Here are images of the Yamashita siblings in the 1950s and 1960s. Did the siblings disburse after the war from their varied paths away from Topaz? Did they recoalesce in Oakland? How did this impact the way the next generation moved through the world?
Kay is pictured in her apartment in Chicago, suave and living in a cosmpolitan city. She would later teach her nieces how to drink certain cocktail drinks before, during and after dinner. Sus and Kiyo would raise their five kids in New Jersey, after staying a few years after the war in Oakland. Iyo and Min moved back to Oakland and raised their three kids there in the West 10th Methodist Church. John pastored this church before being sent down to lead a Japanese American church in Los Angeles. John and his wife, Asako, would move there and raise their two kids in Crenshaw and Gardena. Tom and his wife, Carol, lived in Hong Kong and raised their three kids. Chiz lived in Oak Park with her husband Ed, and worked as a nurse in Cook County hospital in Chicago and would get her nieces and nephews summer jobs there. Marty lived WHERE? She volunteered to dig ditches in Germany with the Red Cross after the war and then got a masters in social work and settled in Cleveland, Ohio with her husband Eugene. Kix went to college WHERE? Kimi and Bob moved back to Berkeley. Ted joined Military Intelligence Service and worked in Japan in the postwar years.
How did these locales affect the directions that these families took?

Tom and Carol's apartment in Hong Kong. To see a collection of photographs of Tom and Carol's family in the postwar period (1950s-1970s).