Yamashita Family Archives

Resettlement in Oakland

Warehouse File Page 82

Warehouse File Page 82 page 2
John Yamashita and Ish Isokawa, a friend from church, returned to Oakland in February of 1945 to organize a hostel for Japanese Americans who were returning to Oakland area and to ship the property that had been stored there when Japanese American members of the Oakland Japanese Methodist Church (at 797 10th Street) were first detained in spring of 1942. The property had been cared for by Lee Mullis, a white member of the church. The War Relocation Authority entered into an agreement with John where the WRA would give them cots and mattresses for a specific period to be used to help resettle Japanese Americans. See this letter from Roscoe, a WRA Assistant Project Director to another WRA official and this contact drawn up for John by the WRA.

John and Ish Isokawa would write letters to the people who had stored property in the church to coordinate the return of their property at their own expense.

The list to the left has names and addresses. Many are still the barrack number at Topaz. Some are at Tule Lake without a barrack number included. Some have already received clearance and resettled to Midwestern cities like Chicago, Illinois and Cleveland, Ohio.
The papers were kept how John had organized them into manila folders.

The Manila Folders are as followed. Some of the hostel files have been uploaded.

Bank Statements
WRA [War Relocation Authority]
Office of Price Administration
Thank you's
Thank you's II
Thank you's III
Other hostels
Warehouse Storage
Storage Bus
Untitled Folder I
Hostel Property
Blankets Linens
Food Receipts
Returnee Correspondence
Hostel Reservations
Yoshimura Storage
Topaz Correspondence
Eastern Correspondence
Rivers (Gila) Correspondence
Untitled Folder II
Tule Lake Correspondence
Resettlement in Oakland