Yamashita Family Archives

Browse Items (82 total)

1944 5 4 Hirabayashi to Morris_Page_1.jpg

1944 5 7 Mizumoto letter to Student Relocation Council_Page_1.jpg
Mizumoto writes personally about his childhood (in white areas and in Terminal Island) and his reason for wanting to be a lawyer. His parents discourage him from trying to go to college or write poetry. (His poem "Manzanar" won a prize.)

1944 6 1 Morris to Friends_Page_3.jpg

1944 7 11 ACLU to AFSC asking about Hirabayashi.jpg

1944 2 17 Letter from Kobayashi to Kay and response_Hoover.pdf

1944 1 5 Newsletter 8 of NJASRC .pdf

1944 NJASRC Nisei College leaders report .pdf
The National Japanese American Student Relocation Council organized for nisei leaders who were relocated to college campuses return to the camps they left for 4-6 weeks during their summer break to study what camp in life is like, and how nisei…

1944 11 4 Letter from Walt Godfrey to Kay.pdf

1944 9 30 Newsletter from NJASRC.pdf

1945 1 10 Conference on Interracial Coordination_Page_4.jpg
Describes an agenda to pressure municipal, state government jobs to hire Japanese evacuees back and to encourage other fields to hire Japanese on equal terms with white citizens.

1945 1 3 Morris to Hirabayashi.jpg
Homer Morris of the AFSC writes to Hirabayashi about a continetious objector or someone who objected to the "war method."


1945 10 26 Letter from Civic Unity Los Angeles to AFSC.pdf
Describes housing crisis in Los Angeles, eviction of Filipinos and Mexicans and others from Bunker Hill for highway contstruction and urban renewal projects, and the incoming of 1200 Japanese evacuees each week to Los Angeles.  Booth recommends…

1945 10 5 Rhoads to Fort _Page_1.jpg
Esther B. Rhoads, of the Southern California AFSC Branch based in Pasadena writes to the AFSC Philadelphia office. She expresses concerns that G. Raymond Booth is trying to pass federal legislation to keep the camps open. Rhoads thinks the Friends…

1945 11 11 Conard to Waring_Page_2.jpg

1945 11 11 Conard to Pickett_Page_1.jpg

1945 11 21 Resettlement Report_Page_2.jpg

1945 11 29 Morris to Conard about Renunciants_Page_1.jpg
Morris to discusses the history for how renunciation of U.S. citizenship was created by the WRA as an option for Japanese Americans in camps. It was a response to threats of much more grave legislation to allow for the automatic deportation of all…

1945 11, 12 Nakazawa Fort correspondence_Page_1.jpg
Robertson Fort, secretary of Japanese American Relocation of the Philadelphia AFSC writes to Yone and Karl, trying to be of help to them. He mentions a trial happening in D.C. The brother in law served in the army. He asks for assistance from…

1945 12 1 Wakefield to Brinton, with Tokyo insert_Page_1.jpg
Wakefield writes that of a meeting of 65 national agencies working with Japanese Americans, some find that there has been grave concerns of issue and nisei on the west coast who have been deprived of civil rights. They are experiencing problems…

1945 12 1 Letter from William Inouye to Tuleans.pdf
William Inouye, formerly interned at Tule Lake, encourages fellow Tuleans to move to Philadelphia where he now lives. he describes welcoming Hakujin Quakers who have supported issei and niseis there. He finished college and works as a chemist and his…
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