - Lincoln Memorial etc. This is the first day I’ve felt like going - I caught a miserable cold the second day here -- it was sweltering the first two days and then it rained and now the weather is like back home - loan wear my woolens.
The Moriyamas invited us to Sunday Dinner at 3:00 yesterday -- and they bad Ruby Minami Yoshioka and her husband and Tomotsu Murayama too -- rather
nice but I had more fun after they went home – this fellow Figi ( or something, they oall him Iwao seems like a swell fellow and has been very nice-- can't
imagine him to be a Dr. and he looks about John's age but I hear he's an oldee -- he apparently has been mostly with Americans so he's a little different) It was funny the first oouple Df nights -- nobody mentioned any Iwao to me before I left and when I came here there was no Figi so I kept wondering when this other brother
was going to show up. He's been getting letters from Tad Fuvita and others telling him about the Camp so he's well up on what's happening - in fact we got more information from him then we had - until Iy's letter came.
I'd be very glad to look up Gyo and Kibo but give me details - where etc. send our next letters to c/o Mrs. Nakayama - 21 Cottage Place, Leonla N.J. our the Endos though I'm not positive when I'll. Be here till but then I called this morning they said perhaps they can change the order of things and I may be able to get away about Thursday or Friday of this week, though they don't promise anything. John we say Dr. Giles the night we were leaving Oakland at the Tanakas and they wanted us to stop
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in Boston at a Minister's home (a place where they stayed for years) - Dr. Giles scribbled a little note to him and he claims this man is very interested in the particular position we are placed and wants to know about whats happening on the pacific Coast etc. and too he said be would be a wonderful opportunity for me to- investigate possiblities of your going there since the home of the Minister is a short distance from the school and he has a boarding house which he maintains for these students etc. I'll do everything I can. Dr. Giles is writing a letter on ahead to him so he made us promise to stop there for sure – so we are planning to go.
Mother is well and happy - and as usual eats wells and sleeps like a rock.
I'll write again before I leave here – let everyone know about what we 're doing.
Just thrilled to hear about Mr. Uchida – gosh it certainly was wonderful news. Mr. Moriyama too was so glad -- mow I'm so glad I urged Kay to go to Bamp, though for awhile there I felt bad, especially for Mrs. Uchida.
Got to go - so until the next.
They'd throw me out on my typing if I went back to the office - gee I thought I was pretty good but I'm sure out now.
May 18, 1942
Dearest Iy and all
Gee, what a treat to hear from you - kind of relieves us to know things are better there. Though I guess we couldn't say there was plenty of food etc ever while in in
My present plan is to buy as much groceries on my way back - let me know what to get through for certainly there must have been much omitted and stuff you didn't need too by [sic] now. And too if you think it's necessary I'll make arrangements with a reliable grocer in
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Smith just to make deliveries to us there in San Bruno, since freight etc. from Ed Louis will add up.
I'm not quite mad with Ish this morning - for we’re are able to get a very nice hotel thru my offices. As you folks know the only thing that's getting me down is the time it's taking. The thing didn't get under way till a few days later than expected and then they had some trouble of this and that (don't worry not about me) I'm asking a reconsideration of my expenses since Mother is with me and the hotel room is costing me $6 a day, so each day means a loss to me - Boy, I'm sure glad I went to camp first for really the life one leads when traveling etc., is the Life of O'Reilly -- the Moriyamas have been just wonderful t us and the truth is as we have only been eating breakfast here – Obasan insists we go over - they seem to enjoy Mother's company too. The transportation system here is just wonderful so that we are able to get almost anywhere by street car – we decided to buy a week's pass so now we can ride endlessly for $1.25
Our room is rather nice - twin beds, lovely furniture, radio, bath and shower – and the colored staff wait on us hand and foot (not that we tip well since I've cut down on that, for we can hardly do that and keep staying of for days as we have) - they dislike whites so they like us, I guess.
Washington is a city filled with workers from anywhere and everywhere, the women are rather sloppily dressed -- and the place is generally crowded every where. The public, those we've asked-- for directions etc. are courteous (sp.) and friendly -- we run about each day as we would anywhere.
The fellow I met in San Francisco that's here, keeps telling me I'm a sap to go back and that I ought to stay and get a job here -- he claims I can just about take my pick -- as you folks know there are two sides to the question and if you all were here etc. I would. Mr. Lucas (Ito-san knows him) has now secured a job within one of the camps to work with the people there -- and Mr. Deerdorf tells me if I want to do the same -- so I've called Mr. Lucas, whom I've never met and I'm now waiting for his call, since he wasn’t in
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when I called him -- Deerdorf tells me he can probably give me a good steer and everyone here will help me too so for me to get a authorized job from Washington with good pay if possible while working. Sounds good I hope it works out. Gee whiz, they know the difficulities [sic] I'm in and the fellows in the office are trying to help me as muoh as they possbily can.
The Moriyamas are coming over to our hotel and we're going to take a Grey-line Tour this aft. To Mt . Vernon - Arlington - Lincoln Memorial etc. This is the first day I’ve felt like going - I caught a miserable cold the second day here -- it was sweltering the first two days and then it rained and now the weather is like back home - loan wear my woolens.
The Moriyamas invited us to Sunday Dinner at 3:00 yesterday -- and they bad Ruby Minami Yoshioka and her husband and Tomotsu Murayama too -- rather
nice but I had more fun after they went home – this fellow Figi ( or something, they oall him Iwao seems like a swell fellow and has been very nice-- can't
imagine him to be a Dr. and he looks about John's age but I hear he's an oldee -- he apparently has been mostly with Americans so he's a little different) It was funny the first oouple Df nights -- nobody mentioned any Iwao to me before I left and when I came here there was no Figi so I kept wondering when this other brother
was going to show up. He's been getting letters from Tad Fuvita and others telling him about the Camp so he's well up on what's happening - in fact we got more information from him then we had - until Iy's letter came.
I'd be very glad to look up Gyo and Kibo but give me details - where etc. send our next letters to c/o Mrs. Nakayama - 21 Cottage Place, Leonla N.J. our the Endos though I'm not positive when I'll. Be here till but then I called this morning they said perhaps they can change the order of things and I may be able to get away about Thursday or Friday of this week, though they don't promise anything. John we say Dr. Giles the night we were leaving Oakland at the Tanakas and they wanted us to stop
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in Boston at a Minister's home (a place where they stayed for years) - Dr. Giles scribbled a little note to him and he claims this man is very interested in the particular position we are placed and wants to know about whats happening on the pacific Coast etc. and too he said be would be a wonderful opportunity for me to- investigate possiblities of your going there since the home of the Minister is a short distance from the school and he has a boarding house which he maintains for these students etc. I'll do everything I can. Dr. Giles is writing a letter on ahead to him so he made us promise to stop there for sure – so we are planning to go.
Mother is well and happy - and as usual eats wells and sleeps like a rock.
I'll write again before I leave here – let everyone know about what we 're doing.
Just thrilled to hear about Mr. Uchida – gosh it certainly was wonderful news. Mr. Moriyama too was so glad -- mow I'm so glad I urged Kay to go to Bamp, though for awhile there I felt bad, especially for Mrs. Uchida.
Got to go - so until the next.
They'd throw me out on my typing if I went back to the office - gee I thought I was pretty good but I'm sure out now.
Kay Yamashita, “1942 5 18 Letter from Kay to Iyo and all,” Yamashita Family Archives, accessed March 9, 2025, https://yamashitaarchives.ucsc.edu/items/show/1995.