Yamashita Family Archives

Browse Items (82 total)

1942 11 27 Hirabayashi in jail to Art.jpg

1943 6 22 Hirabayahsi to Morris_Page_1.jpg

1943 8 28 Hirabayashi to Morris.jpg

Gordon Hirabayashi who was imprisoned for defying the evacuation orders and was represented in a case which challenged the Executive Order 9066. In this letter, he asks Morris for his opinion on whether or not he should participate in petitioning to…

1945 1 10 Conference on Interracial Coordination_Page_4.jpg
Describes an agenda to pressure municipal, state government jobs to hire Japanese evacuees back and to encourage other fields to hire Japanese on equal terms with white citizens.

1944 11 20 Bodine to Goodman_Page_1.jpg

1944 4 29 Bodine to Swan_Page_1.jpg
Describes conditions in Jerome Camp, in Arkansas. Bodine writes that there are very negative relations between the evacuees and the WRA staff there because of prejudice.

1945 6 4 Morris to Foote_Page_1.jpg

1944 1 2 Hirabayashi to Morris_Page_1.jpg

1944 5 4 Hirabayashi to Morris_Page_1.jpg

1944 11 21 Hirabayashi to Schmoe_Page_1.jpg

1942 5 13 Hirabayashi Statement.jpg

undated handwritten letter Hirabayashi to Morris.jpg
Gordon Hirabayashi writes to Homer Morris about ways that the WRA could assist in making resettlement better for those who are leaving the camp for jobs in the Midwest and East. He wants this process to go well so that more will leave the camps and…

1945 1 3 Morris to Hirabayashi.jpg
Homer Morris of the AFSC writes to Hirabayashi about a continetious objector or someone who objected to the "war method."


1942 10 2, 20th Century Fox to Waring.jpg
20th Century Fox defends their motion picture, Little Tokyo, U.S.A. in a letter written to the lawyer for the American Friends Service Committ. Fox defend the depicition of Japanese spying (I believe this may refer to spying by Japanese Americans).…

Superman Comic_Page_1.jpg

1942 2 2 AFSC Missoula alien detention center_Page_1.jpg
Floyd Schmoe reports to AFSC in Philadelphia about a visit to the Missoula, Montana detention center. He provides great detail about the camp and the organization, physical layout, family members visiting their fathers/husbands. He also makes…

1945 11, 12 Nakazawa Fort correspondence_Page_1.jpg
Robertson Fort, secretary of Japanese American Relocation of the Philadelphia AFSC writes to Yone and Karl, trying to be of help to them. He mentions a trial happening in D.C. The brother in law served in the army. He asks for assistance from…

1944 4 14 Myer to Nason_Page_1.jpg
D. S. Myer (director of the War Relocation Authority) writes to John Nason (president o the National Japanese Americna Student Relocation Council and preident of Swarthmore College) about what he envisions or proposes for the future of the National…

1944 3 27 Nason to Myer_Page_1.jpg
Nason writes about the future role of the Nation Japanese American Student Relocation Council. He wants the work to be slowed down and ultimately terminated. While others like Bodine are interested in the Council taking an even more active role…
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