Yamashita Family Archives

1942 5 14 Letter from Iyo to Kay

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1942 5 14 Letter from Iyo to Kay


A letter written by Iyo from Tanforan to Kay in Washington D.C. describing conditions at Tanforan.

Tuesday, 5:50pm : The family moved into a double stable, which is better because Chiz is working at the hospital close by, it’s sunny, less winder and across way from Uchidas. Enjoyed lunch in new mess hall where food is served family style. Obata’s had to move out to barracks and were upset to have 7 in one room. Wed 10:40 pm: more people arrive daily to fill stalls. Someone stole all the wood pieces of their shelf furniture that they had moved from their former stable. Chiz is on duty tonight and Tom worked in baggage room and will seek job as House Manager. Friends work giving small pox vaccinations or in dining rooms.

Mon 8:30pm She is bush “hashing” at the new mess hall at 6am and helping Kay U[chida] in pre-school recreation, for which Mills contributed equipment, supplies and toys. She thanks mother for sending supplies. Tommy is house manager of Barrack 20. They have rooms 17-18. She has 3 jobs without having been interviewed by Mr. Kunitomi of employment office. Tanforan is filled to capacity at 8,000. The last SF group was sent to Pomona Assembly Center. There is no room or privacy. There was a Talent Nite (at which Goro [Suzuki] sang) and Mother’s Day Program.

Mr. Uchida joined his family at Tanforan. Chiz is teaching a class for nurses. Eddie has been building things for them. Chiz asks Kay to buy her a reversible coat and encloses check. Iyo requests Kay to discard these “diaries”

Wed” Everyone has a job Tom is in recreation leadership; Sus is with house inspection, Ed is Prof. Obata’s art assistant. Iyo is working with pre-school children. Blanch Bowers sent John carton of food and things.


Iyo Yamashita


May 14, 1942







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Tues. 5:50 p.m.
Dead Tired after moving - what a mess - but we were able to get into the double stables - two of them which is better - since Chiz is working at the hospital which is right across the way Sus and the boys together and Kitows and us on this side. It's nice here sunny, less wind, right across the way from Uchidas. We'll really have it fixed up when you get back. We really enjoyed our lunch in the new mess hall - get served at tables and our family easily fills the whole table so it makes it nice - you serve yourself family style. Dinner was very good in comparison. They had a meeting this aft which John and Kay went to - so I think recreation and study will get under way soon. Yoshiko Takiguchi helped me to carry things over here which isn’t too far from our former home but I must have made --jillion trips the way I feel. Yo and Yoshiko helped Tony clen the windows and Kay was over too. The Obata clan had to move out to a barrack – it is one room and they were pretty upset. I don't blame them. Kimi's clever so they'll probably arrange things well and make the most of it. Today was actually hot - went around in shirt sleeves. Kik ate his meals well - it's so much better for children especially who get nervous. Eddie's working away again - I'll say g'bye now - beds to make at least to sleep. Baggage and junk surround us tonite.

Wed. 10:40 p.m.
Very little done on our new domicile - someone stole all the wood – pieces of our shelf furniture that we’d brought over from the other place. Hard to find any not too write with more as people coming daily to fill the stalls _____ came and we were busy helping them to settle – who heard the news about the wedding etc. – you must be out the train by now and Kimi and Mara [?] were thinking of coming to stay with us since they’re so crosded and I dunno – afraid they might move strangers in anyway. We got our small pox again all of us that didn't take - it's required - Take was helping give them too – also Tim (?) who greeted me very friendly. Chiz on duty from 8-12 tonite as it's "samushii" but at least I'm not hungry - Eiko Hoshizaki came today ahead of her family driving a car and brought o-sushi - the Otsukis (?) and the Takeshitas also brought us lunch stuff - had a bite of fried chicken. Gosh! Johnny was certainly busy taking care of all. Tom worked in the baggage room and tomorrow he's going to sign up for Hse Manager (we were the only, me here till today one side got pretty well filled, but I don't know if he'll get it. Bill F. said it was the best job so to try it - tho' it keeps you plenty busy. Oshu, Sammy (?) are hashing at one of the dining rooms - they have yet to get up before six but it's easier than waiting, on table and they, say they eat ~ -- We'll have to take care of Mrs. Hosokawa, ne - Heard Ish was pleny sore at us for asking them favors on top of having to do so much when we left. The excitement of sudden marriage all all was too much guess - we're not expecting him to brina a thing. Wished you fixed it up with Ed Louis but likely not - so guess we wait till you get here - and you'd better not disappoint them. Hope you managed the shopping without too much trouble. Have written no letters - such a mess - we're not settled (?) and here comes Oski (?) sunburnt like a Zulu from yesterday's sun peeling. Today cold. Piles of washing to do. Need a _ etc.

Mon- 8:00 p.m.
Bdwy. 5 jeans, 2 shirts
Kress. 1 thunb tack, cake box, yellow mat, olive mat, 2 baskets, basin, edging In bed already - sore throat feel punk - same as last nite - hectically busy – our new mess hall opened and I've been "hashing"- it's up at _ a.m.! Helping Kay U. in pre-school recreation - (nursery). Think it'll be worthwhile to train and work under her and Grace Fujie. This one just covers barrack 2-9 and will be the nucleus – training ground for the opening of others all over the camp. We have a 4 room place (gardener's house) - so much to be done! But the marvelous things - the Michel Prop. (?) and students contributed a wealth of equipment and supplies toys, etc. and we're able to do something. Camp unable to furnish anything as yet. Food getting much better but not enuff yet - rash on hands from too much starch I guess. We're certainly enj oying supplies you sent, another -Received 2 Kress pkgs. And Bdway store things so far - Not one word from you people yet. Mrs. Isokawa stayed 'Yith us 2 nites here till they got their one room barrack partitioned (Nakashige, Isokawa, Mrs. Isokawa) Met all Church people in their buses - heard all from Mrs. Tanaka. Tommy is house manager of barrack 20 – we have rooms 17-18 - Kris (?) wants me to head the girls division of the recreation center in this area of which he is temporary head - don't know enuf - afraid too much responsibility - tho' it might be good job - gravy you know - But I've decided only to help and stick to the nursery recreation which would be a better field thinking of the longrange angle and there should be people better capable ofthe other than 1. Gosh I'm tired today - meeting here there everywhere and the crazy part is I'm certainly working but I just can't seem to get interviewed by Mr. Kunitani of the employment office - we have to thru the routine of filing application thru that office. He certainly would recommend me for way of R _ 3 gals I seem to have gotten messed up in - of course it's _ on a voluntary basis since now and you were bound to a permanent position once returned. The "pull" or your own initiative to wiggle (?) in you _______ And "onin" here - I didn't apply for anything had _ called - so I guess I'd _ be doing something definite. No "it's" a merry-go-round trying to keep oneself in camp in order under these conditions. We're filled to capacity now I think - around 8,000 – the last S.F. group couldn't come - sent to Pomona Assembly Center -- Tish, Frank came with earlier group tho .. San Mateo,Centerville, Mt. Eden, Hayward, San Leandro here too. Gee you'll be surprised - no room for anything, no privacy. They've had a talent nite (Nish (?) led - Goro sang). Mothers ' Day Program. We certainly thought of you Mom and missed you - wondering where you might be - It was held by Lake Tanforan - that fountain-like puddle in the middle - Rained aU last nite and you can imagine as I sank almost to my knees in one spot and muddied myself alright. Mr. Uchida came back the other day! Joined his family - gosh it's nice it's nice. The girls came jumping to tell us when they got wire. He's _ but happy and well. Better sleep off this cold. Please come on getting in touch with Gyo (Lee Hall, Washington Univ., St. Louis) and Kibo (dormitory at the medical center there and I'll find out exact name). They're pretty lonesome I think and wondering about folks. Chiz is now teaching a class for nurses' aid instead so hours're more regular but she has to study to touch up - prepare. Eddie has been a real trouper and a help - building things for us and goes over to Chiura-san's to play "Go" evenings. Chiz wants shopping before you come back - a reversible coat like Mariko's - cotton (?) gabardine one side and plaid wool inside - the kind Roos carries - yet there or where convenient -- 14.95

Please note requests in your notebook immediately as you read these and discard my diaries as this is jotted hurriedly, as it comes and better than nothing. I have written no letters - in no mood - it's really something. Glad you were here first - it's so crowded--everywhere, everything. Eule Hunter (?) came to visit - right to our door! What a surprise - drove in with Nona on way to Medford probably will come again – left us fruits from their trees and their lunch things. Promised us salami next time! It's snack time it sounds like - wonder how long the supply will last - did you arrange with Ed Louis or not. Groceries Wonderful- didn't expect it - it came!

Had a feed last nite at our house - we're ok now - nothing like it use to be. Getting house in order little by little tho" we're all busy. Everyone of us has a job – Tom is going for recreation leadership now, Sus with house inspection, Ed with art as Prof. Obata's assistant. I'm enjoying the pre-school children. So much work to do to get started. Received your 2 letters yesterday and the rest ofthe pkgs - I'm sure we got everything and in good order - shall carefully check again - Thanx million - I know it was troublesome. Our new address note (therefore delay in receiving mail) Barrack 20-18 (Sus and Boys 17) Miss Blauch Brwers (?) sent John a carton of food and thins – so thoughtful - cute - everything! I now have laryngitis - no voice but feel ok. Take care of yourselves. __ read a mother's letter and we're relieved. - enclosing 15.50 for Chiz shopping - hopi you can crash at Ed Louies' or Miss Anderson-

[Not signed but probably written by Iyo]




Iyo Yamashita, “1942 5 14 Letter from Iyo to Kay,” Yamashita Family Archives, accessed March 9, 2025, https://yamashitaarchives.ucsc.edu/items/show/1996.


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