Yamashita Family Archives

1942 5 14 Letter from Kay to Iyo

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1942 5 14 Letter from Kay to Iyo


A letter written by Kay in Washington D.C. to her family in Tanforan, after arriving there by train. Kay has arrived with her mother and is staying with the Moriyamas at their apartment. Kay is not needed until next week and is trying to make other sleeping arrangements. Billy Uyeda met them in Denver, She met the Hayashi’s in Dallas. She enjoyed New Orleans. She has had no unpleasant experience during their train trip. She saw Negro segregation everywhere until they reached Washington D.C.


Kay Yamashita

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May 14, 1942

[Write Air Mail and tell me if you the things and any ... ]

Dearest folks

Washington at last! It is really one of the most beautiful cities.

We finally pulled in here at 8:30 p.m. last nite - being off schedule. I wired the Moriyams ahead not to wait but that we would when we got in - so we telephoned and then rode out here (just across the Potomac) -- I could have screamed (I think Ish is a D'liar and an irresponsible fellow) the Moriyamas never received that wire supposedly sent by Ish but received one from Mrs. Tanaka which naturally didn't state the day of arrival (She didn't know but must have wired to tell them we left, I guess Our letter came too late for reservation

Washington is really crowded (Darn Ish, I kind of thought it was funny when I asked him how much it was and when he sent it, he was as vague and indefinite so I paid him what I thought it cost).

So the Moriyamas have been kind and have fixed us up in their already crowded, lovely 3 rm apartment. I'm having my office people work on a place for me - one of the fellows I met at home is here -1 wouldn't worry so much fit weren't for the fact that I found out this morning I don't have to go back till Saturday and I won't probably be needed 'till next week Tues or Wed. I looked at the list and I'm last in the line - so that fixes me for a stay here - it seems just too good to be able to spend so many days here by my pay calls for no such thing and it's no joke with the cost of living as it is out here.

The trip has been a lovely dream you can't imagine how vast this land of ours really is - how diverse and terribly different each part is.

Denver, Colorado is a sad mess but Billy Yeda took me around and I sure enjoyed it. No fun if I tell everything in my letters - got to save stuff to talk about after I get back.

Spent 5 hours with the Hayashis in Dallas - you'd all love the place.

Didn't see Houston at all as per scheduled - all and every train we have taken has been late or held up so nothing runs as scheduled. We're really lucky not to have failed to hitch at any point.

New Orleans is one place Chiz would go crazy with all the antique shops and lovely jewelry. We sure enjoyed the food. Atmosphere and sights Gee whiz h as it been hot ever since we hit Denver - who said I needed woolens! New Orleans was naturally warm and sultry so we sure had our share of ice water.

It rained all along North - south Carolina but it was lovely but warm as we came into

Washington is just right today. Washington which is only a step from Virginia, a haven for them - and really they are everywhere. And did you ever hear if one gas station after another open for business but no gas at all? While in Dallas· gas was 11 cents. The people who drive. out here are having a problem getting back.

Taxis are everywhere though - you raise your hand accidentally and they stop but there is no place you can phone in order to get a taxi. Bus and street cars are good though -- I ran into town thataway this morning

People have been swell to us just everywhere - we have no unpleasant experiences while we have many delightful ones to tell. Washington is the same people in the street eager to give directions, etc

The only thing is a hotel tonite no call yet - looks like it's hopeless gee I hate the inconvenience and impose on others - I'm really dam sore at Ish and it ain't no accident because they would have received back at non-delivery notice of some kind if he sent at all His attitude about the groceries just proves he's all washed up. You can't go against the grain of society too much and still maintain a personal balance.

I haven't the time to write everyone so please tell Kay, Mrs. Tanaka, and others all what we're doing.

There are some letters I just have to write as Heila (?) , Dr. Brown, etc. So the others shall have to be cards or wait till I get back.

Say hello to all - you know Iy like I mentioned them personally because I know some are expecting cards but I can't keep tract.

I haven't been well on the trains so I more or less have been sitting mostly I think I was just too tired before I started - nausea. It ain't because I'm worried for I had forgotten till I came.

Will write after I see the place.

Mom is just fine and happy but I can't let her sleep here another nite for she kept Mrs. Moriyam awake all nite last nite.


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Kay Yamashita, “1942 5 14 Letter from Kay to Iyo ,” Yamashita Family Archives, accessed March 31, 2025, https://yamashitaarchives.ucsc.edu/items/show/2873.


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