Yamashita Family Archives

Browse Items (82 total)

1945 12 18 Renunciants Dept of Justice.jpg
The War Division of the Department of Justice replies to recommendations for Japanese Americans made by the Conference on Japanese Americans. The policy is established: no Japanese aliens and renunciant American citizens of Japanese ancestry will be…

1945 12 26 Nakamura to Morris (Peruvian Japanese)_Page_1.jpg
Nakamura writes to Morris about the Crystal City Detention Center in Texas where Peruvian nationals of Japanese ancestry are being held. Most of them have already been sent to Japan (prisoner exchanges?). The roughly 40 families who remain want to…

1945 12 4 Rhoads to Fort_Page_1.jpg
Esther Rhoads responds to Fort about a AFSC report that was published that was highly critical of WRA workers. She writes about the progress in opening up more than half of 30 hostels to Japanese Americans moving back to Southern California, the work…

1945 12 4 Rhoads to Morris.jpg
Rhoads writes to Morris, responding with her dismay at a report that was circulated from the Service Committee to hostel directors that was harsh or critical in tone (may have been about WRA workers or some service workers mistreating people? See…

1945 5 10 Morris to Foote_Page_1.jpg
Letter is about the WRA final decision to close the internment camps at the end of the year

1945 5 19 Foote to Morris_Page_1.jpg

1945 5 22 Duv to Morris_Page_1.jpg

1945 5 23 Schmoe to Foote_Page_1.jpg

1945 6 4 Morris to Foote_Page_1.jpg

1945 Dept of Justice Press Release.jpg
The Department of Justice releases a statement saying that the people detained at Tule Lake and Justice Department camps are not released as are people from all of the other camps. The attorney general, Tom C. Clark, will review these cases. “These…

1945 11 23 Conard to Pickett_Page_1.jpg

1945 Resolution JA League on Resettlemnt _Page_1.jpg
 Resolution made by the Japanese American League.  Letter from Morris to Conrad about the AFSC chapter's reservations in declaring support for this resolution.  

1945 Report on housing in San Francisco.pdf
Describes population increases (white, black and other minorities) in San Francisco during the war years and the intensified housing shortage.  The 6,000 Japanese people who were evacuated would face this housing shortage too if they were to return…

1945 Green Bill WRA_Page_1.jpg
Provides an overview of the Green Bill which proposed that relatives (parents and spouses) of people who served in the military during WWII (and for some WWI) would be granted access to citizenship (where before they could not before because of…

1945 5 4 Foote to Pickett_Page_1.jpg

1968 12 23 Letter from Kay to John Nason.pdf

1969 1 Letters between John Nason and Kay.pdf

1942 8 18 King to Marnie_Page_1.jpg

A2_ pg158.07-.08 date2_17_44_Page_1.jpg

Superman Comic_Page_1.jpg
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